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ISO....a VIP guy to finally fulfill requests

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 1:34 am
by rjay77
Is there any "main base", like the manuf. companies, to try and get songs you can't get, especially if they weren't hit singles? I'm 5 yrs. singin' at this now and it drives me crazy not to be able to get the stuff, especially if you only want the arrangements you favor. nOWHERE....can I find these songs by some favorite artists:

Deeper than the Night: Olivia-Newton-John
Battlefield: Diana Ross
Always Something There to Remind Me-Dionne Warwick
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress-Linda Ronstadt
Prisoner in Disguise-Linda Ronstadt
Love Kills:Freddy Mercury
What a Sweet Thing That Was/A Thing of the Past- Shirelles


Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 3:22 am
by Bigdog
Sound Choice, Zoom, Sunfly and others all take requests for new songs.

The problem is getting them. They have to make money on the songs they sell. So now they look at how many requests they get for those songs. How much radio play the song had. Where it was on the charts. Then they have to determine if they can get their money back from sales of them. Because they have to negotiate with the publishers and song writers/owners to see if they can buy the rights to use the song.

All of this could takes years. WE are all waiting for hunderds of songs to be released.

Their are people making midi versions of songs. But they usually suck sound wise. It won't have all of the intrumentation like the original.

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 4:46 pm
by rjay77
But what does that mean for those requests that are NOT hits or singles? I know that I've seen so many that luckily have made it and were off good CDs but never were the hit tracks. How is it so many non-chart songs get done without being radio-played. A lot of songs I want are like that. How would they get decided?

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 5:14 am
by Bigdog
Most likely never....and we all wait for our favorite songs too.

My guess is to get the rights to use a song costs thousands of dollars each.

Contracts and negotiations. Lawyer fees. I highly doubt if they can do it with a phone call. :lol:

That would technically be speculation money. Money they could lose without making a profit. Like a movie that bombs.

How many do you want to pay for? (The rights that is.)

I have made some suggestions and one or two did actually show up a few years later. Now was it because I suggested them? Probably not.

Maybe but highly unlikely. Just my luck. :roll:

The best shot we have to getting more music would be if the actual artists released their original songs "as is" without the lead singer.

Taylor Swift just did her new album as a DVD and as a CD+G. Two discs one package. I just bought it. Don't have it yet, but it's on the way.

She's 19 and on her way to making a lot more money from each song than other artists. She made a CD+G karaoke song of every song on her album.

Smart Kid. :wink: She is from the "karaoke" generation. Karaoke just started about the time she was born. Older artists don't get it or understand the money potential from doing it. So if this idea works you can maybe count on having it from all future artists.

If we live long enough we may see a lot more songs made into karaoke.