
Smoking Ban & bar business.

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Post by Bigdog »


The word is starting to spread about my desire to only play non smoking bars. They are starting to call me.

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Post by wiseguy »

Bigdog wrote:A drunk driver can kill you with his car. But he can't kill you by breathing on you. They haven't proved that alcohol fumes (second hand alcohol) can harm you with cancer yet.
If you are a smoker, that's is voluntarily in a bar that allows smoking, second hand smoke is not an issue.

You are so hell bent on preaching the perils of smoking that you refuse to see the big picture. It's not about smoking, it's not about alcohol. it's about freedom of choice.

This concept obviously escapes you.
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Post by Bigdog »

What gives a smoker the right to make people sick.

That's the big picture. Smokers think they have the right to do whatever they want whenever and wherever they want. They don't.

I don't want to lose any more rights than we have already. But talk to everyone that voted Democratic this time and see how concerned they are about losing any and everything.

I have the right to enjoy any public area t any time, without the worry of a second hand illness.
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Post by Sabrina59 »

I spent about 20 years in Oregon, where they still have smoking areas in restaurants. I moved back down to California about 15 years ago (still kicking myself, but that's another story!).

Recently my husband and I made a trip to Washington. We stopped to have dinner in Oregon and we were going to go into the smoking area as I am a smoker. I opened the door but didn't even step inside. When I lived there I always went to the smoking areas. Now, though, I really enjoy not having smoke with my meal.

Being the cranky old woman that I am, I wish they would use what used to be smoking rooms for the families that can't make their children behave in public!

To get back on topic, even though I am a smoker, I would much rather go outside to smoke rather than deal with a smoky interior. With that being said, I do get tired of "big brother" intruding more and more into our personal lives.

What's going on with ammo, Bigdog?
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Post by Bigdog »

Some kind of accountability issue (law) starting in June. They probably want to know who has what and how much and why?

I just bought some, the guy just took my money and gave me the stuff.

But they said it's getting very hard to get and the price is going sky high.

Stock up now.
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Post by mwadeson »

It's not about smoking, it's not about alcohol. it's about freedom of choice.
that describes the who point of this argument and if you disagree with that you need to wake up and realize you are not the only person on this planet
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Post by Bigdog »

Not when it involves inconsiderate people that think they have the right to do whatever they want effecting the health of others.

Here's a good one for you that I just heard on TV yesterday. In California people that have drug and alcohol addiction problems are considered DISABLED. Does that mean they qualify for Social Security Disability?

Think about it now nobody has to worry about losing your retirement/pension. Just become an alcoholic and your troubles are over. FREE RIDE TIME ON UNCLE SAM'S BACK. :wink: Hey can you get a license plate too. I'm drunk and disabled and driving a car. What a great country.

Who is losing any rights? Only the normal people because every other idiot has all the rights in the world.
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Post by Sabrina59 »

I quit smoking for two months many years ago. During that time I realized just how much of a stench these nasty little cigarettes create. I believe I have become a very considerate smoker, and I wish others would do the same.

If I am outside with non-smokers, I make sure I am upwind so the smoke does not go near them. You will never see me throw a butt on the ground. If there isn't an ashtray around I field strip the butt and put it in my pocket until I can get to a trash can. If I have non-smokers (other than family) in my home or car, I don't smoke. You will never see a cloud of smoke in my vehicle or home. I always have the windows cracked, even in winter.

I think if more smokers were more considerate of non-smokers this debate wouldn't be so heated. Every smoker has to know this is a dirty, smelly, disgusting habit. We just need to be considerate to the non-smokers in our world.
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Post by Bigdog »

Unfortunately it is no longer a matter of courtesy between smokers and nons.

It has become a major heath issue involving a cancer causing substance and it's regulation to protect public health. Plain and simple.
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Post by mwadeson »

plain and simple it is not the only cancer causing substance we all inhale everyday. If we are going to protect the public health we should all be walking around in a bubble
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Post by Bigdog »

You hit it right on the head.

An office or bar or other inclosed area is a bubble. And they want to protect everyone in the bubble from poisonous stuff. So no smoking in public bubbles. They don't pump vehicle exhaust fumes indoors.

It's called the Clean "INDOOR" air act. It's why they have OZONE action days, to keep people safe indoors. Stay in the bubble and everyone will be safe.
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Post by wiseguy »

Sorry to burst your bubble Bigdog but repeated studies show that indoor air typically contains more harmful pollutants than outdoor air even in our homes.
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Post by Bigdog »

Yes this is true. And they are trying to remove all of the pollutants that are causing problems in our housing materials.

So we shouldn't try to remove secondhand smoke? Do you want to live in a house with mold and fungus growing wild.

Can I come to your house and sprinkle some asbestos around? Or do you want to send your kids to schools or other buildings with asbestos issues?

This is on the same level as secondhand smoke for cancer causing agents. If you don't want your kids around asbestos, then you shouldn't want them around secondhand smoke. And you shouldn't want to be around either of them also. Set a good example for your kids.

Keep everyone you know safe too. Why not???

I'm not going to give up my right to live breathing clean air that the smokers seem to think they have a perfectly good right to pollute to satisfy a disgusting addiction.
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Post by Sabrina59 »

Bigdog, are you concerned with people smoking outside as well or just in enclosed areas?
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Post by Bigdog »

Let's put it this way. The majority of bars want people to smoke outside. If the bar has an outdoor patio, that's where the smokers all go to smoke.

Do you think that I might enjoy sitting on the patio to eat without smokers killing me? Don't you think I should have that right?

So now if the patio is the designated smokers area I'm screwed again. The patio should be considered a public area if a non smoker wants to sit there.

If I can get away from the cigarette smoke then it's not a problem. But if there is no escape then there is a problem.

The major concern is with workers who may need the job and not be able to quit. Would you want to quit a job right now and be searching for another at this time? I wouldn't and I'm glad I don't have to. I feel sorry for anyone looking right now.

So the workers need protected in their place of employment. Non smokers of any age also need protected from a crazy smoking society that thinks they have the inalienable right to expose anyone and everyone to their addiction and the cancer causing effects of it. They don't and they are wrong if they think they even have a remote right to do so.

What about your childrens "Friends" that get them to start smoking? Do they have that right? You know how smart teenagers are. If your kids hang around other kids that smoke you need to get them away from them fast. If you or your husband or wife or vice versa, smoke in the house you need to get your kids away from them fast. Not doing so shows your ignorance and reckless disregard for them and their health.

They don't want women to smoke when pregnant..why is it any different when they are out of the womb? Smoke causes physical damage to everyone at any age.

How do I know the damage my father caused to my health in my formative years. He probably smoked around my mother while I was in her. So that makes it even worse. His secondhand smoke could have caused developemental problems for me. Mentally and physically.

16 years of playing in smokey bars has probably done it's share of damage too.
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