Karaoke Boredom
Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 1:46 am
I am new here.. Been doing Karaoke for about 4 years now at a few bars. But have lapsed all of my contracts but 1. i am now 5 nights a week and it's getting very boring for me. although i have 7,500 songs. i still have clients are getting bored. I started something a few years ago which is a mystery karaoke round. where every type of music is in a bucket and colored differently. Like Pink - Country.. Blue - rock... and Green - Alt.. they pick the color they want but sing whatever is on the paper.
I let that lapse about ayear ago in favor of a Category theme round. i pick the theme like. (singer's or songs with colors in their names) or (most over played song that you remember from the radio any era) things like this. I have also started a "bumper Round" Karaoke where i leave a CD play and if you can sing the song you just come up and grab the Mic and sing 4 lines than someone else comes up and sings but before you go back to the mic for a second turn you have to go back to your chair. these ideas have all worked just fine. But still i'm looking for new ideas!! I've added name that tune to many of my shows between round for about 10 minutes and best dancer contests and theme nights. I have done Singing contests as well for cash prizes. which brought the people in. I have set up a photo album in all of my books and have provided joke pages and interesting facts to all of my books to give "non singers" something to read, do and look at.. BUT i'm still looking for a Nitch!! any ideas please?
I let that lapse about ayear ago in favor of a Category theme round. i pick the theme like. (singer's or songs with colors in their names) or (most over played song that you remember from the radio any era) things like this. I have also started a "bumper Round" Karaoke where i leave a CD play and if you can sing the song you just come up and grab the Mic and sing 4 lines than someone else comes up and sings but before you go back to the mic for a second turn you have to go back to your chair. these ideas have all worked just fine. But still i'm looking for new ideas!! I've added name that tune to many of my shows between round for about 10 minutes and best dancer contests and theme nights. I have done Singing contests as well for cash prizes. which brought the people in. I have set up a photo album in all of my books and have provided joke pages and interesting facts to all of my books to give "non singers" something to read, do and look at.. BUT i'm still looking for a Nitch!! any ideas please?