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Post by Bigdog »

The difference will hear every preacher in the world stand on the pulpit and use the "D" word. I'll guarantee you will never hear one drop the F bomb.

Get real.

If you don't respect your crowds that's your business. I do respect mine. I respect my bar owners reputations and I respect mine. More people out in public don't care to hear swearing, than do.

I have removed language that is considered by a majority of people to be highly offensive. That doesn't make anyone a hypocrite. It shows my respect level for my business and cliental. You show your lack of respect.

It's because of KJs like you that I enjoy the level of success I have achieved. The good people gravitate to my shows. The jerks go to my competition. It works really well. They lose jobs and mine increase. Perfect business format for me. I hope all of my competition continues to be and act stupid. F bomb your way to failure.

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Joined: Thu Sep 18, 2008 3:17 am
Location: Dyersburg, Tennessee

Post by fancyloves2karaoke »

Most of the Time around here you will hear " You never even called me by my name" about three to four times a night and Broken Wing the same amount however a seasoned Kj will let the other customers know that it has already been sung but will put it in the rotation anyway. I personally allow the customers to sing whatever they want EXCEPT FOR DELTA DAWN OMG I can't Stand that song I explain to the customer that I do not even have it in the books because it is a bad track ( I LIE ) I have just ommitted from the books.

Back to the subject most of the time (not all of the time) the customer chooses to go with another song which is great keeps the songs fresh and the other customers happy. There are ways to work the rotation to where the same song doesn't get sung more than once during the rotation
1. If your singers put in say three songs a piece and you see that they have the same song as thier first song call both customers to the stage area or go to them and ask them who would like to sing the song first.
2. Put one in the first rotation and the other singers next song as thier first song.
3. The next rotation If the other singer wants to still do the same song put it in that rotation.

Go on with your night everybody get to sing what they want and everybody is happy.
EXCEPT AT MY SHOW IF IT IS DELTA DAWN YOUR OUT OF LUCK!! Sorry I rather have my teeth pulled than to listen to somebody sing this song.
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