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Unlimited MP3+G Downloads
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Post by Bigdog »

You must read, understand, sign, and return this Agreement before you acquire any Sound Choice GEM
Series MP3G discs. However, your acquisition or use of Sound Choice GEM Series MP3G discs for any
purpose signifies your acceptance of these terms, regardless of the presence or absence of your signature on
this Agreement.
Because of a combination of technology, anonymity, competitive pressure, lack of controls and unscrupulous
individuals, the karaoke industry, from the producers to the commercial hosts to the singers has seen a
dramatic downward spiral at all levels of the value chain. Regardless of your present situation (whether you
are in a lawsuit with Sound Choice or trying to avoid one by the legal purchase of a set of discs or just starting
in business) you will be making a substantial investment in your business by the licensing of these Tracks.
This License Agreement is intended to help us and you gain some measure of protection over the illegal use or
copying of the Content and to maintain the value of your investment.

Whether you agree to sign this or not...if you buy the Gem set you have agreed in proxy....meaning you signed it without signing it. And are legally bound to everything written within this agreement. And open to audits.

2. OWNERSHIP. You acknowledge and agree that the ownership of all Media, including all right, title, and
interest therein, belongs to Sound Choice and will remain with Sound Choice throughout the term of this
Agreement. You also acknowledge that all rights in the Media and the Content not specifically granted to
you by operation of law or expressly granted through this Agreement are reserved to Sound Choice or to
third parties, as applicable. You further acknowledge and agree that the ownership of all Content—
including the entire right, title, and interest therein, including copyrights, trademarks, and other intellectual
property rights—belongs to Sound Choice or the respective rights holders of the Content. In particular,
copyright in the underlying musical works (the composition rights) belongs to the original authors or their
assignees and are reserved to them. This Agreement does not grant you any rights with respect to those
copyright holders. We are unable to grant you any particular license or resolve any claim on behalf of
those copyright holders or any other third party. You are responsible for obtaining any necessary
licenses or permissions prior to any public performance of the underlying musical works.

Does this mean at any time they can take back their files????

They haven't said they bought the rights to shift anything....

You are responsible for obtaining any necessary
licenses or permissions prior to any public performance of the underlying musical works. They haven't given you anything but their song renditions and they can not give you permission to use the songs at your gig. LEGALLY

I highly doubt they have paid the publishers to do the format shift for all 6000 songs.

MEDIA-SHIFTING POLICY. You may not shift the Content of the Original Media to any Non-
Original Medium unless you are in compliance with our media-shifting policy. Provided that such
media-shifting is otherwise in compliance with the laws of the United States or Canada (as
applicable), you may shift the Content stored on each of the Original Media to ONE Non-Original
Medium of your choice. You must maintain possession of the Original Media whose Content you
have shifted during the entire time the Content is stored on the Non-Original Medium. While the
Content has been shifted, you may not use the Original Media for any purpose, commercial or
otherwise. If you desire to shift the Content of any of the Original Media to more than one NonOriginal Medium, you must acquire one or more additional original discs, so that you maintain a 1-
to-1 relationship between original discs and the non-original media. For example, if you want to
store the Content of a disc on three hard drives, you must acquire and maintain three original discs.
This media-shifting policy operates only to state the terms under which we tolerate media-shifting.
We do not, by this Agreement or otherwise, indemnify you against any action or claim by any third

NO BACK UP HARD would make you illegal..So now it costs $9000 to have their 6000 songs.

This Agreement shall have an initial term expiring December 31 of the fifth calendar year following
the date of this Agreement (“the Expiration Date”). For example, if you signed this Agreement on
July 1, 2010, it would expire on December 31, 2015. This Agreement may be renewed according to
such terms offered by Sound Choice as are in effect on July 1 of the expiration year of the
Agreement (July 1, 2015, in the above example) (“the Renewal Date”). Regardless of the particular
terms of renewal, the length of the renewal term shall be not fewer than three (3) years and the cost
of the renewal shall not exceed $100. In the event of our failure to offer specific renewal terms in
advance of the Renewal Date, this Agreement shall be deemed renewed in all respects for a threeyear
period upon our receipt from you of a $100 renewal fee, after the Renewal Date but before the
Expiration Date.
(b) If you breach this Agreement, we may terminate it at any time upon 14 days’ notice and your failure
to cure the breach. In the event of our termination under this provision, you must remove all
Content from any Non-Original Medium to which you have shifted it, return the Licensee
Identification Sticker to us, and return the Original Media to us. Our waiver of any breach of this
Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of any future breach of this Agreement.


You are just renting the GEM set you will never completely own it outright.... :shock: :cry:

If your hard drive crashes you're screwed. And until you get a new sticker you can't work. And you will probably have to wait for them to do another audit before you work again.

How much money is this set going to cost..I mean save you in the long run??????

