where can I get this song on karaoke?
where can I get this song on karaoke?
Hello. Can anyone tell me where I can get the song Whatever happened to old fashioned love by BJ Thomas on karaoke? I purchased a disc off Amazon that had karaoke across the cover but it was only audio, no graphics
Just checked on www.kjpro.com and it appears that that song isn't available as a karaoke track.
It would need to be a "home made" version.
It would need to be a "home made" version.
Does the disc have guide vocal versions or is it just the background? One of the better cdg authoring programs is PowerKaraoke's cdg creator program. Very simple to use. www.powerkaraoke.com is the website. I own a copy of mtu's karaoke home producer and Powerkaraoke is actually better as it has a wizard that walks you through the creation process.