
Smoking Ban & bar business.

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Post by wiseguy »

Bigdog, your stance that you should have the right to cigarette smoke free air is valid, albeit hypocritical. Are you ready to give up your gas powered, air polluting, vehicles? There are people in this world, the Amish for example, that do not possess or use fuel powered vehicles or tools. Are these people not deserving of the same rights that you claim you deserve? Do they not have the right to not breathe in your exhaust fumes that are just as dangerous as cigarette smoke? I know you like your gas powered vehicles but it is possible to live without them. That is if you really believe in every person's right to clean air and your stance on cigarette is not only self serving.

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Post by Bigdog »

I see where you are going with this but remember this...cows are the biggest contributers to global warming from all of the methane they expel.
Should we kill all the Amish? Smokers yes..cows no.. :lol:

And yes we should all expect to have clean air to breath and the governments around the world are starting to address this problem. But a journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step. Banning Smoking indoors is a part of the journey. And I like it.
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Post by Bigdog »

The smoking bars/restaurants have because of the law, just taken themselves out of the family side of the business crowd. Nobody under 18 is allowed to enter any establishement that is a smoking establishment.

So the family has to eat at nonsmoking places.
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Post by mwadeson »

please tell me we are not still debating this.... If you don't like a smoking bar dont go there that is your choice and as far as work it is a mininum wage job find one at burger king i am so tired of this debate drop it what ever happens is going to happen make not make me happy may not make you happy deal with it life is not perfect
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Post by Bigdog »

This is getting ridiculous...... :?

Next week my sinus infection will be 6 months old. :shock: :cry: :evil:
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Post by Bigdog » ... da_tobacco

Smoking kills 400,000 a year. :shock: Just in the US. :shock: :shock: :cry:

My sinus infection is now 7 months old. :shock: But I think something good is happening. It probably means I'm going to die soon. :lol:

Smoking costs us each a lot of money. Do you have extra money laying around to spend on other peoples illness? Like it or not you are.

Book some more gigs. :cigar: :smoker: :sing: :band:
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Post by mnementh »

I thoiught I'd stick my 2 cents into this one, as I've just noticed this thread.

Over here, Ireland introduced a smoking ban about 3 or 4 years ago and there was a drop in trade.

However, this has since reversed, plus there is now significantly less medical time being dedicated to smoking issues, which can't be a bad thing.

In mainland UK, smoking bans have been in force for a couple of years now and I will say, catagorically, that the drop off in trade in Pubs is NOTHING to do with the bans.

It's simply that alcohol is SO cheap from supermarkets, compared to the Pubs, that having a night at home is easy, without the hassle of getting ready to go out and at end of night, getting home again.

As a non smoker, I was sick fed up of getting up the day after I'd been at the Pub and finding everything I had on the night before stinking of cigarette smoke, so the bans were very welcome, from my point of view.

However, I place the blame for the ban fair and square, not on the "do-gooders" but on the Publicans who were warned time after time that a ban was imminent because of the smoky atmosphere in their establisments.

I, personally, would reverse the bans, IF and only IF, Pubs saw to it that adequate ventilation was provided to clear the atmosphere, even in the worst case scenario.

I would make sure that random inspections were carried out at least once a month, with no warning given. Then operate a "3 strikes and you're out" policy. Ban effective immediately if you fail the 3rd time.

Back on topic, I've noticed a little drop in Karaoke attendance but again, I put that down to the availability of cheap supermarket booze, rather than smokers leaving.

Some of my day job colleagues are smoke addicts and made claims that when the smoking ban came into operation, they would stop going to the Pub. In every case, after a token abstainance, they have, to a man, fallen off the wagon, again.

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Post by Markm »

Well, I don't do KJ ing yet but I service establishments that rely on bar business, when our state went smoke free, the dives suffered, but the other places grew, they found ways to allow the smokers to get their nicotine dose, outside decks, etc. My wife is a soker and iitially she stayed away from such places and stayed home, but for us in general business has increased again in establishments that didn't have rough crowds, the ones that depended on the rough crowds are out of business,
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Post by Bigdog »

Are you suggesting that there could be a higher class of non smokers? Do you think that is the reason for some bars to prosper and some to fail?

The smokers are going outside to smoke on the decks and patios.

Decks and patios are still considered public areas. What happens when a non smoker wants to eat outside? Does this mean non smokers have no right to eat outside in a smoke free area. Smokers can eat outside nonsmokers must eat inside. Doesn't hardly seem fair or right.

Technically the smokers must not smoke in any public area. That makes the patios and decks off limits to them. They are supposed to be 30 feet away from any enterance. And they must not congregate, because technically that gathering makes it a public place. These laws are full of Catch 22 elements.
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Post by spotlightjr »

Well, I'm glad for the no smoking in public places. Especially in places where I do karaoke. My equipment no longer wreaks of cigarette smoke(minus the mics) and I breathe easier because of it. I did a gig recently at an Eagles Club (about a month ago) which allowed smoking (huge mistake) and it took me literally one week to get the "smoker stench" off my speakers, rack, monitor, etc. The props (hats, boas, wigs, etc.) had to be aired out in my front yard for a day and sprayed with febreeze a few times to bring them back to life. The worst part is I enjoyed myself there except for the smoke. I turned down a return opportunity there simply because of the smoking.

Here's the kicker........ I smoke!!!!!!!!!!
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Post by Bigdog »

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Post by mnementh »

Bigdog wrote: Technically the smokers must not smoke in any public area. That makes the patios and decks off limits to them. They are supposed to be 30 feet away from any enterance. And they must not congregate, because technically that gathering makes it a public place. These laws are full of Catch 22 elements.
I should, perhaps, have qualified the rules over here.

The smoking ban applies ONLY to Public places that are more than 2/3 enclosed.

I don't understand how your "no smiking in Public areas" can work?

Surely that would mean you can't smoke outside AT ALL???

Any outside "shelter" for the benefit of smokers over here must have at least 1/3 of the structure open to the atmosphere.

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Post by wiseguy »

There are many places here that have outdoor smoking areas, even hospitals. They must be a certain distance from any entranceway but I have never seen a "maximum occupancy" number posted.
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Post by DanG2006 »

On November 20th the major hospital is eliminating smoking on the grounds period. which means even if you're in the parking lot you can't smoke.
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Post by Bigdog »

One local big hospital has been in the news alot lately because of the non smoking issue. Smoking is not permitted on the hospital grounds. So eveyone is walking the public sidewalk and throwing their butts on the walks and in private citizens yards. The neighbors are complaining about the littering. Those are ignorant smokers.
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