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Thank you

Post by alfalfa4381 »

Well, I just want to say "THANKS" to you guys and gals on this board, I did my first karaoke show last week. I am quite happy with how it went. I purchased the Averkey video converter that Bigdog recommended, as well as the modulator to convert the video to catv coax. I used my laptop with about 500 songs (still need much more material) that I ripped form my CDGs that I purchased. I used Power CDG Burner to rip and TriKaraoke Player to play the songs. I found a $20.00 program that allowed me to rename the songs in bulk style so Latshaw Songlist Generator could build my song lists for me. All this worked because I had you to recommend and answer questions about Karaoke for me. Again, Thanks!

My venue is not going to be bars. My audience last week was for the company that I work for as a salesman. We have lodges throughout my area that have functions every month. THese functions are family oriented, where kids and adults can participate in my Karaoke/Talent show. Another goal I have is to create a Christian Karaoke ministry where I can go into churches and offer my services, say on a Saturday night, to allow people who love to sing or who wish they could sing, the opportunity to do just that. Generally churches allow only one or two singers a chance to sing one song on Sunday morning. So many who would like to sing are never given the opportunity. I found that Daywind has Christian karaoke tracks, about 600 songs to be exact. I was excited to find this source!
I am a gospel music singer and have been for years, my wife & I travel and sing regularly. We have our own recording studio where I record most of our tracks and then we play live instruments along with them. But now we both are older, and tired of the travel. Karaoke gives me a chance to still have a ministry involving what I love to do - sing and play for God. We have never charged for our ministry in the past, and we don't plan to charge for the Karaoke either. Sometimes the church will take up an offering, but we don't require it. It's not about the money for me.

I told you all this not to knock anything any of you are doing, and certainly not to build myself up in any way. I just wanted you to know that you have really helped me personaly, to continue doing something that I love to do -sing and play music.

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Post by DanG2006 »

glad we could help. one thing to make things easier for you, why not purchase Justkaraoke which is a bargain at it's price. It's made by the makers of the trikaraoke player and has all the bells and whistles of the big boys minus the capability of fill playing and you'll be able to easily search for your songs.
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Post by Bigdog »


I use the external monitor plug on the laptop instead of the s-video or RCA outputs. The monitor plug is much more solid. The other outputs are just soldered to the motherboard and if you loosen those you are in big trouble.

Good Luck to You.
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Post by alfalfa4381 »

Thanks Dan & Bigdog. I will look at the Justkaraoke program, it may be better that what I have. I won't miss the fill, I have other sources that I can pull up to fill in dead space. I am just using the freeware version of Trikaroke for now, but I want something that can handle the rotation task on the computer.
Thanks BD, I am using the laptop's VGA so I can use the extended desktop function and slide the karaoke window over to the singer's monitor while I can use the laptop screen to cue up my next song. Works great!
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Post by LarryKaraoke »

If you had the money, I would suggest a CAVS Deluxe. It does all that and you can up-date the songs on-live as it is fully internet enabled, just need a wifi receiver. $20 part. It is very automated including having built in audience It's really just a comp dedicated to Karaoke. But, they are costly.
I use to do a lot of community events. Lots of kids, so was carefull about song selection. Kept my daughters busy advising me what NOT to play. lol As much as I love playing the bar scene, I prefer doing Karaoke for Kids. Drunks are much harder on equipment. They don't care how many others have sung a particular song before them, OR after them. lol
Gratz and good luck on your next shows.
How to Build a Home Karaoke System
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