
Smoking Ban & bar business.

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Post by Bigdog »

Big tobacco is killing smokers.

They have admitted that in the last 10 years they have added even more nicotine to make cigarettes more addictive.

Nobody thought 30 years ago that you would have to pay to watch a test pattern on your TV, but that's exactly what has happened and it costs you more everyday.

I see TV ads everyday for ambulance chasing attorneys to get you money for asbestos related exposure. 15 years ago I and my fellow co-workers were checked by our company to see if we had asbestosis. I fortunately didn't. But many guys got paid off not to sue.

It's only a matter of time before some lawyer gets the idea to sue smokers (because it's a known cancer causing agent) for causing lung cancer to their fellow employees and or family members. How many smokers can afford to go or want to go to court over this issue? You will not be able to claim ignorance about the subject because 3rd graders know it already. You will have no legal leg to stand on. You will lose the case and you will have to pay medical bills and restitution and maybe even wrongful death payments. The employer will get dragged into the case too as an accomplice and at least an knowing participant. Co-conspirator maybe.

If I owned a business nobody would be smoking for this reason alone. It's coming it's just a matter of time and I would say the time is getting very close.

Has nothing to do with your right to do anything from the government. Smoking, drug addiction and whatever else you want to name can be cured. It is an addiction and the tobacco companies even admit it. They know they have every smoker hooked.

25 years ago a guy I worked with got lung cancer. He seriously blamed a fellow employee for it because he smoked. Today he would probably have a very good case and probably win it. By the way he died exactly 1 year after he was diagnosed. He never felt sick or new he had it. They found it on a routine x-ray. They said it was the kind of cancer you get from radiation or cigarettes.

I do not put anything past anyone today. Remember where you heard it first. I'm telling you that smoker lawsuits are coming to a neighborhood near you. People will be suing bar owners for cancer related illness.

Now that I think about it, a bar owner has to be crazy to allow smoking. There is nothing to say that one of his loyal bar drunks won't sue in the future.

Again this has nothing to do with a persons right to smoke. Nobody is losing any rights. Because nobody has the legal right to cause harm or illness to another person. Accidentally or on purpose.

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Post by Bigdog »


Just read that 3000 bars in the state have applied to still be smoking bars. :evil:

I think it will be a case by case determination.

I'm hoping the law makers very soon close the loop holes.
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Post by Marlena »

SMOKING BAN has been in effect here since January 01, 2008 (Except for on Native Properties, such as casinos)

I still have all my customers although i imagine I have lost a few to the Casino 15 minutes away.

It does make my job much more frustating...

all my singers smoke, so when 1 goes out so do all the others. I Have more people outside than I do inside most nights. It really screws with my rounds, such as last weekend, I had 4 smokers go out together and it turned out that while they were outside it was 1's turn... but because they weren't in the bar i skipped them and it turns out as i skipped 1 it was another one who was outside.

I have politely told my singers (because this wasn't the first occasion this has happened) that if they aren't in the bar when it is their turn, then they miss it and they get bumped to the next round. I am not a babysitter and it isn't up to me to chase after them and remind them.
it's up to them to come to me to find out how long they have til they sing again.
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Post by Bigdog »

I have singers that will come up and ask where they are because they are going out to have one.

Call it baby sitting or whatever but I look at it this way. If you manage to pi$$ them off by skipping them enough, they may just quit coming altogether.

I walk out and tell them exactly how much time they have left in the song that's playing so they can tell how much longer to smoke. It's not that big of a deal for me to do. I would rather do that than have the entire rotation screwed up with dead air and me looking like a jerk.

It's one of the advantages of never using a stage. If I had to keep walking stairs to go outside it might be a different matter. But I'm always on the floor level with the door and the customer seating. So a quick walk to the door is no big deal.

I just consider it part of my ever expanding duties as a premier host. It's better than screwing with the rotation. I'm not saying I haven't been screwed up a few times because of it. But I just go tell them they are next. Keeps the flow of the show/music going.
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Post by Marlena »

I somewhat agree and disagree with you bigdog.

I agree that dead air is bad and I don't like having any.
My singer's are learning to come ask me how long until they sing.
I agree chasing after singers is babysitting.

I disagree, I don't think I look like a jerk, They do.

It's very different when your managing 20 - 30 singers but when your dealing with 40 - 60 it's difficult to find out which one of the exits they've used and weave my way through a crowded bar so I can try and talk to them within a 3 minute window. It shows a real lack of respect on their part for the job I am doing.

I'm too busy answering questions for those who took the time to come talk to me, have questions or want to know when they are singing. I also have reverbs, highs, lows, mids, mics, & music all to adjust while keeping an eye on my equipment so they don't break or abuse it.

