
What's Your Opinion?

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What's Your Opinion?

Post by Bigdog »

I know many other KJs. Some of them will tell me at karaoke after hearing someone sing a song they also sing, I can do it better that that, put it in for me so I can show them how it's done right.

To me this is totally unprofessional. Karaoke is not about how good or bad someone sings a song. It's not up to a KJ to try to show someone up.

Any KJ that does this at their show is a total moron. That's a real good way to keep your singers from singing or wanting to come back to your show.

I have already had songs queued up that I was going to sing and somebody puts in a slip with that song on it. I just put their name on it and they sing it. NO big deal. I also know KJs that will tell someone that it's their song and they are going to sing it. That will win friends and influence people.

Why don't some KJs get it?

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Post by wiseguy »

I rarely sing at my karaoke shows and certainly would never sing to show someone up. I won't even tolerate this from other singers who request to do the same song for this reason. In fact, I will not allow the same song to be sung twice in the same show if I think this is happening.

Yes, this is an annoying practice of some KJ's who think they are "Mr. Entertainer". These are also usually the ones that hog the mic and sing several times per rotation and/or several songs in a row. Of course, these KJ's usually have plenty of time to do this because they won't have many singers anyway.
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Post by letitrip »

Oh Lord, the infamous "I'm singing and I can't shut up" KJ. I know of a few KJ's like this. To me it's a no brainer. I don't sing anything someone else has, if someone else puts in for a song I have queued up then it's there's, and I'd never dream of trying to show someone up. Just seems like this should be common sense.

The good news is I don't normally sing more than twice at my shows (to start it and to end it). The only times I sing in my rotation is if someone asks me to sing something for them (and I have room in the rotation to do so) or if it's one of those rare nights where I have to fill in the rotation a bit. I have never and will never sing 2 or more songs in a row. That just looks horrible in my book.
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Post by DanG2006 »

If someone puts in a song that I had planned on singing when my turn came aound, I pull myself when I get more than 10 singers, I'll pull mine and give the song to the person wanting to sing it. After all, the customers are what I'm there for, not to hear myself sing.
There really isn't any song that belongs to any one singer. Otherwise the songlist would list their name as the artist.
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Post by mwadeson »

if i have or someone else has put up a song and it comes up again i try to see if they want to sing it together. Most of the time they will. And then they usually go and pick out some songs they normally will not sing but together they will try.
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Post by DanG2006 »

mwadeson wrote:if i have or someone else has put up a song and it comes up again i try to see if they want to sing it together. Most of the time they will. And then they usually go and pick out some songs they normally will not sing but together they will try.
I do the same thing but mostly get "it's my request I wanna do it myself".
At that point it goes to the first person who put it in and I let them know who put it in. Now if the first person leaves and the other one is still there later I might let them sing it again, but not as long as both are there.
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Post by Bigdog »

I'll play the same song all night long... it pays the same.

If a person wants to sing a song that has already played, I play it again.

It's about keeping the singers happy and coming back. If that's the only song they know or want to sing are you going to tell them no??? That isn't very smart.

You hear the same play list repeat on the radio every hour, so what's the big deal if a song repeats once or twice at a 4 hour karaoke????

Keep the singers happy... Not every singer, sings hundreds of different songs. Most are lucky they know and sing 5 different songs, EVER. That is going to lead to many repeat songs...
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Post by mwadeson »

I see your point but i look at the hole scene of the bar and as a bar manager and kj I see it from two different views. As a KJ Yes you need to keep your singers happy. But as a Bar manager you need to keep everyone happy and they don't like to hear the same song over and over maybe twice in four hours but that would be it.
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Post by wiseguy »

Bigdog wrote:I'll play the same song all night long... it pays the same.

If a person wants to sing a song that has already played, I play it again.

It's about keeping the singers happy and coming back. If that's the only song they know or want to sing are you going to tell them no??? That isn't very smart.

You hear the same play list repeat on the radio every hour, so what's the big deal if a song repeats once or twice at a 4 hour karaoke????

Keep the singers happy... Not every singer, sings hundreds of different songs. Most are lucky they know and sing 5 different songs, EVER. That is going to lead to many repeat songs...
Interesting... but take this scenario. At one of those places that does a good business, but usually has only about eight singers, there is one regular that only knows one song. This is a very boring song like "The Rose" for example. This person wants to sing this song every time her turn comes up in the rotation. This could be more than five times within a four hour show. Are you going to subject the crowd to this torture?
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Post by Bigdog »

A far out stretch, but I very rarely have singers repeat a song they have already sung. It has happened when someone sings at the very beginning of the night and they want to sing it later when the crowd is bigger. I play it. They are sitting there buy drinks....which pays my fee. So if you want to look like an idiot that can only sing one song all night long...I'll help you.

I have never seen anyone leave or get mad about a song being repeated. So the problem is not really a problem at all.

I have played the same song 3-4 times in one night. By 3-4 different singers. That has only happened once and it was recently. Nobody left the bar. The song was "Before He Cheats." Girls just love to sing about revenge.....

Most singers sing a few songs that they feel very comfortable with. I have seen it in the past 15 years. People I haven't seen in 10 years come in and sing the same 3 songs they sang 10 years ago. I can't change it or fix it. They come in buy drinks and it makes them HAPPY. Which keeps them loving me....

Suggesting someone sing a different song because it was already played will kill your regular singers. They pay money (which pays you) to sing that song from food and drink purchases.

