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Post by karaokeking1 »

Is it best to create a playlist when singers bring there slips up, or just type there song in before its there turn to sing. thank you

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Post by DanG2006 »

If you're using a computer, then it is much easier if you have a program that handles rotation or allows you to connect the name of the singer with the song to create a "playlist" than to enter it as they get up to sing, at least from my perspective. It doesn't hold up the show one bit to be ahead of the game and just seems more professional.
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Post by Bigdog »

Everyone has their own way.

I try to set myself up with as many songs as possible in the queue.

My program doesn't have singer history and I still use slips as a back up and to keep the rotation fair. I save singers spots in the rotation if they don't get me a song slip in time.
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