
Requests for KJ to sing??

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Requests for KJ to sing??

Post by letitrip »

Not sure if this topic has been discussed before, I didn't find it through the search tool. I know we all get requests from folks in the crowd to sing songs that they want to hear. I'm curious how others handle it, especially when you have a heavy rotation of singers.

I ask because I've been getting this a lot lately at one of my regular shows, folks who want me to perform songs for them. Usually I'm the type of KJ who only puts myself in the rotation if it needs an extra singer. I don't care for the idea of my guests having to wait on me to sing. So when I get requests I'll do them if the rotation allows but I'm reluctant to if it's a heavy rotation with people waiting a long time to sing their songs.

The problem I'm seeing is it's a catch 22. I have to imagine that folks get annoyed when the KJ keeps singing every rotation while they're waiting to get to their next song (maybe I'm wrong and it's just expected the KJ will sing every rotation?). On the other hand, those asking me to sing for them don't take it too well if I'm won't sing their song for them.

Now one plus I've found is that this is a great way to introduce additional singers to the rotation who otherwise wouldn't have sung. Last night for instance I had two young ladies who kept asking me to sing songs. So after the first two, I told them I wouldn't do another one until they signed up to sing. At first it was the usual "no way we can't sing". Then I convinced them to do one and as we all know that's all it takes. They ended up singing 5 songs and promising they'd be back for future shows :D

So anyway, I'm just curious of the prevailing thoughts on this.

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Post by DanG2006 »

I will sing a request only if I am still in the rotation, if the rotation goes over 8 people I bow out. If I have already bowed out I would try and ask them to try the song themselves and even suggest that I'd help them if they wamted the help.
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Post by Bigdog »

I know at least 600 songs that I can do very well. Many people think it's the jukebox playing. I don't get people requesting me to sing very often, but there are songs that people tell me they like to hear.

My show style differs from most. I will sing (once) in the rotation any time I feel the show direction is not going the way I want it to. If it's getting too boring, I'll inject (sing) an upbeat rock song. Too much country= an upbeat rock song. Etc. My main goal is to keep everyone entertained, singers but more so the non-singers. I do not use dance sets or filler music, ever.
So people are use to hearing me sing during the rotation. If the rotation can handle itself, as far as not being boring then I will sit out.

I am the musical conductor for the way the show runs...dictated by the musical selections of the singers present. I'll also adjust my song selection according to the majority age of the crowd. But I will also do that to chase away or let a certain age group, (21ers) based on their actions (roudiness) away. Or at least to let them know that this is how it's going to be. Not what they want to try to turn it in to...

I am not a microphone hog or the star of the show. But it runs according to what I feel will be in the best interest of the bar making money. If the rotation is too big and the flow is right then I stay out. If it's big and the flow isn't right I'm singing....not what I normally want to sing but what will keep the rotation from sounding boring...
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Post by wiseguy »

I rarely sing at my shows. I give all the singing time to the customers. I do not sing requests. I can usually find one of my singers that will sing any requested songs.
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Post by Bigdog »

Having another singer sing a requested song takes up their singing time. They may not get to sing the song they really want to sing because of it. And does that mean they sing 2 times that rotation?

Announcing that you are going to sing a request (when I do it sounds funny) like you are using that as an excuse to sing a song. You are just better off singing it and keeping your mouth shut. Unless you're making a big deal out of it for one of the customers.

I have a list of around 14-15 reasons why I sing at my shows. Some of which I have mentioned already. I use psychology, humor and singing to entertain. Without dance sets and filler music.

The biggest reason I sing is to keep the crowd entertained. I also use it to stretch out the rotation.

The next biggest reason is to keep me happy. I do this 5 nights a week and have been for the last 15 years. Music is my main interest. I hate sports. So when I sing a song, I'm happy. If this turns into a no "fun" job then I'll quit. If I can't sing at my show with all of the money I have invested then there is something wrong. My fun is just as important to me.

Has a customer ever complained about me singing. SURE. Not often but I have heard it ....Here is my answer to that.

