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Post by Bigdog »

From the sound of it, you have never been to or seen an establishement that had a dress code or charged a cover to keep the riff raff out. Part of that also includes the type of music they have playing or allow to be played. It's still crowd control but it's disquised.

Why do you think a bar owner would do such things? There are many bars in the area that I will never patronize because of the type of person they tolerate. Do you have bars near you that you stay away from? WHY? Because the potential for trouble is higher. And unless you are looking for trouble yourself you stay away. I'm sure there are many bars that women choose to stay away from. WHY? Personal safety. Many people are concerned about their safety and that of their wives or girlfriends. There are towns and areas around the city that I will not go to or drive through let alone set up my equipment there. I just turned down a steady job sight unseen just because of the neighborhood and what happens there. Too many drugs and shootings for me. Too many bass thumping rap music listeners. :wink:

It's to attract and keep a higher quality cliental without the fear of drunks and troublemakers. They don't want the drama and the financial liability that comes with the baggage.

Now what is wrong with that? And why do you think that I shouldn't try to do the same thing with my shows and the places I play? We are obviously on a different level. A night without drama is a good night. I want to work in places that I can feel safe in. I want my crowds to be safe. And there are certain individuals out and about that want to make it their mission to inject their way of thinking by acting like kids. Swearing on the microphone for the shock value to see if they can attract attention to themselves. Their attempt at acting mature actually makes them look immature. I will never feed into this mentality.

I want to attract the people that wouldn't mind a dress code or cover charge. Because of the way these people act and intermingle with others.

Everyone in my show has fun. Nobody is left out unless they do something to separate themselves because of their behavior.

So with my edited song book and the type of crowd I attract and the lack of troublemakers and the attraction of a more quality person, single women feel more at ease coming in by themselves. Couples don't have to worry about jerks. Older people feel safer coming and staying.

So to say I'm on the opposite end of the "anything goes KJ" would be correct. And so is my low level of bar fights and other offensive behavior. I see myself as a person that would love to patronize a show like mine for the safety factor and knowing there is little chance of my night being ruined by some sceaming drunk jerk. It really makes for an enjoyable night for everyone. Easier on the ears to be at a concert night after night than to be at the American Idol reject night song after song. I provide high quality entertainmnt without the cover charge and dress codes. If the riff raff can't find it to sing, they don't come back. Trouble is averted without a bouncer. Just a delete button. :wink: I'm the bouncer without having to get my hair messed up or working up a sweat.

If you don't think the bar owners appreciate the quality crowds I attract you better think again. No bar owner can afford to have a reputation as a place of trouble. Think about the bars that you won't go to.

So are there some quality people staying away from your shows? PROBABLY SO. And why would you not want them instead of some jerk? Are there jerks staying away from my shows? YES thankfully they are and it's better for me and for the bar owners and for all the participants.

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Location: Edmonton, AB, Canada

Post by LarryKaraoke »

I don't sensor music in an adult only setting.
First off, It's rude. What right do I have to tell you that you can't say something. IF it causes a problem, then the problem causer is out. Do unto other etc. etc.
But also, if you don't like what you see or hear, then go somewhere else. Like to a church. This is the nature of a bar. I have not had ONE complaint or had ONE customer leave, due to language.
I have a very diverse audience. There are a couple of "Gangsta" types that come in, and all they do is laugh at the silly White Red-Necks makin fools of them-selves singing Black Rap. IF you can't take a joke, STAY OUT OF THE LINE OF FIRE...
And, IF, the singer did a song to INTENTIONALLY start a problem or fight, they, regardless of who they are, would be gone, and none too gently.
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Post by Bigdog »

Not all venues are adults only.

Many are bar/restaurants so minors are there with their parents.

How many times have you MFed your mother in the last week? SHE'S OVER 21 and shouldn't mind the language. Adults are equal and all should love to hear it.

Now if you say that she wouldn't like it then ....maybe there might be one other person that doesn't want his wife or mother not to be exposed to it even in a public bar.

Bars and alcohol don't equal a language and behavior free for all. There are bars where people act normal without it. Some people have higher moral values than others. What's wrong with that and the people that don't want to be exposed to it on a regular basis?

As a "trained professional" you couldn't do whatever type of entertainment you wanted to do at any and every event. You had guide lines as to what was acceptable for certain places and crowds. I have guidelines as to how I run my show and those lines are to keep people safe and unoffended. I respect the people that support my show. Others disrespect everyone without regard.

Do unto others.... :wink:

Should I respect your wife or mother? WHY?

What would happen if I didn't?

So now why shouldn't you respect someone elses wife or mother whether it's in a bar or a church?

This is what everyone is missing. Since when did it become OK for society to not care? Alcohol makes it OK? Karaoke makes it OK?

It's just an excuse to show your disrespect for everyone else.
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Location: Edmonton, AB, Canada

Post by LarryKaraoke »

OUTSIDE of the fact that some venues are open to all ages....That's not the venue I was talking about. So.....
In a BAR, that's fine for your show, if that's what your customers are willing to settle for or if kids have access. But take a look around you. That's not the case in MOST venues.
Just because you don't like a word, does not give you the RIGHT to IMPOSE your values on others. If a word offends you, don't listen. Don't tell someone they have no right to say it. Don't tell someone they have no right to hear it. It IS after all, just a word, and you are NOT the Voice Of Majority. And although I don't care for foul language, that's MY problem and NOT my customers. If they don't like what they hear/see, they have the right to leave that place, and because the VAST Majority don't mind, the VAST Majority wins.
It's good that you have found your niche. But here, unless you were in a restaurant, would not last very long as a host. That's not an opinion, that's just a fact of the trade. Doesn't matter how good a KJ you are, and I get the impression that for where you are, you are a pretty good host, and I would probably prefer your type of venue as a singer. BUT, here, if you don't give them what they want, you are gone. Quickly, as GOOD KJs are a dime a dozen here.
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Post by mwadeson »

The way i see it if it is on the screen sing it but i have one guy in particular gets up there just to hear himself drop the f bomb and whatever else he can over a pa i have shut him down 3 times in two weeks and the last time he confronted me after the show and asked why i shut him off I told him if he wanted i would sell him one of my old systems and he can sell himself to the bar as the biggest cusser in hundreds of miles but he was not allowed to use my sytem to do it anymore.... He of course complained to the owner and i told the owner if that is what you want you can help him buy my old system and hire him but he is not going to do that on my system. Needless to say i quit playing there for about a month and got a call beggin me back....
How to Build a Home Karaoke System
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