
Sports bars suck!!!!

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Sports bars suck!!!!

Post by spotlightjr »

Sorry for the rant..... but I just fired a venue for giving me the run-a-round for the last month or so and it really has me pi$$ed off.
There is a sports bar about 20 minutes from where I live and I've been doing karaoke there for about 2 years with pretty much no problems or complaints. Well, they recently opened a second location about 3 minutes from me and I was called to do karaoke.
When I originally spoke with the manager he mentioned doing Tuesday nights from 9:30pm to 1:00 am. It was going to be hospitality/karaoke night for the service industry which I thought was a great idea. He was going to come up with some specials, etc. and get back with me before we did the first gig. Needless to say, after 3or 4 phone calls and countless e-mails I couldn't get him to return any calls. I show up the first Tuesday night for the gig and nobody there knows what the heck is going on. No biggie. I set up and wind up having a pretty decent night. I had about twenty people in rotation (mostly my friends) and we rocked the place.
Douche bag manager calls me the next day and says we did decent numbers and I am of the belief he is pretty happy. He runs off a small laundry list of specials for next Tuesday night and that's it.
Next Tuesday night I show up with gear in hand and he says that we're gonna have to cancel karaoke tonight because of the basketball playoffs. I am totally pi$$ed and he knows it. I ask him why he couldn't call to let me know and he apologizes up and down, blah blah blah and pays me the 100.00 setup fee I charge for cancellations (in my contracts).
I really don't like being cancelled last minute because it negates all of the marketing (e-mail, facebook, my space, phone calls, web site) I do to generate singers for that night's event. I explain this to him and assume he gets it. Next Tuesday night I show up and guess what happens... CANCELLED AGAIN and no damn phone call. I, again, collect my cancellation fee and go home totally mad.
Seeing this as a trend I call the manager a few days later and relate to him my concerns about doing karaoke there. I tell him that I can't build a following if I'm to be cancelled last minute every week. More apologizing from him and I'm still not satisfied that this tool understands me.
We agree that day to move the night to Sunday.
Well, Sunday night arrives and I show up to set up my equipment. Mind you, that I called the night before to confirm and everything was a go. I am set up and ready to go at 9:30 and have about 15 or so people in the line up waiting to sing. At about 10:45 the place is hoppin' and I'm feeling pretty good. The manger signals me to come over and I do. He tells me we have to stop karaoke at 11:00 pm because of some special fight coming on tv. I look him in the face and say are you serious? He nods his head and I tell him how mad the people are going to be who showed up here to sing. The bar is filled with 90% karaoke customers and 10% sports guys. The math just doesn't add up. I tell him that I will not tell these people we are stopping karaoke and that if he wants to stop it he can tell them himself. He apologizes AGAIN and I reluctantly go back over and tell my crowd the bad news. I finish the rotation and break down my equipment.
After apologizing to everyone who showed up to sing I make my way over to douche bag manager. I, of course, let him have it and am raising my voice, etc. I tell him how unprofessional he is and that I can't believe he treats people this way. He pretty much curls up in a fetal position and takes the verbal assault I'm giving him.
Fast-forward to last Sunday when I'm trying to find out if we are doing karaoke there. From about noon to 6pm I hear nothing and assume status quo. At around 8pm after having loaded my vehicle with all my equipment and fixing to head out the door I get a phone call. Douche bag manager wants to move our start time from 9:30 to 11:30 because of the basketball playoffs. I politely tell him to f$%k off and told him we will no longer be doing karaoke there. Once again this idiot apologizes and I hang up on him.
Sports bars SUCK!!!!

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Post by Bigdog »

:shock: :lol:

This new manager and the sports bar he "runs" will shortly be closing it's doors from lack of income. I guarantee it.

Keep an eye on it and let us know how long it takes to shut down.

I wouldn't bet my life on the ability of any totally sports bar to draw enough income to stay operational.

Without some other type of supplimental entertainment. IE. karaoke, DJs machines, football pools, naked girls.... :lol:

The manager is probably the guy (or a few of his part time buds) that really wanted to watch the events.

He most likely hates karaoke too.

The proof will be in how long it takes for him to kill the business.