Pretty good marketing. You never own their stuff permanently anymore without rebuying it again and again. :shock:

You don't have to agree to this if you just continue to buy their regular discs.... Anyone that buys their GEM set is goofy. :shock: :roll:

I also believe that any/every karaoke outlet selling the GEM set has agreed to turn over all your info to them so they can contact you. :shock: :shock: :shock:

And after just saying that...I believe that they also will turn over your name if you buy any Sound Choice discs. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

It might be too late but I just stopped buying all Sound Choice items immediately...Period...the end...done. :shock: :shock: :shock:

In fact I just stopped buying all discs on the internet. If I can't find the songs locally....I'm done buying discs.

Note to all my singers....too bad. This developement just about kills all the karaoke outlets online. The end..... of karaoke is coming soon. Repent now before it's too late..... :shock:

Do you still trust any of the karaoke online stores with your information about the discs you just bought???? I'M DONE!!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

Sound Choice single-handedly is going to kill the karaoke long will it take?????

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Post by Bigdog »

By buying online do we have or should we expect to have any privacy????

What if an agreement exists between Sound Choice and the karaoke outlet sites????

I think a serious online disc buying boycott is on the way if you want your privacy.....

Blame Sound Choice...Do you think the other disc companies want sucked into this????

I predict the end of karaoke as we know it is coming very soon. :cry:

90,000 pages of TOP SECRET people are going to die as a result of...government stuff just hit the secret is your name on a karaoke disc site??? :shock: :shock:

The end is near...... :cry:

I just bought me last updates.....unless they are locally available. :evil: I will buy nothing karaoke related on the internet again. Not hosting programs or song book programs or anything else. If I can't make it work with what I have then I'm going out of business.

Soon only the illegal KJs will be doing jobs. Because the legal ones were forced out of business over privacy issues.

EVERYONE better wake up real quick. It may very well be too late already.... I think major damage has happened and is happening at this very moment.

THE END IS NEAR.... :shock: Kiss karaoke as we know it goodbye.... :cry:

This is not a joke and I'm not kidding.... :shock: :shock: :shock:


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Post by DanG2006 »

I guess I am not as dumb as you think because I have reevaluated my financial situation and have decided that if I can't get the most bang for my buck (songs) then I would be wasting my money no matter how good the quality is. That leaves me the Supercdg route. I can add over 6000 songs vs 2400 doing it the Sound Choice way.
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Post by Bigdog »

DanG2006 wrote:I guess I am not as dumb as you think because I have reevaluated my financial situation and have decided that if I can't get the most bang for my buck (songs) then I would be wasting my money no matter how good the quality is. That leaves me the Supercdg route. I can add over 6000 songs vs 2400 doing it the Sound Choice way.
This has more to do with other things besides money now. It's an invasion of privacy issue.

Who is to say that Supercore or whomever doesn't want your name and address from the site you decide to buy from so they can do an audit of all your stuff????

This is getting too Big Brother now.... :shock:
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Post by Bigdog »

Don't make a back up hard's illegal. :shock:
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Post by wiseguy »

DanG2006 wrote:I guess I am not as dumb as you think because I have reevaluated my financial situation and have decided that if I can't get the most bang for my buck (songs) then I would be wasting my money no matter how good the quality is. That leaves me the Supercdg route. I can add over 6000 songs vs 2400 doing it the Sound Choice way.
I'm glad to see you've come to your senses. :)
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Post by DanG2006 »

Yeah but you originally convinced me to go the Sound Choice way because of quality of tracks. I am picking up 1-6 of the Chartbuster essentials and 1-3 of Nutech's party packs. Both are Supercdg's. Total tracks including the ones I already have is approximately 9000. There are dupes in that count though. probably without dupes 8900.
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Post by wiseguy »

DanG2006 wrote:Yeah but you originally convinced me to go the Sound Choice way because of quality of tracks. I am picking up 1-6 of the Chartbuster essentials and 1-3 of Nutech's party packs. Both are Supercdg's. Total tracks including the ones I already have is approximately 9000. There are dupes in that count though. probably without dupes 8900.
I wasn't trying to convince you to go with Sound Choice. I was simply stating some facts about bitrate, sound quality, and my experience with SCDG. If I was building a song collection from scratch I would first look to buy the collections from failed KJs by placing a "Karaoke CD+G Discs Wanted" ad in the paper(s). I have purchased many many CDGs for five dollars or less this way.
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Post by DanG2006 »

Purchased the Chartbusters and the Nutech SCDGS today. Both are on their way. Should get here Thursday. Also purchased the program to convert them to MP3+G. Also ordered four regular cdgs to fill out songs I need that wasn't in the Supercdg's.
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Post by DanG2006 »

Received the Chartbusters and a couple of cdgs today. already imported and converted them.
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Post by mnementh »

Bigdog wrote:Don't make a back up hard's illegal. :shock:
Actually, this has pinged into my brainbox as an interesting point about how you define "backup".

