
New Karaoke Song List Creator

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New Karaoke Song List Creator

Post by Heidi »

Just to let you know, there is a new version of Karaoke Song List Creator 2005.
Got to be the best songbook software available. from

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Post by wiseguy »

I have used several song book software programs such as Airwer Karaoke Song List Creator, Karaoke Spigot, MusicBook Deluxe, and KJPro. In my opinion the Karaoke Song List Creator is the worst program of them all and KJPro by far the best.
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Post by DanG2006 »

Actually for disc based songlists, Fast Tracks has the best output in my opinion when it comes to artist listing. For computer (MP3+G) the best is Latishaws Song list Generator with Fast Tracks coming in second as you can tkae your database from SND and RoxBox and convert it to CSV and importing into Fast Tracks.
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Post by SongDragon »

I use CDGs and tend to lean toward Music Book Deluxe, though I'll admit I haven't tried the others. I LOVE MBD's "quick entry" feature. With that feature, I can input new discs without having MBD's latest updates, and with a few keystrokes of the title (or artist) MBD brings up a list of "choices" that usually has the song I'm keying in. Once I select the right option in the song titles it suggests, it brings up a list of artists performing that track. This makes manual entry VERY easy! I also love the option to output in several different formats, either by Artist OR Song Title. Instead of printing MASSIVE books that list by Artist in the front and by Title in the back, I produce some of each. The "Artist" listings go into black binders and the "Song Title" listings go into white binders. This cuts my printing/copying cost in half and still allows my singers to look up their songs by either Artist of Song Title. I provide 20 songbooks, and since I've found most prefer to look up by "Artist" I keep a ratio of 12 Artist books and 8 Song Title books.
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Post by DanG2006 »

You can do that as easily with KJPro and Fast TRacks
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