
Starting a New Job...Issues...

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Starting a New Job...Issues...

Post by Bigdog »

Well, I have maintained for the past 19 1/2 years that bar owners are idiots.

I can safely say NOTHING has changed... :twisted:

I started a new job two weeks ago.

I showed the bar owner the laminated bar posters to hang around the bar to promote the karaoke night.

Normally I make about 5-6 for a bar...he wanted 10..OK I think wow he's into this big time. And he has a huge sign out front with many lines of moveble letters, which he said he would put me on.

Now whenever I start a job I don't need a paragraph on the sign. I don't need my name there. Just put KARAOKE EVERY SATURDAY on one line and keep it there and I'll love you forever. It's FREE advertisement...

Now for an update on the situation..

This job has been in the works for over a year or more. With many conversations with my girlfriend & the bar owner. And we have talked in person and on the phone about doing his bar. I even visited & talked while it was under construction. 3 years ago.

And I have been doing his brothers bar for 5 years. He knows me and my spectacular reputation...

He has tried karaoke before and he hated the KJ and it was not successful.....

So tonight was the second night...

Still nothing on the sign and not one laminated poster to be seen.... :twisted:


Now I'm more than willing to give a bar a price break to get the job up and least 4-6 weeks before the economy flushed itself...

I made you posters. I have an ad with your bar and a map in my songbooks. I have you on my calenders and a free listing in the newspaper...

It really makes me mad that I should give price breaks to help your bar make money and you can't even put one stinking line on your sign or hang up some posters???? That's two weeks of lost advertising....

Why should I give you a break? Why don't you care more about making your karaoke night a success than I do??

Do you really think you deserve a price break?

What you really need is a kick in the A$$ and a stick to the head... :shock:

Now for the best part of the story.

He has been crying for months about how slow business has been.... :roll:

This karaoke night could be the thing that keeps this bar open.

So just to recap....


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Post by wiseguy »

You have to come to terms if you offer a price break. Like the deal with the sign and posters. If they don't do their part its going to be full price. Even idiots should be held accountable.
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Post by Bigdog »

Yes and you could be taking a chance that they get scared and change their mind about having you.

I have considered a list of things to insure starting a good/successful karaoke night...for every new job with dos and don't and must haves..

in this economy though it could backfire...

If the night doesn't take off which could easliy happen really look like an idiot.

You'll get the...I did everything you said and paid full money and it hasn't ripped me off...

I did forget to mention his last 2 saturday nights have been the busiest since he started and he was very happy because everyone had fun and the singers were so good. He used to close early on saturdays..

and I made him an offer I never made any bar owner...I'm play 5 hours for the price of 4...

It's a really nice place 3 minutes (5 blocks) from home...if that...and it's not a SPORTS I highly doubt games will ever be an issue.

Even idiots should be held accountable.

Did you mean me or him? :lol:
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Post by djBe »

Oh God help us all....I have had FOUR shows at clubs with roadside marquees that abosolutely would not put up karaoke-such-and-such-nite no matter how much I begged....they didn't have the letters, they didn't have the ladder, they didn't have the time, they didn't fee like it, the cook is the only one who can go up there, they didn't want the city toknow they are doing karaoke, the light doesn't work....etc., etc....none of those shows survived, most of the bars are gone too.

What idiots! Just like BIGDOG I said, every time, i don't even need my name up there (tho it would be nice) can't fix stupid! };=D
Visit my page on FB....Karaoke Karolina. Check out my store/studio/art gallery AXXTACY GUITARS & GEAR M-F 2PM-7PM, 5285 Main, Shallotte, NC. 910-795-9083
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Post by djBe »

With regard to bar have to put them up yourself, it's the only way! LOL
Visit my page on FB....Karaoke Karolina. Check out my store/studio/art gallery AXXTACY GUITARS & GEAR M-F 2PM-7PM, 5285 Main, Shallotte, NC. 910-795-9083
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Post by Bigdog »

He finally has it on the sign..and the posters have been up now for 2 weeks... 20 singers last night..

16 singers first & second week

19 singer 3rd week..

10 singers on Mothers Day weekend..
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Post by Bigdog »

djBe wrote:Oh God help us all....I have had FOUR shows at clubs with roadside marquees that abosolutely would not put up karaoke-such-and-such-nite no matter how much I begged....they didn't have the letters, they didn't have the ladder, they didn't have the time, they didn't fee like it, the cook is the only one who can go up there, they didn't want the city toknow they are doing karaoke, the light doesn't work....etc., etc....none of those shows survived, most of the bars are gone too.

What idiots! Just like BIGDOG I said, every time, i don't even need my name up there (tho it would be nice) can't fix stupid! };=D
Didn't want the city to know they were open for business... :roll: IDIOTS

I've learned something in 19 years...people driving past the bar daily are NOT psychics...they do not get vibrations telling them about the karaoke or anything else going on in the bar..

His plan worked many people in the city didn't know he was open or shut down either.. GOOD WORK IDIOT...
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