I'm sorry Sandy, but I am stating fact. The term hard drive refers to a type of data storage device that utilizes a hard disc. An SSD does not use a hard disc and therefore cannot be considered a hard drive.
Hard drive is not a catch-all term for all data storage devices.
A floppy disc and a flash thumb drive do the same job to all intent and purpose so I suppose you would consider them to be identical also.
My statement "there is no such thing as a non-moving hard drive" is totally accurate.
Karaoke KOPS.
The mini notebooks or net books started out with them but many now offer moving hard drives.
Hard drive is now a coined phrase the covers all of them just like a KLEENEX is a brand name for a facial tissue, but every one calls every brand of them a Kleenex. Jello is a brand name too but everyone eats jello as a semi solid wiggley fruit flavored gelitonatious food item....mmmmmmm
Sorry but.....Hard drives (Mass storage units, SSDs or any other discrption you want to use) of any kind unless very radically different in the near future or unless someone does massive advertizing to change it, will be called hard drives forever. That's just the way it will be.
Floppy disc is a flimsy wiggley storage unit.
Flash drive or jump drives are small USB storage units.
Hard drives are internal storage units that can also be put in external housings.
Everyone gets an exact mental picture of each of the above just from their names.
I say jello...what does it look like?
I say Kleenex describe it.
I say hard drive.....case closed. Everyone knows what it is, what it does and where to look for one. Moving or not.....

Hard drive is now a coined phrase the covers all of them just like a KLEENEX is a brand name for a facial tissue, but every one calls every brand of them a Kleenex. Jello is a brand name too but everyone eats jello as a semi solid wiggley fruit flavored gelitonatious food item....mmmmmmm

Sorry but.....Hard drives (Mass storage units, SSDs or any other discrption you want to use) of any kind unless very radically different in the near future or unless someone does massive advertizing to change it, will be called hard drives forever. That's just the way it will be.
Floppy disc is a flimsy wiggley storage unit.
Flash drive or jump drives are small USB storage units.
Hard drives are internal storage units that can also be put in external housings.
Everyone gets an exact mental picture of each of the above just from their names.
I say jello...what does it look like?
I say Kleenex describe it.
I say hard drive.....case closed. Everyone knows what it is, what it does and where to look for one. Moving or not.....

Name ONE person that says hand me a facial tissue...
Name ONE person that says I want more cherry gelatin....
Name ONE person that will say I have to replace my SSD...it crashed....or I have a virus on my SSD....they will subscribe penicillan for your ailment...
Normal people just don't articulate like that. We are lazy and use generic terms to classify things as simply as possible. Every facial tissue is a Kleenex. Jello is all jello.
Kleenex, Jello, hard drive....Everyone is correct and 99% of the population will know exactly without hesitation what these words mean and describe.
The average nerd (which is probably 99% of the population) is going to call an SSD or everything else like it a hard drive if it is in any kind of a computer.
It has nothing to do with correctness.
The only people that won't call it Jello are the people that make another brand of Knox gelatin..Scott & Puffs employees won't call it a Kleenex...see we are talking about a very small representation of the population. OFF Brand employees...and their families only...not very large at all.
Generic term-ination rules....

Name ONE person that says I want more cherry gelatin....

Name ONE person that will say I have to replace my SSD...it crashed....or I have a virus on my SSD....they will subscribe penicillan for your ailment...

Normal people just don't articulate like that. We are lazy and use generic terms to classify things as simply as possible. Every facial tissue is a Kleenex. Jello is all jello.
Kleenex, Jello, hard drive....Everyone is correct and 99% of the population will know exactly without hesitation what these words mean and describe.
The average nerd (which is probably 99% of the population) is going to call an SSD or everything else like it a hard drive if it is in any kind of a computer.
It has nothing to do with correctness.
The only people that won't call it Jello are the people that make another brand of Knox gelatin..Scott & Puffs employees won't call it a Kleenex...see we are talking about a very small representation of the population. OFF Brand employees...and their families only...not very large at all.
Generic term-ination rules....

Name ONE person that says hand me a facial tissue...
I do (minus the facial)
Myself and anyone else who knows what they're talking about.Name ONE person that will say I have to replace my SSD?
There is no gray area here. You are either correct or you are incorrect. 99% of the people saying the wrong thing still doesn't make it right.
Laziness is a big part of it but mostly it is that people are misinformed. Even trained professionals routinely use incorrect terms.
Just this past winter I had an argument with a doctor. I took my wife to the emergency room and the doctor told her she had a "stomach flu". I told him that is no such thing as a stomach flu. Flu is an abbreviation for influenza which is a respiratory disease caused by RNA viruses. It is in no way related to the gastroenteritis she had that was caused by a Norovirus.
He tried to explain that it's just easier for a doctor tell the patient they have a stomach flu because that is easier for them to understand. I said it's just laziness and that a patient should be told the truth. I don't think he appreciated my comments and I really didn't care.
Again we are talking about persons (a very small group) that have a direct need to be very specific in their wording to accurately describe certain things.
The doctor using a generic term to say someone has the flu is the same thing. He probably couldn't at that exact moment know the actual type/strain of flu unless he had a microscopic analysis of a "tissue" sample.
It would only matter if they had a life threatening illness (for correct treatment) or on their death certificate as to the exact cause of death.
There always has and always will be Brand name trademarks used to describe their original product that has also been copied by other manufacturers. They will become the "generic" description to encompass all of the same type of products. Right or wrong it will continue forever.
The doctor using a generic term to say someone has the flu is the same thing. He probably couldn't at that exact moment know the actual type/strain of flu unless he had a microscopic analysis of a "tissue" sample.
It would only matter if they had a life threatening illness (for correct treatment) or on their death certificate as to the exact cause of death.
There always has and always will be Brand name trademarks used to describe their original product that has also been copied by other manufacturers. They will become the "generic" description to encompass all of the same type of products. Right or wrong it will continue forever.