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Post by Bigdog »

Many times at my shows people will walk up with a song request and tell me to smile...

I trying to think of the best way to say this so it doesn't sound stupid.

Putting on a professional karaoke show of my caliber takes much work and concentration. My concentration face unfortunately isn't normally an ear to ear full tooth smile. This can be from many factors.

First and foremost I am constantly scanning the crowd looking for A$$HOLES and troublemakers. This can include people not interested in karaoke and more interested in getting drunk and acting stupid. If and when I see these people which isn't often but it only takes concentration face is not smiling about it.

Also during my show I am constantly listening to and concentrating on the mix. Even though I could be carring on a coversation or loading songs into the queue.

Next I am scouting the crowd for the next singer in line to sing. This can mean looking over the entire crowd from wall to wall or outside. Then I have to walk to them fighting the crowd with the microphone.

I could be experiencing technical difficulties that you don't know about, that I am trying to work through.

I could be pi$$ed off because of some jerk causing me a problem. Or because someone is complaining way too much. I could be mad because people keep changing their song 30 seconds before they sing. I could be mad because I can't find the next singer so I need to find another singer in 30 seconds to sing next. None of which makes me want to smile.

I wouldn't be doing this for 18 years if I didn't find it fun. While I do joke and laugh with people during the night my last concern is worring about if I'm smiling enough. There are also people with different facial features. Some people look like they are smiling even if they are mad because the corners of their mouths actually turn up. Some people have lips that are straight across. And some actually have the corners of their mouths that turn down. Mine turn down. Even if I'm smiling my mouth curves up to look straight. :shock:

I am constantly worried about the crowd safety. I am constantly worried about making every singer sound their best. I am constantly worried about putting on a professioanal quality show. If these all come together properly I'm happy. I may not be smiling ear to ear but it doesn't mean I'm not smiling inside. :D

I take my job seriously. Most KJs don't. I'm very proud of my finished product. Most KJs aren't. My lack of an ear to ear smile could be a trade off for a high quality show that you like to attend. Love me the way I am. :D

My concentration face means I'm doing my job as good as possible and it's all for your enjoyment. :D

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Post by wiseguy »

Only an idiot smiles all the time. Normal people smile when they are amused or when something pleases them. KJs, for the most part, are normal people.

And your point is well taken. Running a karaoke show is serious work. Not all fun and games like many people assume.
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Post by jr2423 »

I'm so with you on this one BigDog.

I absolutely hate :evil: it when people think they can just walk right up to me and start visiting like it was old home week or the like. I keep telling my wife that I'm going to put up a sign which reads "Do Not Speak to the Operator While the Vehicle Is in Motion". You know, like you see over the bus driver's head?

That's why I'm so thankful to have my wife Michele with me to head-off some of these uninvited distracters. I'm polite, but I always direct anyone heading for my end of the table toward her for assistance. I refer to her as our "Customer Service Representative". Which fits her well, because she's a bit more personable than I am and she doesn't mind visiting with the clientele.

I'm not looking forward to October 1st though. She'll be vacationing with her father in Ireland. I guess I'll just have to enlist the aid of one, or both, of our daughters.
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Post by spotlightjr »

I suggest you guys lay off the caffeine. If someone approaches you at the kj booth, etc. and simply says smile..... what's the big deal? My god! Is it really that bad of a suggestion?
Maybe the person sees that your totally intense and really trying to do a great job and just wants to see you crack a grin. How is that bad?
Our job description includes relating to the public. I know you don't have time to hold a conversation with folks but acknowledging someone with a quick grin and eye contact is hardly a big deal.
Get over yourselves!
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Post by wiseguy »

I have never in my life walked up to someone and said "smile". It's a stupid thing to say. No different than walking up to someone who is smiling and saying "frown". I don't change facial expressions on demand. That's called "being fake" where I come from.

So if I'm obviously busy don't walk up to me trying to be precious and tell me to smile. Get over that!
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Post by Bigdog »

I'm happy if everything is running smoothly...doesn't mean I'm ear to ear smiling.

Tonight there was more complaining about people under 21 singing. People that are still paying customers. Do you think I can or want to smile when someone is acting like a jerk?

