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Post by OnTheMicDJs »

It's deja vu, all over again...

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Post by letitrip »

Bigdog wrote:Another jerk that wanted to hi-jack the show to turn it into something he thinks a karaoke should be.
God forbid the show be about the singers instead of being about the KJ.
OnTheMicDJs wrote:It's deja vu, all over again...
Normally the redundancy of this Yogi Berra-ism is one of my pet peeves, but in this case it seems oddly appropriate.
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Post by Bigdog »

Whenever you have a quality crowd, someone singing a song like Adam Sandlers "Piece of Crap Song" that many can and will find offense, to the point that it may make them leave, is counter productive to the main goal of bringing in people and money to the bar.

My goal is a top quality crowd that knows how to act in public. That won't cause trouble. And will not offend anyone.

Your karaoke goals are obviously very different.

It's about karaoke. Not offending everyone you can with your potty mouth renditions of what you think entertainment is, because you have no class. And trying to project it on everyone else.

Nobody will run my show but me. It will not be hi-jacked by people that want to dance (go to a DJ) and people that want to see how gross they can be on a microphone. As I said once before. I attract a more serious and more talented group of singers. The screaming drunks go to the crap KJs.
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Post by Bigdog »

God forbid the show be about the singers instead of being about the KJ.

Who is the genius that said this????

Read it carefully...

Karaoke is about the singers 100% correct...NOT the ignorant karaoke hi-jacking a$$holes that want dance music sets...That take up the dedicated singers time. The whole reason karaoke exists in the first place...


Never forget why you have a karaoke's not a dance music business, is it????

That's why God invented DJs.....

Show some respect for your singers...
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Post by wiseguy »

Many karaoke singers also like to dance to DJ dance music. These people can go to a "karaoke only" bar for awhile to sing and then later go to another bar to dance or they can go to "karaoke and DJ" and stay the entire evening. I have consistently larger crowds than the others in my area that do karaoke only or DJ only.
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Post by letitrip »

I'll quote you again Big Dog, "Another jerk that wanted to hi-jack the show to turn it into something he thinks a karaoke should be. "

My point is simple, a singer is a singer is a singer at Karaoke. Whether they sing well or not, whether they meet your moral standards or not. Who are you to dictate to someone else what Karaoke is?

The singers SHOULD be the ones to decide what Karaoke is and isn't, not the pompous arrogant KJ, not just the Karaoke snobs who think they're gods gift to singing and the only ones who are worthy of being on the Karaoke stage. What Karaoke is varies from night to night and crowd to crowd. I always laugh when I see you mention "Serious" karaoke singers. What the hell is that? Serious in that they think they're going to get a recording contract out of this? Serious in that they think everyone else is there to hear them perform? We all know what the etimology of the word Karaoke is. I welcome the horrible singers as much as the very skilled singers who should be or have been leads for bands. Isn't that a KJ's job?
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Post by wiseguy »

The words "serious" and "karaoke" never belong in the same sentence.
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Post by Bigdog »

That's my point...maybe serious and karaoke don't go together in your karaoke show....maybe it lacks some moral fortitude...

You keep contradicting yourself.

Is karaoke about the singers no matter their talent level or is it about non singers that want dance sets????

I don't have or want an out of control crowd.

People should be able to go out and act like and expect others to act like normal responsible adults.

Watching some drunk make an a** out of themselves while offending other people by trying to push their low morals (because I'm drunk is not an excuse) on the crowd is not my goal. It should not be the goal of any KJ.

The type of music you play and the conduct you allow at your show directly affects the level of seriousness and potential for the crowd to be more out of control.

It is much more enjoyable to listen to people sing that are actually trying to sing than to be forced to listen to someone that can and will only sing when they are drunk. If you went to a concert to see your favorite entertainer and they were drunk all night and acted like totals jerks, when it is not their typical M.O., what would your reaction be??? Wow I'm so glad I came????

I know karaoke isn't a concert but the concept is the same. If I attract people that are not all about seeing how fast they can get wasted and take the night out a little more seriously, They're/I'm wrong???? They are not interested in watching drunk A**holes try to gross out the crowd. Is that wrong??? They just might be interested in being entertained. Is that wrong???

Most normal adults do not go out looking for trouble or to find the biggest a**hole bar in town. Most normal people stay away from places where people get outrageously drunk and the potential for a fight any second, is much greater. I provide a more normal atmosphere where outrageousness and excessive drunkenness are keep at a minimum and everyone still has fun. Is that wrong???

Karaoke is about the singers (not DJs) and I get all levels of singing talent. I have broken many cherries. I have seen and heard them get better over time. What I don't get is many totally drunk, out of control people attempting to entertain the crowd with their crap version of some crap song. Trying to see how gross they can be.

Having a mature well behaved crowd that knows how to have fun is my normal. Is that wrong???
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Post by Marlena »

*sigh* I don't play DJ Music unless I Have less then 3 Singers or a couple Songs after 2 AM when i'm closing the show.

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