
Fake Names and Bogus Song Slips and Phoney Sign ups.

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Fake Names and Bogus Song Slips and Phoney Sign ups.

Post by Bigdog »

Last night I had a guy fill out a slip for another person. This other person was dancing around and acting like a jerk all night long from the minute he came in. I always give the microphone to the person that gave me the slip and tell them they are next.

Well he goes over to give it to "Jerko" who starts the song and then quits because it was "I Touch Myself." A girl that happened to be standing next to him finished the song.

His "friend" obviously pulled a prank on his pal.

It was the only time they did it so it kinda became a non issue.

How do you handle prank song requests? And multiple names and aliases.

Do you say something and make a big deal out of it?

Do you let it go?

It's frustrating and can become disruptive to the show. It's only funny to the ones involved. I wasn't laughing.

I never saw them before. I'm not sure if they are college bound and having the last hurrah or if they are maybe going to become regulars. I certainly hope not.

Late in the night it turned into a play wrestling match and they both fell on the ground. Threw sugar packets all over the floor. Immature to say the least. Not my normal karaoke participants.

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Post by wiseguy »

The scenario you described happens occasionally and is just one of those things you have to shrug off. Of course I would not accept any more song requests from either of them.

On the other hand, singers who purposely try to get around my rotation rules by using multiple names or an alias will be stopped cold. If I call up a singer and they have already sang in that round under a different name they are not getting a mic. Do it again and you're not singing at all.

I generally only accept request slips from the person who will be singing the song (the exception being those who have a hard time getting around because of age or a handicap). I'm sure we've all had those nights where there is a popular singer in the house and some of the non-singers turn in songs for them, often without their consent. Letting them know that these requests will not be considered unless the singer brings them up themselves usually puts an end to this.
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Post by Sabrina59 »

After last week I have put a stop to "cutesy" names. The same group came in tonight, handed me about 10 slips (I use 1/4 sheets with room for three songs). The second one I looked at had "Banana" on it. I gave them back to the girl who had brought them up and told her I needed actual singer's names because last week some of them ended up singing twice in the rotation. When she brought them back, she gave me only three slips. I don't know iof they were trying to "play the sustem" or what, but it's not going to work. :nonod:

Due to the location of my show, and the size of the area, it can get pretty congested so I don't mind one person of the group bringing up all the song slips. Granted, I don't know if any of the songs are "joke" songs or not, but it hasn't bit me in the butt yet.
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Post by srnitynow »

Bigdog, this is probably one of the reasons why I will stick to using CORDED mics. You are right there to insure who gets, and keeps, the mic. Alot of people come to WATCH karaoke being sung, not some IDIOT rolling on the floor with a 500.00 mic. Hope I didn't take it too far off topic. :shock:

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Post by spotlightjr »

I kinda have mixed feelings about the mics. On one hand, I like the idea of corded mics to keep the singer within range, etc. I also like the idea of
wireless mics too as to have less wires and cords hanging around for people to trip on. I have both right now and just cant decide.
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Post by Bigdog »

I have used only the cordless microphones for 17 years. Yes they get dropped. Yes they break. Yes they cost $150 each to get them fixed.

I will never revert to corded ones. To old fashoned. And it would hamper my style of continuous show.
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Post by mnementh »

I have a simple method of handing out mics.

Obviously drunk and happy go lucky types get cheap and cheerful corded mics. :mrgreen:

People I know and those who appear to not be idiots get the wireless mics. :P

And when I say cheap and cheerful, I ain't kidding. They can bounce them off each other's heads, as far as I'm concerned. I carry a minimum of 7 corded and 4 wireless mics to my gigs.

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Post by srnitynow »

I don't mind doing things "old school", I like the mics I have (sm58's corded), and as I said earlier, SOME of the people come to WATCH karaoke, and this way, the singers are up by the monitor where these people can watch them sing. When a singer leaves this area (with a cordless mic), there's no more entertainment for the VIEWING audience, other than some WANNA BE LOUNGE LIZARD getting into peoples faces, or worse yet SOMEWHERE acting like a fool.

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Post by wiseguy »

I give everyone wireless mics but I put shock collars on the singers so they can't wander more than 20 feet from my table. :)
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Post by Bigdog »

My singers are allowed to sing from any part of the bar except the restrooms. :lol:
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