
Leaving Equipment for Back to Back Nights.

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Leaving Equipment for Back to Back Nights.

Post by Bigdog »

This can be good if the place is secure and the cameras work.

If you leave your equipment for the next night, do you give the bar owner a price break?

Does the bar owner ask for or expect a price break?

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Post by Sabrina59 »

Since we only have the one show, we leave our equipment there all the time. The only thing that we bring home is the external hardrive (for updates) and two of the mics (for us to use at home).

I don't think it should have anything to do with the price. You are being paid for the service you provide. If a bar owner expects a price break, they are even cheaper than I am ... if that's possible!
Sabrina the Cat
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Post by spotlightjr »

We just recently secured a two night gig at the bowling alley (3 weeks ago) and have been leaving our equipment (minus laptop and hard drives) on the stage with everything kinda tucked away in the back. It has worked out well thus far and I dont think I would've considered it if they didnt have cameras (workable).

We take the speakers down and like I said just put everything in the corner of the stage. Where it would take about an hour (2 people) to tear down and pack (gotta lot of stuff) it now takes only about 10 minutes to partially tear down and secure my laptop and hard drive.

We did give the venue a 10% discount for letting us leave our equipment but they paid us our asking rate for both nights. We didnt offer a discount for getting both nights (only had one night there before) so I feel its a wash.
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Post by Acclaim »

Hello All,

I don't leave equipment.
If I had a back to back night, i may leave the speakers and maybe the amp, all else I'd take.

I wouldn't give a break on price.

Your show is your show.

Jason Christopher
acclaim productions
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Post by DanG2006 »

If I leave anything it is just the sound system. I take the mikes, laptop and hard drive with me every show.
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Post by KnoxvilleKaraoke »

I do not ever leave my equipment at a venue. A couple of years ago I was doing a Saturday night show that ended at closing time 3:00 AM here. The owner always told me I could leave my stuff there and pick it up the next day if I wanted since it ended so late. I never would do it. One Sunday morning I get a call at 7:00 AM, the bar had burned down not long after I had left the night before. Lucky for me I did not have anything there or it would have been destroyed.
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Post by Marlena »

I'm not really in the business anymore persay as I now own my own bar. I do all my own shows myself and leave my equipment there. But being 8 years in the business prior to buying my own place. I always left my equipment set up over night for back to back gigs. I had a lock box which I stored my mics and lilttle things in, I never had 1 single problem ever.
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Post by Bigdog »

During my time as a KJ there have been several rashes of breakins at bars from time to time. Some were cutting holes in the roof to avoid the cameras, alarms, doors and windows. They were looking for cash in machines, jukeboxes, games, pool tables and even taking entire ATM machines and safes.

A nice karaoke system would be a target too. If they knew what it was worth.

The average bar owner is lazy and they leave all the money there in those things. It's pretty hard to tell how much CASH you had stolen. Smart owners empty everything every night. The thieves use crow bars to pry open everything containing cash. So that basically ruins everything until it's repaired or replaced. They lose even more money getting it fixed.
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Post by mwadeson »

if it is a back to back gig i do leave my stuff there minus the computer and mics but the main bar i play at i will leave it all there they let me store my stuff there and it helps that i am an employee there i know the cameras work and the crime rate here is so minimal.
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