
Advertising Mistakes

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Advertising Mistakes

Post by Bigdog »

I just saw a very bad ad placed by an experienced KJ.

The ad was for different types of birthday, graduation and event parties.

The ad went on to tout the "State-Of-The-Art" audio equipment, yada, yada, yada.....

At the bottom of the ad was a picture of two kids sitting on an all-in-one karaoke player. One that has a speaker, player, TV and connected microphone in one box. Something along the lines of this unit. ... master.htm

Now I have seen the system this KJ uses. It's not one of these, but it's nothing I would call state-of-the-art. 2 speakers on stands, a mixer, some corded microphones and computer with wires hanging out in all directions. By no means a professional looking set up.

The point is....using a picture of your state-of-the-art system should look like the system you intend to use, unless that was the system he planned on renting out.

But If I saw this ad and that was the so called state-of-the-art karaoke system you were bringing..... :lol: unless it was a party for 5 year olds. :lol:

The mistake is.... if you are searching out big parties these are mainly booked by and for adults. If the all-in-one, state-of-the-art system is one of the systems you intend to use, it should not be the only one pictured to attract adult parties. It could have been included with other pictures of systems you have, but I would never use it as the only picture.

This ad as it is, would only attract people doing kindergarden karaoke parties.

If you are going to spend money on newspaper ads you should consult a professional. Make sure you are going to target the audience you want to attract. It's the psychological aspect in selling that you are going for and an incorrect phrase or picture could ruin the entire meaning and intended audience of the ad.

What makes it even worse is the KJ is keeping his weekends open for these events. He may never know why he isn't getting the types of calls he really wants. This is a mistake than anyone could make if you are not familiar with the ins and outs and nuances of advertising.

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Post by karyoker »

It is sad when you knock me on another forum. If you want to see my rebuff then rejoin the forum from which you got the ad. And please post some pictures of your system. This is one of the most unprofessional posts I have ever seen and I ask the mod to delete your post.

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Post by Bigdog »

Any advertising mistake is a missed opportunity.

In the ad I saw, I interpt it is as... aimed at kids parties with a dinky system and wouldn't get many calls for adult parties.

Targeting adult parties with a picture of kids (only) is conveying the message that you are targeting the kiddy market. Although pictures in ads are usually good eye catchers...a picture is worth a thousand words and those words to me say "kids parties."

Advertising mistakes are easy to fix. But once the damage is done harder to recover from.

Today one can not afford to make a mistake that could cost you money for the ad and missed clients. Clients that wanted karaoke and ended up calling someone else.
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Post by wiseguy »

karyoker wrote:It is sad when you knock me on another forum. If you want to see my rebuff then rejoin the forum from which you got the ad. And please post some pictures of your system. This is one of the most unprofessional posts I have ever seen and I ask the mod to delete your post.
I'm sure Bigdog would have knocked you on the other forum if he was still allowed to post there. :)

You call the post unprofessional but I have no idea what a professional post is. The fact is that Bigdog, as usual, is simply posting his opinion on a subject. When you publicly posted your ad on that forum you opened it up for comment. Lord knows that I rarely agree with Bigdog's opinions but I would close this forum down before I would deny him the right to express them.
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Post by karyoker »

The picture only insinuates kids having fun. My problem with you sir it is the lie that you have seen my system and said it is second rate or non professional. For any further insults I do request a real name and address so I can take the appropriate actions. Your post will be deleted or I will take actions upon the owner of this forum.
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Post by karyoker »

You call the post unprofessional but I have no idea what a professional post is.
If you do not recognize the posts of professionals then I think you are phoney too. Never mind I will dismiss this as a childish forum and not respect your opinions.

I too do not believe in restricting what people say on a forum. When they blatantly lie and spread false rumors that is reason for lawsuits.
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Post by wiseguy »

karyoker wrote:
You call the post unprofessional but I have no idea what a professional post is.
If you do not recognize the posts of professionals then I think you are phoney too. Never mind I will dismiss this as a childish forum and not respect your opinions.

I too do not believe in restricting what people say on a forum. When they blatantly lie and spread false rumors that is reason for lawsuits.
You didn't say that it wasn't a post by a professional but rather that it wasn't a professional post (whatever that means). I suggest that you chose your words in a manner that will say what you actually mean. And this forum is not here for professionals only.

Childishness is a when a person threatens a law suit if someone states an opinion of them that they don't like. As far as other people's lies go, I have no responsibility nor inclination to prove or disprove them.

