
Karaoke Noob needs advice

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Karaoke Noob needs advice

Post by DJofTexas »

Here is my goal: to get a Karaoke set up I can use at home and at church youth events where we can sing karaoke.

Here is how much I want to spend: Between $300 to $1500.

what I mainly want: a TON of songs that I will select with the input of said participants.

What I do NOT want: a ton of new stereo equipment. Ive got a great surround sound system at home and an even better one at church. I want it to play through that. No, I don't know what system it is. I dont really care. Just want it to interface with the TV.

We are a home of computer geeks. If I can get something that will run on a laptop or if necessary a dedicated desktop interfacing with our TV, that is the simplest. We do that a lot already with our laptops.

Hope I've described clearly enough what my objectives are. Hope I get some good answers. I'm wondering if subscribing to an online Karaoke site is really the only thing I need, considering my intended use.

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Post by mnementh »

Hi there, DJofTexas and welcome to the madhouse.

Given your aspirations and that you are a self avowed "computer geek", I assume you already have either a spare PC or a laptop?

Assuming that your answer is YES, then your needs will be primarily for 1) Karaoke tunes, 2) a small mixer. 3) some microphones and last, 4) Software to play your songs.

For 2) & 3) I'd suggest looking on Ebay for a 4 to 8 channel mixer and a couple of UHF radio microphones.

If you intend to use your surround sound amp, then you DON'T need a mixer/Amp.

Your major problem is Karaoke songs, as you need to get them in MP3+G or ZIP format for use on your PC of choice.

Search Ebay for Karaoke disc bundles. You can get them by the bucketful at very good prices.

Buy appropriate software to "Rip" the discs to MP3+G or ZIP.

There are various programs around at very reasonable cost, e.g. Power Karaoke Burner has a RIP facility and costs less than $30 Dollars IIRC.

As for software to play your songs, the World is your mollusc.

For few bucks, JustKaraoke is your best bet. For more bucks, Karma is IMHO the best software BAR NONE for Karaoke.

Have fun!

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Post by Bigdog »

Don't be surprized if you ruin your surround sound speakers. They were not made to handle overloading with "live" vocals. :shock:
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Post by DanG2006 »

Why purchase PowerKaraoke when you can get the same quality from CDGRIp which is free.
I agree on Justkaraoke but don't totally agree on Karma. Personally think with the attitude of the developer that it isn't worth purchasing due to fear of their anti laptop attitude. "If our product freezes on you it's not the software's fault but an overheating issue which is why we recommend desktop computers over laptops." has been their response to persons who come up with these issues.
I actually think the "Gold standard" is Compuhost.
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Location: Dundee, Scotland

Post by mnementh »

DanG2006 wrote:Why purchase PowerKaraoke when you can get the same quality from CDGRIp which is free.
I agree on Justkaraoke but don't totally agree on Karma. Personally think with the attitude of the developer that it isn't worth purchasing due to fear of their anti laptop attitude. "If our product freezes on you it's not the software's fault but an overheating issue which is why we recommend desktop computers over laptops." has been their response to persons who come up with these issues.
I actually think the "Gold standard" is Compuhost.
Point taken on Power Karaoke Burner. I didn't know about CDGRip but I'll have a look at it. 8)

As for developer's attitude, I can hand on heart say that I have never had a single problem with Latshaw Systems.

Every time I've emailed, I have received a courteous reply (more than I can say for other software companies). They have made changes to their software, based on feedback, so can't complain there, either.

However, I DO agree with comment above, Re. stability issues with the latest version(s) of Karma.

I had the latest version and it persistantly "froze" on me, so I went back to an earlier issue that seems very stable.

I believe the problem might be due to the later versions "requiring" Microsoft's .NET framework 3.5 installed.

I have made the point to Latshaw that the program does seem to be very processor "hungry", especially when running an external monitor.

Unfortunately, this does not seem to be getting addressed, so far.

I have had a look at Compuhost and unfortunately, I look on it pretty much the same as Siglos. A waste of computer space.

Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

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Joined: Mon Oct 04, 2010 8:36 pm

WOW! thanks for all the help!

Post by DJofTexas »

Dear All
Thanks so much for all the help! Sandy, you've hit the nail on the head. Sounds like you've outlined a course for me to embark on. I thank ee an me Scottish ancestors thankee.

On a trip to Edinborough decades ago, I once asked a man if he were Scotch. He looked at me and educated me thusly" "Scotch, m'dear, is a drrink. A Scot is a man!"
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