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Post by OnTheMicDJs »

I agree with keeping the customer happy, but if someone really wants to sing a song that badly, come out earlier and put it in first. A good KJ will have more than enough songs within their collection so that a customer can find a song that hasn't already been done. EVERYONE knows more than one song...even if they don't know it perfect...It's karaoke! It doesn't have to be perfect...just get out there and have fun with it. People take "their song" and karaoke way too seriously! The only time I have ever made an exception is if someone sings a song in the beginning of the show...they leave...and later (MUCH LATER) someone else puts it in. Otherwise, I feel as though it becomes more of a competition instead of just a fun night of karaoke.

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Post by Bigdog »

Where is the "FUN" if you can not sing the song you went to karaoke to sing? Especilally if they are paying to sing it with food and drink purchases. You said it, it's karaoke. So who does it harm when a song is repeated?

I have seen no outbreaks of violence because of a repeated song. Most of the time a repeated song is a very popular song. So the crowd gets into it all over again.

Almost every radio station repeats songs every hour......people are use to hearing they same song over and over....

I will not alienate any of my singers by telling them they can not sing a song that has already been sung. I have over 10,000 one-of-a-kind songs and it doesn't matter. That doesn't help if you have a favorite song that you want to sing or hear...They want to sing it or hear it because they like it and it makes them happy. You are missing the point here. IT MAKES THEM HAPPY. HAPPY COMES BACK WEEK AFTER WEEK.
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Post by DanG2006 »

Bigdog wrote:Where is the "FUN" if you can not sing the song you went to karaoke to sing? Especilally if they are paying to sing it with food and drink purchases. You said it, it's karaoke. So who does it harm when a song is repeated?

I have seen no outbreaks of violence because of a repeated song. Most of the time a repeated song is a very popular song. So the crowd gets into it all over again.

Almost every radio station repeats songs every hour......people are use to hearing they same song over and over....

I will not alienate any of my singers by telling them they can not sing a song that has already been sung. I have over 10,000 one-of-a-kind songs and it doesn't matter. That doesn't help if you have a favorite song that you want to sing or hear...They want to sing it or hear it because they like it and it makes them happy. You are missing the point here. IT MAKES THEM HAPPY. HAPPY COMES BACK WEEK AFTER WEEK.
Your way might work in your neck of the woods. Does not mean it will work everywhere. In my area you get "Oh no, Not this song again?" if it gets repeated more than once. So I try to keep the repeats to once every two hours or even nonexistant if all posssible.
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Post by wiseguy »

Bottom line is that we all have certain self imposed guidelines that we follow while performing our shows. We also adjust these guidelines on a regular basis because of certain circumstances.

While I have a policy of not allowing a person to sing the same song twice, there are times when I have allowed this.

While your policy may be to allow the same song to be sung multiple times during the evening there are times when you just know that the crowd does not want to hear this again.

You must consider what is in the best interest of the crowd in general and not the interest of any single singer or customer.
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Post by DanG2006 »

it follows that, to quote a great philosipher, "the needs of the many outweighs the needs of the few or the one." - Captain Spock to Admiral James T. Kirk from Star Trek 2: The Wrath Of Khan .
Basically you need to read the crowd to know what will fly or what will not.
In my area straight Karaoke won't fly. You better be able to play some dance mixes or you're toast. That said at my shows Karaoke takes priority, meaning if I have alot of slips for singers I might not get to playing the afore mentioned dance set.
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Post by Bigdog »

I can guarantee that everyone in the bar, singers or non singers has listened to the radio repeat songs and played their own favorite songs on cds over and over again.

So a 2-3-4 song repeat during the night would be nothing new unless you just flew in from Mars....

Happy singers bring friends and tell others singers about your show..

As to playing dance created that monster by caving in to the demands of the selfish, ignorant nonsingers on an "advertised" karaoke night. Not a DJ night with some karaoke sprinkled in...So by doing so you have slapped the face of all of your loyal karaoke singers.

I get asked to play a dance song once every couple of months. I don't bring dance music and I never play it...So I guess that's why nobody asks for it. I don't promote it..

All 100% karaoke music all the time.....

I'll do it in your town or any other town...It'll fly because I do it.

I guess you don't think the singers get mad about the dance sets???? That would be worse than any song being repeated once or twice a night. It doesn't last as long as a multiple "dance sets."

The needs of the "many" are your karaoke singers. You were hired and you advertise yourself as a KJ, right? Without the karaoke singers your night is a bust and you are out of business. So how do you figure that any differently? NO karaoke singers does not equal a "karaoke" night does it?

