playing cd+g from an external hardrive or regular cd/dvd pla
playing cd+g from an external hardrive or regular cd/dvd pla
Is there a way to play my songs from a hardrive or disk drive without a hosting program, I tried installing Hoster, but I use a company laptop and their firewall is set too high for Hoster to update, while I think of my next step, I would like to play the disks I bought, any ideas
Any firewall can be temporarily disabled long enough to install software. After all, the firewall is just another software application.
There are software players other than hosting applications. Try Power CD+G Player Pro. It's one of the best.
There are software players other than hosting applications. Try Power CD+G Player Pro. It's one of the best.
Winamp will play your stuff, no problem and it's totally free.
You'll just need the Karaoke and Pacemaker plugins from the Winamp website and off you pop.
One thing to note, however is that the plugins perform better on slightly older versions of winamp that don't have all the "bells and whistles"
You'll just need the Karaoke and Pacemaker plugins from the Winamp website and off you pop.
One thing to note, however is that the plugins perform better on slightly older versions of winamp that don't have all the "bells and whistles"
Depends what you mean by "common", I guesswiseguy wrote:The common Winamp CDG plugin does not allow you to play CDG discs.
CD+G disc plugin;
MP3+G plugin;
Pacemaker plugin;
The plugin will work with any drive that is CD+G compatible.
The problem is that all CD/DVD drives aren't CD+G compatible!
ALL Plextor drives and most Sony's are CD+G capable.
If you have Nero on your PC, search the folder for Neroinfotool.exe
If you don't have Nero, browse and download Neroinfotool.exe (it's free and easy to find)
Run the program and it will tell you everything you will ever need to know (and much more) about your disc drives, including a check box for CD+G compatibility.
These Winamp plugins have been around for ages and the main reason is that they DO work, if your drives can do the business.
The problem is that all CD/DVD drives aren't CD+G compatible!
ALL Plextor drives and most Sony's are CD+G capable.
If you have Nero on your PC, search the folder for Neroinfotool.exe
If you don't have Nero, browse and download Neroinfotool.exe (it's free and easy to find)
Run the program and it will tell you everything you will ever need to know (and much more) about your disc drives, including a check box for CD+G compatibility.
These Winamp plugins have been around for ages and the main reason is that they DO work, if your drives can do the business.
This plugin uses the old CD+G standard. The new generation software like Power CD+G Player and others have support for a much broader range of drives. Even the cheapest LiteOn drives will work.
The plugin is buggy and can cause problems on some computers. I have received several emails from people wanting to know how to get the plugin completely out of the system so their CD drives will work again.
The plugin is not freeware and has a 60 second play limit until you purchase a registration code.
The plugin cannot come close to the quality of modern CDG disc playing software and I will not recommend it to anyone.
The plugin is buggy and can cause problems on some computers. I have received several emails from people wanting to know how to get the plugin completely out of the system so their CD drives will work again.
The plugin is not freeware and has a 60 second play limit until you purchase a registration code.
The plugin cannot come close to the quality of modern CDG disc playing software and I will not recommend it to anyone.