
cdg+mp3 file usb players

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cdg+mp3 file usb players

Post by rmlbr »

I have all of my karaoke files saved on an external hard drive. They are all in the format of a cdg file and an mp3 file......each song has a file with extension.cdg and also a file with extension .mp3. Both are needed to play the karaoke videoand audio...
Is this format ( cdg and mp3 combination for songs ) the same as "mp3+g"?
I am looking to buy a good player that would allow me to play these files ( cdg and mp3 combination files ) from a usb stick/device.
Any information would be appreciated.
I have been given some advice but I want to be sure I am being clear about what I am asking, before I purchase and possibly be mistaken about what player will suite my needs and do what I need it to do...... :wink:

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Post by mnementh »

Hi rmlbr,
you are correct in your premise that you have the appropriate files for MP3+G.

I purchased a Starsinger1000 player for the very reason that it supported USB and MP3+G format but when using files on the USB, I found a strange problem that I was never able to overcome, i.e. that the machine would play the 1st song OK but then not reset back to the menu correctly.

I'd suggest you try before you buy, if possible.

Best of luck and DO please let us know how you get on.

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Post by wiseguy »

rmlbr, why did you start another thread to ask the exact same question that I already answered? I already told you that you had mp3+g files and what type of player you needed. It's not rocket science. Your next step should have been to contact Ace Karaoke about their mp3+g players and have them assure you that they play mp3+g files from a USB device.
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Apologies to "Wiseguy" for asking too many questio

Post by rmlbr »

Wiseguy....if I have upset you by asking a question that I felt may not have totally answered my question, either because I didn't explain myself properly or because you possibly didn't understand my question...then I apologise. I have always believed that no question (escpecially from someone new to a subject) would be considered a stupid question. My second posting had to do with clarification of my karaoke song files being two induvidual files. Just because you have been associated with karaoke hardware and software for what I am assuming has been a long time, does nt give you the right to judge me. I wanted clarification again because I was not sure if I had explained myself properly as to what specific software kareoke files were in question. I do not wish to purchase any karaoke system only to have to return it because it doesn't do what I wanted in the first place because I wasn't perfectly clear in my original questioning.....
Again, if my re-questioning my point upset you "Wiseguy" aplologies.......maybe my error was posting in the "hardware" not "software" forum.
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Post by wiseguy »

Your original question in the other thread.
My question/predicament is ......I am looking to purchase a karaoke player with mic inputs and usb inputs that would allow me to play my cdg-mp3 files. My predicament is that the majority of my karaoke library ( cdg-mp3 ) files are on my desktop hard drive. I would love to find a good player that would allow me to load these cdg-mp3 files onto usb and play them from the usb stick. I have heard about some players that will accept files from usb but you have to convert them. I would also like to be able to use song pitch controls for playing files that are played off of a usb stick or external hard drive.
You mentioned cdg-mp3 files three times. Did you think my response of "The cdg-mp3 files you refer to are known as MP3+G so this would be the format you will look to be supported by a karaoke machine" lacked conviction. If so, why didn't you just ask for conformation in the same thread?

What upsets me is when I answer a question definitively and then the person asks the exact same question again in another thread as if they didn't believe me.
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An Administrator that shows patience.....

Post by rmlbr »

Again, Wiseguy, I will say I am new to this. You may say that definitively you answered my question but I wasn't sure if I asked the "right " question.
Yes I did mention "cdg+mp3" 3,4,5,6 times. I was not sure if I explained myself well enough to mean that I had 2 seperate files with totally seperate extensions. Now if thats not "Rocket science" to you well excuse me. It is not "Rocket Science" to me either but it is a simple question I needed answered before I made a purchase. Also, I apologise for "opening another thread" but I wasn't sure how to post a response......Give me a break here......I am sure I am not the only "newbie to make mistakes. I'm sure as a newbie you were spottless in your presentation of questioning. As an administrator you should be the one showing patience or understanding of a newbie takes the "wrong" approach to asking a followup question or any question at all. Thankyou for your time as well as the other person that tried to help me. Obviously, I don't belong on this forum........
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