NO singers = no jobs as a KJ...Maybe as a DJ....
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Post by wiseguy »

Bigdog wrote:I can guarantee that everyone in the bar, singers or non singers has listened to the radio repeat songs and played their own favorite songs on cds over and over again.
But there's one big difference. The songs on the radio and CDs are being sung by the original artist and not by some tone deaf karaoke singer.
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Post by Bigdog »

The majority of my karaoke singers are not the screaming drunks. So it's not painful to listen to all night. It's actually very enjoyable.

I always see people looking around for the singers. They comment about their talent level. They must not see it at other karaoke shows.

It's because of my quality system and my professionalism and because I don't screw with the singers by playing dance sets. So I have always attracted a more serious and more talented karaoke crowd. Since I attract quality the nons can find it enjoyable too. Even if "heaven forbid" a song would be repeated.

When you disrespect your singing crowd you chase the good ones away and all you have left is the crap. You may like it or want to settle for it or even think that it's a good thing. If it's all you can get. But I don't want them. You can have them all. I can go home every night without a headache....My equipment wasn't abused and everyone (singers and nonsingers) had fun and they danced if they wanted to. And they will be back again next week.
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Post by OnTheMicDJs »

I think it depends on the area you are working in. Some of my gigs are karaoke only, possibly fitting in a song here or there, but other gigs of ours are actually listed as karaoke dance parties...maybe this doesn't work for you, but my crowd loves this! They sing, they dance, and we still manage to have at least a 20 person round consistantly every week! I wouldn't play the same dance song in any given night...Why should it be any different for karaoke songs? Bottom line, there are enough songs to go around...either pick something else, or come out earlier.
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Post by DanG2006 »

Bigdog wrote:The majority of my karaoke singers are not the screaming drunks. So it's not painful to listen to all night. It's actually very enjoyable.

I always see people looking around for the singers. They comment about their talent level. They must not see it at other karaoke shows.

It's because of my quality system and my professionalism and because I don't screw with the singers by playing dance sets. So I have always attracted a more serious and more talented karaoke crowd. Since I attract quality the nons can find it enjoyable too. Even if "heaven forbid" a song would be repeated.

When you disrespect your singing crowd you chase the good ones away and all you have left is the crap. You may like it or want to settle for it or even think that it's a good thing. If it's all you can get. But I don't want them. You can have them all. I can go home every night without a headache....My equipment wasn't abused and everyone (singers and nonsingers) had fun and they danced if they wanted to. And they will be back again next week.
If that is the way you feel then you miss out on the whole reason for karaoke. Gee I'm sounding like a broken record as I think I have said this to you before.
When you disrespect the tonedeaf singer wannabes, you chase away the very people karaoke was meant for. At least that's my opinion of it. I have a fair voice that others have said was more than fair, but I don't look at myself as a real contender. So what do I do, sing karaoke. I have heard myself singing on tape and have the opinion that others are just being nice by telling me to my face that I have a good voice. If I get a good singer, which I on occasionly do, I won't chase them away but I also don't take away a bad singer's right to sing. I'm there to give the "average Joe" a chance to live out a dream they might not get a chance to do, not to further a real singer's career.
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Post by Bigdog »

There is karaoke that most of you know. Which is nothing but a bunch of no talent screaming drunks that want to party and scream swear words in to the microphone all night long....

There is karaoke which contains dance music sets and then there is what I do. I am not now, nor will I ever be a KJ/DJ. If I can not get and keep work strictly as a KJ, I will quit. But that doesn't appear to be happening anytime soon. Pure karaoke is hot and heavy in my area. That's the way I want it to stay. People can go to a DJ if they want to dance all night. But people shouldn't expect DJing during a scheduled karaoke night. A karaoke night is all about the singers, period. I can keep the non singing crowd (which always out numbers the singers by 2-3 times) happy and returning every week. That's how I fell about it.

I just don't attract the screaming drunk crowd. Maybe it's because of the way I do karaoke. I don't promote screaming and swearing all night. My song book doesn't contain it.

The majority of my singers are talented to very talented. Many sing in local bands. Not everyone sings perfect. It's about having fun. I don't get record producers hanging around. But I have had 2 singers actually get recording contracts.

I wouldn't have it any other way. The screaming drunks do nothing but add to the rowdiness aspect. I do not want a situation night after night where you have to worry about your equipment or fights breaking out. My jobs don't require bouncers or security people.

Karaoke is a lot more fun when the talent level is higher. I can tolerate the 4 hours much easier. If I had lousy singers night after night I would kill myself.

I do not discourage anyone from singing, no matter their talent level. But the screamers and drunks don't come back. They must be going to your shows.

I consider myself a karaoke professional and that is how I run the show. Act professional or don't come back. It will save me money on broken equipment. It never has to be said. They can see how the rest of the crowd is and if they don't like it they can leave.

Maybe our shows are not on the same level. I consider myself to be in the top 5-10% of Karaoke shows. It shows in my equipment, my sound, my singers and my show quality.