Trust me, it's toast....just a matter of how long it takes to die. I will bet money on that.

Here it is in a nut shell....

I'm paying you to build my business with karaoke. And I'm going to do everything I can to kill the karaoke and all the income it brings in. Do we have a deal??? Make me lots of money.... :lol:
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Post by Bigdog »

This wouldn't happen here if it happened during the super bowl...

The difference between our country and loser countries with people that have no lives.

The same thing happens when your entire life is your religion...

Bangladesh fans on rampage after blackout

49 mins ago
DHAKA (AFP) – Thousands of Bangladeshi football fans went on the rampage after power cuts blacked out television coverage of an eagerly-awaited World Cup match.

Angry supporters damaged scores of cars and buses in the capital Dhaka and vandalised electricity distribution centres across the country late Saturday after screens went blank for Argentina's 1 - 0 victory over Nigeria.

"Fans were furious because they could not watch the Argentina vs Nigeria match due to power cuts. Thousands spilled (onto) the streets and (damaged) cars and buses," Dhaka police chief A.K.M Shahidul Haq told AFP.
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Post by wiseguy »

Some Americans don't need a power outage to be idiots when it comes to sports. There have been numerous sport related riots in the United States.

Just one example from 2003: Riot police in Oakland used tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse hundreds of angry fans rampaging through parts of the city after their team lost Super Bowl XXXVII in San Diego. The rioting fans left several streets strewn with burnt-out cars and smashed glass. One McDonald's restaurant was looted and set on fire.
Bigdog wrote:The difference between our country and loser countries with people that have no lives.
Once again the Bigdog bigotry shines through.
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Post by Bigdog »

Stupid fans do stupid things after the or lose....but I don't think it would happen because of a power failure during the game.

I have been hearing about soccer riots with people being killed since the mid 60s. Funny how they were always on the other side of the ocean.

This seems to be standard accepted behavior in third world and under developed countries...go figure.

If the shoe fits...wear it. History proves it...not me or my "big"otry....just look where it happens after every stupid game.

It just proves my point about sports fans EVERYWHERE.....IDIOTS. :D

Ours are pretty goofy...theirs are crazy.
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Post by mnementh »

Bigdog wrote:Stupid fans do stupid things after the or lose....but I don't think it would happen because of a power failure during the game.

I have been hearing about soccer riots with people being killed since the mid 60s. Funny how they were always on the other side of the ocean.

This seems to be standard accepted behavior in third world and under developed countries...go figure.

If the shoe fits...wear it. History proves it...not me or my "big"otry....just look where it happens after every stupid game.

It just proves my point about sports fans EVERYWHERE.....IDIOTS. :D

Ours are pretty goofy...theirs are crazy.
Actually Bigdog, the most volatile football countries (Note, FOOTBALL not Soccer. Only you Yanks could call a game where the ball is hardly ever kicked "football" 8) ) are on YOUR side of the pond in SOUTH America to be accurate.

Referees have been shot there over bad decisions, never mind riots in the street, etc. Argentina, Brazil, Venezuala, etc are not the places to go to football matches if passion about the game isn't in your nature.

Certainly, in the UK, football matches were primarily the bastion of the working man and there was rarely any trouble, with the exception of the religious bigotry at Celtic/Rangers (The Old Firm) games.

P.S. the Rugby players over here reckon your "football" players are a bunch of "Nancy Boys" with all their padding, etc. They wouldn't last five minutes against the "All Blacks" or the "Kiwi's" :D
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Post by wiseguy »

mnementh wrote: P.S. the Rugby players over here reckon your "football" players are a bunch of "Nancy Boys" with all their padding, etc. They wouldn't last five minutes against the "All Blacks" or the "Kiwi's" :D
And compared to Extreme Fighters they're all a bunch of "Nancy Boys".
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Post by mnementh »

wiseguy wrote:
mnementh wrote: P.S. the Rugby players over here reckon your "football" players are a bunch of "Nancy Boys" with all their padding, etc. They wouldn't last five minutes against the "All Blacks" or the "Kiwi's" :D
And compared to Extreme Fighters they're all a bunch of "Nancy Boys".
Very true!

However, I refer to them as "Extreme Loonies"! 8)

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