Don't think my concentration face is my mad or unhappy face. My intensity level during a show is running high. My smile concentration intensity is not running during the show. If I have a few spare minutes or seconds to smile and laugh and joke during the show I do. But my smile is not on for 4 hours straight.

I'm putting up with singers all night remember...

You know change my you have about that... can you start it over I wasn't ready...add more bass...take off some you have another microphone for my friend to sing with me...I need a song you have a pencil with a point on it....I need slips....change the key it's too high....she just sang with Bobby.... did you skip I up yet...did you lose my you have me in....I can't get waited free water sucks...can you bump me up I'm going to another bar...squeeze me in I just got off work at 5 minutes til 1....can I sing American Pie at 1:30....put my friend in again right away he can really get the crowd going...I don't have to wait this long to sing at other karaoke shows.....are you all full yet (after I picked up the books an hour ago)...he sang my song...

wiping my books because you spilled your drink all over them...watching you drop the microphone...watching you flip the microphone when you finish your song...handing me back the foam ripped in half because you tried to put it on with one hand...using the new calender I just gave you as a drink coaster.....ripping the new calender up to make song slips...using my business cards for your song requests...drawing doodles all over the blank slips...getting the foam back all wet...putting the song book pages back in order...

Yeahhhh I'M FREAKIN' SMILIN' FOR YOU ALL NIGHT LONG....I'm just so FREAKIN' happy... :D
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Post by spotlightjr »

Wiseguy, you're response is ridiculous. You make it sound like karoake is like rocket science that requires every single ounce of concentration your little brain can muster. Multi-tasking is part of the job and schmoozing with the public is a major component. I'm quite certain that very few people in a given evening suggest you smile. If they are then perhaps you are giving off bad vibes.
You can't react negatively when someone is simply asking you to change your facial expression. I mean do people actually come up and demand you smle or else? C'mon! They are recognizing that you are busting your butt trying to do your job and probably sense your tension. Take a deep breath and smile.
While I agree that at times doing karaoke shows can be very demanding, it gives us no right to take out our frustrations on the general public. They are there to have a good time and spend money. You gettng upset because someone asks you to smile is petty.
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Post by Sabrina59 »

Any time someone comes up to me to hand me a slip or whatever, I greet them with a smile and eye-contact. Am I smiling the whole night? Absolutely not. :P
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Post by Bigdog »

Sabrina59 wrote:Any time someone comes up to me to hand me a slip or whatever, I greet them with a smile and eye-contact. Am I smiling the whole night? Absolutely not. :P
Usually when it happens I have my head down because I'm doing something on the computer. So when I look up and see them standing in front of me I'm not smiling because I'm still in my concentration mode. :?

when they say smile...I tell them I am...and it really hurts ...and this is as good as it gets. :roll:

I've had many people tell me they could never do what I do. They couldn't handle everything involved including the people. They say I must have a lot of patience. I do but I don't need to be constantly tested either. Most could not handle a 1/3 of what happens in an average night. And that's if everything runs smoothly. Throw in some technical problems or a few jerks and see how it goes.

The reason everything is going so well is because I'm busy concentrating on making everything happen as it should. That's why I'm not smiling....A good quality karaoke show is a major "live" production. Anything live happening in real time is subject to any number of things that can instantly go wrong. And they usually do. Trying to prevent them or nip them in the bud requires constant concentration. I don't like looking like a jerk or having technical problems. Remember this is my reputation we are talking about. No show is ever problem free. And most of my problems come from the singers. So remember that when you tell me to smile. I might not be smiling because of you or your friends. :shock: :D
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Post by Bigdog »

I have a naturally stupid look on my face most of the time... :shock: :D

I'm not making fun of the way you GET OFF ME!!!!
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Post by spotlightjr »

It's NEVER inappropriate to smile. Well... almost never :D :D
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Post by Bigdog »

Part of my look it to maintain a neutral look so as not to bust out totally laughing. :lol: Maybe I'm not smiling because I'm biting the crap out of my lip. :lol:

I don't over react or underreact to any singer. I don't think it's right. I treat everyone that same regardless of their talent level. That includes my facial reaction.

It eliminates the you like her better than me. You can't read my poker face. :?
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