
knowledge of Karaoke recorders

Your comments, questions, or opinions on any karaoke related hardware.
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knowledge of Karaoke recorders

Post by jnulr »


I'm a newbie and would like some advice regarding good quality Karaoke player/recorders with emphasis on the recording portion. Many are reasonably priced but I have no clue which are "good" or which aren't so good.

Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



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Post by mnementh »

Hi jnuir.
welcome to the forum.

A little more information would be helpful!

No problem on Karaoke players, as they are plentiful and reasonably cheap.

However, I'm not sure what you're looking for in terms of "recording".

If you're looking for a machine that can simply record the singer as he/she performs, then I'm pretty sure there are quite a few options out there.

However, your singers will, almost certainly to a Man, hate themselves when they hear it played back! Sorry! :mrgreen:

If, however, you're looking for a "magic" machine that will record vocals and generate lyrics, then I predict you won't find anything.

I wait for more knowledgeable KJ's to laugh derisively at me :roll:

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Post by wiseguy »

Welcome to the forum jnulr!

Many of the later model karaoke machines have a record function. Most let you record to an SD card or USB device. To be honest I have no experience with these machines. They don't seem to offer a lot of adjustment to the recording process. I can't imagine any of them producing high quality recordings. What is your purpose for the recordings?
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Post by jnulr »

Hi! and "thanks" for the responses.

My goal is to produce a good quality audio CD of my Karaoke CD+G's. I can create an audio CD once the output is on an SD card or USB drive but I didn't know what the quality would be like. If you know of anyone who's had success creating an "Audio" CD from a CD+G disk I would be happy to hear from them.

I just didn't want to put out monies for a system I've never heard about.

I can't be the first to want to create a quality Audio CD from a CD+G while singing with it, so the question remains what's the best process?

Thanks again and any additional suggestions would be appreciated.

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Post by wiseguy »

Typically when a karaoke host makes a recording of a singer they route the finished mix out to a laptop with recording software or a digital recorder. The finished mix is the result of the vocals and audio being mixed with a mixing board or powered mixer that enables a lot of fine tuning.

With a karaoke machine like you're referring to there is not that level of fine tuning. To say what quality of recording you will achieve would be pure speculation. Could you possibly locate one of these machines at a local retailer and ask for a demonstration?
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Post by mnementh »

HI again, jnuir,
still confused, I'm afraid.

Assuming you have actual CD+G discs, then you already have an audio CD at CD quality.

Played in an ordinary CD or DVD player, all you will get is the audio track minus the graphics.

However, if what you are considering is MP3 type files, then you need to check the bitrate of the file for quality information.

The main issue with MP3 files is that they are "lossy", i.e. they use an algorithm to compress the file by "losing" some of the frequencies that the human ear doesn't process all that well, particularly as we get older.

In general terms, a bitrate conversion to MP3 of 128kb/sec is regarded as "CD quality", i.e. files recorded at that rate or above will be indistinguishable to a CD for "most" listeners.

There are some people that seem to have "Golden" ears and can hear a gnat pass wind at 100 yards.

I'm not one of 'em.

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Post by wiseguy »

LOL @ Sandy

Mp3... the old peoples audio format. :lol:

I guess I'm one of those with the "Golden" ears because I can almost always tell the difference between the original recording and it's 128 kbps version.

Yea, those gnat farts just aren't as clear at 128 as they are at 256.
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Post by jnulr »

Thanks everyone for your input. I thought my request was simple but guess not. I just want to sing to a CD+G (having the lyrics available while I sing along with key adjustments) and have the opportunity to record the output. I was hopeful that someone out there had purchased a Karaoke recorder (under $400) that would do this. It doesn't have to be "sound studio" perfect but one that would be presentable to those that might want to listen to me.

Thanks again,

jnulr :?
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Post by wiseguy »

I would recommend a software solution like Siglos Karaoke Player/Recorder. Much cheaper than a hardware recorder and will probably produce a better recording.
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just to add to wiseguy's post, you can try the trial version before buying.
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Post by jnulr »

Thanks anyway, but I've already tried Siglos which is what we use to practice our Karaoke singing but it doesn't do very well on the recording effort.

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