It's my show and I am coordinating the flow of the show. You may not understand why I have to sing in the rotation. Because you have picked a bunch of slow boring songs that is making "You" happy...doesn't mean that your "off key wailing" is keeping the rest of the crowd entertained. It's not. If you were the only singer everyone would leave.

Somebody has to provide real entertainment to keep the nonsingers here. I pick me. My biggest reason for being here is to make the bar money. Not to have you chasing away the customers.

Every night 50-80% of all my crowds are non singers. I want them all to stay and have fun too. So it's never all about the singers only.

Second, you can invest your own money (over $50,000 in my case) and not sing at your shows, night after night all you want.

I know a few KJs that should never sing because I have actually seen people get up and leave whenever they sing. Real crowd killers, for sure....couldn't sing to save themselves...
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Post by DanG2006 »

If they are agreeable to do it, why is it a waste of their singing time? It is up to the patron if it is wasting their singing time. They may have been stuggling trying to pick out their first song and the request might actually help them to decide or give them more time to decide on their personal choices.
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Post by Marlena »

I sing once at the top of my rotation always.. it gives the singers an idea as to where i am in a rotation. I'm always the first one in roation and everyone keeps their same spot in rotation all night long.

I will sing requests but only if:
a) I feel it will get the crowd going better than it is.
b) I like the song.

If I'm having a genre night... like say country then I sing rap or Pop.
if i'm having a pop / rap night then i sing faster country
If i'm having a metal / hard rock night... i inject slow classic country.

If i feel that the song requested is a crowd killer... i tell the person i don't know the song well enough to sing it and that ends the discussion.

I Don't ask my regular singers or any singer to give up their turn to sing a requested song... it just doesn't seem fair to me.

I somewhat feel the same as bigdog... as it is my business, my investment, and it's my job and if i don't enjoy it then i am done.

My regular singers take up most of the songs i sing a night. they request what i sing. Also i try to introduce 1 new song at least a night for myself to sing because once i sing a song once, someone knows it and starts singing it one a regular basis.

So many times i have looked through my book and learnt an older song to have someone in the crowd say "wow i didn't know that was the name of the song" and they start singing it every week.. it's a great way to have your selection varied weekly but your clients.
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Post by Bigdog »

It's a waste of their time if...

I know many singers that do certain songs fantasically.

But they do not want to sing the same song night after night. They want to sing a variety of songs just like you, me and everyone else. But whenever they walk in the bar everyone starts to hound them to sing XYZ song because people go wild when they sing it. They are getting sick of it....I have had those people tell me they really didn't want to sing XYZ tonight, they wanted to try something show people that they know how to sing other songs. Karaoke is still about showing off....

So by asking someone to sing a song that they may not have actually wanted, had no intentsion or desire to sing (and they may only be doing it because they don't want to say no or offend someone)'s a waste of their singing time (sometimes) I realized that some people may be flattered by the request but some may not...

Just last night a guy named Earl came in. He's a friend/KJ from way back. He hates using his real name at karaoke because some jerk always wants to sing "Goodbye Earl" and then make a reference to him. He's really sick of it.

Can you imagine how he feels whenever he hears that song...night after night?????

Do I think people can get sick of singing the same song by request, every night whenever they want to sing something else?????
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Post by RockinBruce »

If I am subbing for the regular KJ I will usually put myself in the rotation last...that way those folks that are paying attention know that I am almost back to the top of the rotation. When I am not KJ'ing it has almost become a tradition of sorts to have me sing the first song, so no matter what (end of the rotation or first singer), my regulars know that we are back at the top. Of course, if it gets really busy when I am KJ'ing I will skip my turn in the interests of getting as many singers thru as possible.
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Post by DanG2006 »

With my program's filler tunes feature I try not to have any of my singers start off singing because I have to physically go get them to start their song So if I am coming off of a dj music set then I sing. Although lately it's been singers only for most of my shows so I don't have to do it a lot.
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