I'm searching for a good karaoke site to download the karaoke song "dreaming of you"
Singer Selena
THANKS olsen
Looking for karaoke site to download
Another site is www.tricerasoft.com while the cost is $1.00 more the songs are better quality than you would get from most of CAVS site which the minimum cost is now $.99 and if you want better song brands (CHrtbuster, Top Hits) can run 1.99.
The place that I found where you can download Karaoke songs is CAVUSA at a minimum of .79 each....
So far the songs that I downloaded play good.
TriceraSoft is simply selling the Top Hits Monthly MP3+G tracks. And I agree that they are better quality than what CAVS sells.Another site is www.tricerasoft.com
For country, chartbuster runs a very close second to sound choice's quality.wiseguy wrote:TriceraSoft is simply selling the Top Hits Monthly MP3+G tracks. And I agree that they are better quality than what CAVS sells.Another site is www.tricerasoft.com
So if you can get a chratbuster song off CAVS, you're doing as well if not better than Top HIts.
I Would rather purchase from Tricerasoft for personal reasons I would rather not go into.