Furthermore, Bigdog mentioned no names nor did he post any links that would lead anyone to the ad he was commenting on. If you wouldn't have come here to complain we never would have known. :roll:
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Post by karyoker »

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Post by Bigdog »

I did see someone's system when you posted the outside picture under a canope and the laptop was on a small table, the mixer was on the cement and a metal folding chair was in front of it. Wires where everywhere without a professional looking curtain to cover the mess. Remember it? I believe there was even someone singing. It was not by any stretch of the imagination a professional looking set up. IMO it was embarrassing and something "I" would never do.

Your opinion is no better than mine. That was my evaluation of an ad. It doesn't matter to me if it was President Obama's ad. That's how I interpt it.

Kids having fun on an all-in-one system with no adults around strongly suggests to "me" a kiddy party. Everyone is free to take my suggestion or leave it. If the phone doesn't ring with offers for adult parties, change the picture.

As far as my participation on another forum. When said forum stops being a "click" and popularity club run by some, that if your opinion is not at all in line with their's you are blackballed...I'm not a troll or spammer or troublemaker. I speak from my experience. I don't lie or misrepresent myself in anyway. AS suggested. I am not the first person to refer to it as a big click. There are many that stopped participation because of some moderators and their childish pals. Don't act like you don't know about it or who they are. The same handful always stick together against anyone slightly different. It's going on right now with the "water drinkers" subject. I never had multiple user names as suggested. More conspiracy.

Who said it was your ad I was talking about in the first place? The internet goes around the world not just to select places. There are tens of thousands of KJs advertising every day. And I'm sure two could be making advertising mistakes.

My evaluation was to help "everyone" to advertise to gain the best results. Making sure the targeted market is reached. Too much money is at stake to screw it up.

Your pal, Bigdog :D
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Post by letitrip »

OMG, it is rare that I ever speak in support of Bigdog but in this case I have to agree with wiseguy. I thought Bigdog actually handled his post in a pretty professional manner. As wiseguy pointed out, he didn't post any links to the ad or name the company/person responsible for its content. What he did was used an ad that he saw as an example as part of expressing his overall opinion of how KJ's should market themselves.

I disagree with Bigdog on a lot, and I don't like his attitude toward Karaoke singers or other KJ's, but he's got a right to express his opinion. You're going to sue? On what grounds? Libel? Defamation? He never named you!! You named yourself by coming in here and making a big stink. I visit both boards and to be honest with you, have seen plenty of unprofessional posts on that other board bashing BD who isn't even visiting there anymore. Sorry karyoker, I like your contributions to the other board, but in this case here you're WAAAAAAY out of line.

Wiseguy, I know there's no danger of you doing it anyway, but I'd be very disappointed if you removed bigdogs comments. Freedom of speach is an interesting thing. The Dixie Chicks learned their lesson well, you can feel free to speak your mind, but others also have the right to speak theirs in response. Be careful what you say or present if you're not going to like the response you get. But by all means it's your right to do so.
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Post by karyoker »

OK Now I see your personal attack was from residual posts and arguments on KS. Dog I will not take your insults or play your ego type games here When my hand leaves the mouse I have a real life to attend to and will not engage in your foolish games here.

I did take note of your viable comments and learned from them although they were biased and over exagaterated. I do hope your ego was fed although I do feel sorry for you that you have to feed it with BS

Have a good day and if you all will excuse me I have a business to tend to.

For all those here please visit or myspace/karyoker to see just what kind of business I do have. karaoke northern colorado. Thank You
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Post by karyoker »

Wiseguy, I know there's no danger of you doing it anyway, but I'd be very disappointed if you removed bigdogs comments. Freedom of speach is an interesting thing. The Dixie Chicks learned their lesson well, you can feel free to speak your mind, but others also have the right to speak theirs in response. Be careful what you say or present if you're not going to like the response you get. But by all means it's your right to do so.

I agree with that fully and my responses were only over reactive because of years of BS on another forum. I do take pride in my system which I have put blood sweat and tears into it. Some with social security money as I am retired. I still say it was slander but then one has to consider the source. Have a good one!! :D
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Post by karyoker »

ROFL And most with web sites are still asking themself how get on the first page or stay high on Google or other search engines.. google karaoke northern colorado
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Post by wiseguy »

karyoker wrote:ROFL And most with web sites are still asking themself how get on the first page or stay high on Google or other search engines.. google karaoke northern colorado
I know a little about getting to the top of the search results.

Google these highly competitive keyword phrases:
digital karaoke (top position is mine)
karaoke information (top 2 positions are mine)
karaoke hosting software (top 2 positions are mine)
laptop karaoke (top 2 positions are mine)
mp3+g (top position is mine)

These are just a few examples.
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Post by karyoker »

:) K So wat r ur secrets?
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