I'll take happy talent over drunks any/every day of the week. Maybe that's why I don't have to cater to the nonsingers with dance music. My nonsingers are happy to listen to talented singing all night.
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Post by OnTheMicDJs »

I too consider myself a professional. Although I only started in the biz about two years ago, I have built up seven steady gigs every day of the week that have all lasted for over a year now. Every establishment has said on multiple occasions that we have greatly increased their sales/business. We must be doing something right?! I do not promote swearing or screaming at our shows, but if someone wants to sing a song that is available for karaoke, it is a karaoke show, and I don't feel it is right to stop anyone from singing what they want, regardless of the lyrical content or genre of a song. I didn't write the songs. The only exception to this, is at a family establishment, I will refrain from music with explicit lyrics until later in the evening, when it is deemed appropriate. As far as talant level goes, I too get a lot of very talented singers at shows, but there are also quite a few at the other end of the spectrum. I'm not talking about "screamers and drunks"...we do not, under any circumstances, tolerate disrespect to anyone at our shows. I am talking about people that come out week after week, have a good time, support the establishment, but can't carry a tune if their lives depended on it. They aren't hurting anyone, and they are having fun. Our main goal is to provide quality entertainment...and we do.
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Post by RockinBruce »

Just some observations on this subject:

1. Song repeats. When I KJ, and this also goes for the KJ's that I work for as well, and someone puts in a song request for a song that has already been done...I will let them know that it has already been played that night. If they still want to sing it, fine...go for it. But I give them the opportunity to change if they want. If someone puts in a song request and that same song comes up for someone else in the rotation a little bit later on, I will attempt to find the other person and ask if they want to change.

2. Profanity. Profanity has not and will never be tolerated at any show that I or my fellow KJ's do. I don't meant that we won't play songs with explict lyrics...hey, if that's how the song is written then by all means sing away! What I mean are the idiots that come up and start dropping "F" bombs left and right. If that happens when I am KJ'ing I will usually give the offender a warning and if it persists then the music and mic are turned off and they are done for the night. I have only had to shut off one person, so it must work.

3. Great vs lousy singers. Although it is much more enjoyable to listen to really good singers, the majority of people that sing would have trouble carrying a tune in a sack. That's what karaoke is all about. The only thing that I am really concerned with is that everyone has a good time doing it.
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Post by DanG2006 »

I will allow someone to sing a song that already has been sung but an hour has to pass by before it gets sung and I tell the person this. Usually because they want to sing right away they will either bump the song till later and sing another or replace the song with another.
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Post by DanG2006 »

Bigdog wrote:There is karaoke that most of you know. Which is nothing but a bunch of no talent screaming drunks that want to party and scream swear words in to the microphone all night long....

There is karaoke which contains dance music sets and then there is what I do. I am not now, nor will I ever be a KJ/DJ. If I can not get and keep work strictly as a KJ, I will quit. But that doesn't appear to be happening anytime soon. Pure karaoke is hot and heavy in my area. That's the way I want it to stay. People can go to a DJ if they want to dance all night. But people shouldn't expect DJing during a scheduled karaoke night. A karaoke night is all about the singers, period. I can keep the non singing crowd (which always out numbers the singers by 2-3 times) happy and returning every week. That's how I fell about it.

I just don't attract the screaming drunk crowd. Maybe it's because of the way I do karaoke. I don't promote screaming and swearing all night. My song book doesn't contain it.

The majority of my singers are talented to very talented. Many sing in local bands. Not everyone sings perfect. It's about having fun. I don't get record producers hanging around. But I have had 2 singers actually get recording contracts.

I wouldn't have it any other way. The screaming drunks do nothing but add to the rowdiness aspect. I do not want a situation night after night where you have to worry about your equipment or fights breaking out. My jobs don't require bouncers or security people.

Karaoke is a lot more fun when the talent level is higher. I can tolerate the 4 hours much easier. If I had lousy singers night after night I would kill myself.

I do not discourage anyone from singing, no matter their talent level. But the screamers and drunks don't come back. They must be going to your shows.

I consider myself a karaoke professional and that is how I run the show. Act professional or don't come back. It will save me money on broken equipment. It never has to be said. They can see how the rest of the crowd is and if they don't like it they can leave.

Maybe our shows are not on the same level. I consider myself to be in the top 5-10% of Karaoke shows. It shows in my equipment, my sound, my singers and my show quality.

I'll take happy talent over drunks any/every day of the week. Maybe that's why I don't have to cater to the nonsingers with dance music. My nonsingers are happy to listen to talented singing all night.
So given what you've said I should expect "The Search Is Over" not to be in your book because the D word is in it. If it is that makes you a hyprocrite. Either you get rid of all the foul language songs or you leave them in. can't have it both ways.
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