If what you do is "mirror" your drive, i.e. the "backup" is an identical copy of your drive in every way and can simply be substituted for a presumably "dead" drive, then you would by Sound Choices' definition be illegal.

However, if your "backup" is done by say Ghost, Driveimage, Paragon, etc., then your "backup" is entirely legal as the drive couldn't simply be used in place of your original.

In the happenstance of your user drive dying and you had another drive to hand, you would be entirely legal in using your "backup" software to regenerate your drive information.

In fact, if you were a smartarse, you could have your "backup" on a separate partition of your spare drive and simply regenerate your "backup" onto the other partition.

Even a 400/500Gb drive can be restored in less than 10 minutes, using Ghost or some other such software.

You have not made a COPY, so no foul. 8)

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Post by wiseguy »

mnementh wrote:Actually, this has pinged into my brainbox as an interesting point about how you define "backup".

If what you do is "mirror" your drive, i.e. the "backup" is an identical copy of your drive in every way and can simply be substituted for a presumably "dead" drive, then you would by Sound Choices' definition be illegal.

However, if your "backup" is done by say Ghost, Driveimage, Paragon, etc., then your "backup" is entirely legal as the drive couldn't simply be used in place of your original.

In the happenstance of your user drive dying and you had another drive to hand, you would be entirely legal in using your "backup" software to regenerate your drive information.

In fact, if you were a smartarse, you could have your "backup" on a separate partition of your spare drive and simply regenerate your "backup" onto the other partition.

Even a 400/500Gb drive can be restored in less than 10 minutes, using Ghost or some other such software.

You have not made a COPY, so no foul. 8)

Interesting concept but technically I think you would still be in breach of the contract. It states that you may have only ONE copy but doesn't say "USABLE COPY". So in fact, even as a mirror image there is still a copy of the files on another drive.
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Post by Bigdog »

mnementh wrote:
Bigdog wrote:Don't make a back up hard's illegal. :shock:
Actually, this has pinged into my brainbox as an interesting point about how you define "backup".

If what you do is "mirror" your drive, i.e. the "backup" is an identical copy of your drive in every way and can simply be substituted for a presumably "dead" drive, then you would by Sound Choices' definition be illegal.

However, if your "backup" is done by say Ghost, Driveimage, Paragon, etc., then your "backup" is entirely legal as the drive couldn't simply be used in place of your original.

In the happenstance of your user drive dying and you had another drive to hand, you would be entirely legal in using your "backup" software to regenerate your drive information.

In fact, if you were a smartarse, you could have your "backup" on a separate partition of your spare drive and simply regenerate your "backup" onto the other partition.

Even a 400/500Gb drive can be restored in less than 10 minutes, using Ghost or some other such software.

You have not made a COPY, so no foul. 8)

While this all sounds good in theory, Sound Choice needs/wants to make up lost income through lawsuits. Less advertising costs. So in their eyes any type of a "back up" without the correct number of original discs would be fair game for their lawyers. :wink:
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Post by mnementh »

wiseguy wrote:
mnementh wrote:Actually, this has pinged into my brainbox as an interesting point about how you define "backup".

If what you do is "mirror" your drive, i.e. the "backup" is an identical copy of your drive in every way and can simply be substituted for a presumably "dead" drive, then you would by Sound Choices' definition be illegal.

However, if your "backup" is done by say Ghost, Driveimage, Paragon, etc., then your "backup" is entirely legal as the drive couldn't simply be used in place of your original.

In the happenstance of your user drive dying and you had another drive to hand, you would be entirely legal in using your "backup" software to regenerate your drive information.

In fact, if you were a smartarse, you could have your "backup" on a separate partition of your spare drive and simply regenerate your "backup" onto the other partition.

Even a 400/500Gb drive can be restored in less than 10 minutes, using Ghost or some other such software.

You have not made a COPY, so no foul. 8)

Interesting concept but technically I think you would still be in breach of the contract. It states that you may have only ONE copy but doesn't say "USABLE COPY". So in fact, even as a mirror image there is still a copy of the files on another drive.
I don't think you read my post correctly.

I very clearly stated that a "mirror" drive is indeed a usable COPY and therefore, in breach of Sound Choices' rules.

A "backup" created by dedicated software is NOT a "copy" by any definition I can find because it would not be a "duplicate" and could not be identified as such without the dedicated software that created it.

If Sound Choice "audited" this drive, all they would find is unidentifiable files on a partition plus an empty partition.

If they asked you what these files were then "They are confidential personal information and bugger all to do with you" would be a suitable reply, in my humble opinion, a response to which they would have no recourse in Law.

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