I agree with you, I don't like to mess with the rotation but it can not be helped when my singers are smoking. I did not put this law into effect therefore I am not going to put up with it's consqences. A good portion of my singers have already learned to ask before they go out to smoke and I have decided to impliment a White board system so they know where they sing next.
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Post by Bigdog »

Chasing anyone is a pain. We'll have to adjust to it.

Have the bar owners accommodated the smokers with any kind of heated area outside for the winter?
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Post by DanG2006 »

Marlena wrote:I somewhat agree and disagree with you bigdog.

I agree that dead air is bad and I don't like having any.
My singer's are learning to come ask me how long until they sing.
I agree chasing after singers is babysitting.

I disagree, I don't think I look like a jerk, They do.

It's very different when your managing 20 - 30 singers but when your dealing with 40 - 60 it's difficult to find out which one of the exits they've used and weave my way through a crowded bar so I can try and talk to them within a 3 minute window. It shows a real lack of respect on their part for the job I am doing.

I'm too busy answering questions for those who took the time to come talk to me, have questions or want to know when they are singing. I also have reverbs, highs, lows, mids, mics, & music all to adjust while keeping an eye on my equipment so they don't break or abuse it.

I agree with you, I don't like to mess with the rotation but it can not be helped when my singers are smoking. I did not put this law into effect therefore I am not going to put up with it's consqences. A good portion of my singers have already learned to ask before they go out to smoke and I have decided to impliment a White board system so they know where they sing next.
I use my onscreen to let people know when they are up. They are are just about trained now to look at the tv screen to see if their name is scrolling and where they are in the rotation. Granted I only show the first five singers in the que otherwise it would never get around to the start of the rotation again before the next song. I even have singers just handing the mike to the next singer.
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Post by Bigdog »

That would work if your rotation is set in stone. Mine remains fluid. If new singers come in, they get injected depending on how many come in at one time. So to constantly change the screen to reflect the latest rotation would be a pain and would cause arguments because the "Almighty Screen" said I followed So & So now I'm after Such & Such. :?

I'll stick to personally delivering the microphone to each singer when it's their turn. Whether they are outside or in the John. :lol: :shock:

The personal touch makes everyone feel "special."
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Post by Marlena »

Bar owners here are NOT allowed to provide heated shelters for smokers this would be yet again smoking in a public place and the second hand smoke crap.. it's been made very difficult for smokers here.
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Post by Bigdog »

Wow.... :idea: I never thought about that. :shock: Any place people are free to gather is a "public" place. So is 1 person a gathering? What about 2 or 3 or 4....???? There are many times when there are 5-10 people "gathered" outside smoking at one time.

That's a pretty good Catch 22 law. If they gather it's illegal to smoke. How much separation (in feet) is required for them not to be considered "gathered in public?" Groups of one, welcome. :lol:
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Post by DanG2006 »

Not all of my singers, just a selct few are the ones that the previus singer can hand off the mike. Usually they hand it to me before the end graphics end.
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Post by Bigdog »

This smoking crap is getting rediculous.

Since they implimented it the bars that still allow smoking are getting much worse. Tonight the smoke was so bad I almost puked. Some women were smoking some kind of sweet cigars and they were right in front of me all night long. More smokers are flocking to these bars than were there before. My sinuses are plugged and my throat is raw. I've been coughing all night. I can't wait for them to make it illegal in all the bars. If they don't do it soon I may be forced to quit the jobs that allow smoking. I'm not going to kill myself for them. :(

I forgot the best part of the story.

This bar isn't allowed to permit smoking. The owner just decided he was losing too much money so he just said let them smoke. The smokers are subjected to be fined and so is he. He thinks just the person smoking will get fined and he won't. Just another bar owning IDIOT.
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Post by DanG2006 »

Some bar owners would rather pay the fine rather than lose the customers. Here it is just the bar that gets fined.
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Post by Bigdog »


I will mail out letters Monday to my two smoking bars informing them that I am terminating my jobs at all smoking bars as of March 1st. My sinus infection is now in it's 9th week. :x I can't sleep, breathe, talk or sing right. My nose is plugged and my throat is sore.

I'm DONE. :x

None of these bars has done anything to help improve the air quality for the people that do show up. The smoke has just gotten worse. Ceiling fans just blow the smoke around. They need to upgrade the smoke eaters. My non-smokers have drastically quit coming to the smoking venues. The only increase is in chain smokers.

I am not being paid enough to torture my health anymore. If they are not interested in my health and that of their patrons...oh well. It was a business decision on their part to remain a smoking bar. It's my business decision based on my health risks to stop entertaining in smoking venues.
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Post by Bigdog »

It is my understanding that the LCB will be in control of the smoking violations. That could make the fines/penalties tied to your liquor license.
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