Don't play their song.... shut up and smile....and think about the money you get at the end of the night for making them all happy...
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Post by DanG2006 »

Most nonsingers aren't gonna notice maybe one repeat of music but wiseguy's scenerio won't fly in most bars. I try and figure out a way to get singers to try something outside of their comfort zone such as a drink for a new song. I usually have an agreement for one drink per customer who sings anyway, I just make the rule that it has to be something they haven't sung before. With singer history it is easy enough for me to catch someone trying to get by on me.
Sometimes all I have to do is pick a song that is either by the same artist or the same style and they run with it.
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Post by Marlena »

Okay my 2 cents...

1st cent... (And I Ain't Lying)... Before I got into Karaoke, I went to a show where a man and woman were both the hosts, husband and wife team.. (seriously not making this story up at all) So I Sit down to go through their menu, which consisted of about 25 discs and definately not a single 1 more. This is a bar that holds 250 people. This team of hosts had just recently gotten into the business. So Good for them, I was More then happy to get up and support them while they built their business. Very fair rotations Nice people, and great singers BUT and here's the big BUT!!! A Woman Got up and sang "who's bed have your boots been under" THEN Yet Another got up right after, And Sang? "who's Bed Have your boots been under", OMG! THEN, The wife Host Sang? "who's Bed Have Your Boots Been Under" And If This Wasn't Bad Enough, WHile The Other 3 girls had sang the song already, The HUSBAND re-wrote The words while waiting for his turn, which fell immediately after his wife AND he SANG his Version of? "Who's Bed Have Your Boots Been under"!!!! Immediately I Got up with the table of 10 i was with and we left. (i'm not kidding This was retarded)

Now for my 2nd cent...

I Have 15,000 Songs in my song book, I think of repeats like this...

1) there's enough music in my books that i shouldn't have to play the same song twice.

2) It hurts the original singers feelings and makes them embarrassed if someone else gets up and sings it and gets a better response.

3) 2/3's of my crowds are non-singers, why would they want to listen to the same song over again.

4) Another scenerio for you is this... if i have a singer come in, and i know they only sing 3 or 4 songs (and they are older say in their 50's or 60's, who cant read well or have to know a song by heart to sing it) and someone else has the song up, I will go over to that person and ask if they mind giving up that song and tell them that i have a singer who only knows a couple songs. They more than gladly give it up because most of my singers have a list of 30 to 60 songs they can and want to sing all the time.

I Run my show on first come first serve basis, The first one who puts it in gets to sing it for the first and last time it will be played in an evening. I accept 4 songs at a time for a singer, so once you have 4 songs up on my stage you can't add any to your list. If 2 people hand in the same request and i don't notice it, and it is supposed to come up for both singers in this round, the first person in rotation gets to sing it and i explain to the other what has happened. So The earlier you get there to hand in your songs the better. Makes it so your customers have to be there when you get there, if they really want to sing certain songs. I'll tell you it has done wonders for bringing in the crowds earlier. The Owner of the bar says she now has people showing up at 8 pm for a show that doesn't even start til 9:30. I Don't even get there until 9:15 and the books are accessible everyday all day long. they just stay in a pile on the edge of my stage. So when customers come in they grab their books and start writting. I pass out the books at 9:35 immediately after the first song starts, Because most of the singers have already handed in song slips and didn't need a book to find what they are going to sing. (No Numbers now, just song title and artist)

So There's my 2 cents and all i have is a nickel, anyone got change?
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Post by Bigdog »

I always let someone know that a particular song has already been sung. The reason is...some people will not sing it again because they know it's been sung already. However, I have people that still want to sing it because they have waited all week to sing their favorite song. So now tell me why I should tell them they can not sing their favorite song. They are paying for drinks and the right to sing whatever I have in my book.

Some people will sing it again to try to "sing it better." Jerks!!!! But the majority want to sing it because it's the song they want to sing, because they like it. Everyone likes to hear their favorite song over and over. Ever buy a CD and play it all day long in your house or car??? Did you turn it off because you didn't want to hear it again?

If it's a popular song and it gets people in a good mood and dancing around, why play it once?

I can play at least 60 songs per 4 hour night. Radio stations repeat almost the entire play list every hour to hour and a half. EVERYDAY. 24/7 We have grown accustomed to it and ususlly can't wait for it to be played again.

3-4 repeats in 4 hours is nothing in the overall night. And you possibly made some singers a little mad. Was it worth it??? Not in my opinion...

Telling someone no, never has a good you like it???? Especsially if you are paying someones wage? It's worth more that 5 cents isn't it?????
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Post by letitrip »

I gotta say I'm with bigdog on this. I'll tell the second person to put in the song that it has already been sung and most of the time they are too embarassed to sing it. However if they still want to sing it I'll let them. I've never had a problem with it. The worst I had was one night where I had to do the same song 3 times and I think I was the only one bothered by it.

As far as reserving songs for regulars, nope. Since most are too embarassed to repeat a song, they still come early to get it in first. My regulars that have their small specific list always are the first at the show (sometimes before I arrive, often while I'm setting up). I'd never ask someone to give up a song for a regular who only knows a certain song. That just has to much potential to come off as favoritism. I'm very passionate about keeping a fair rotation and part of that is ensuring that the clients are perceiving it as a fair rotation.
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Post by Bigdog »

EXACTLY....If you want to sing it first..... then you better put it in first...

Someone puts in a song for their third selection and then freak out if it gets played before they get to do it....

TOOO BADDD... Get there early and stay late......And go to every one you can....That's the only way to sing more songs..

Some KJs only have one player so they can not come close to playing as many songs in a night as I do....They will not allow repeats...UPGRADE your crappy system and then you can play with the Bigdogs too...

Telling someone that's paying your wage, they HAVE to pick another songs sucks...

I don't care what they sing or who they sing it's their turn...they can do whatever makes them HAPPY...and coming back for more week after week or night after night..
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