
New KJ, I have some questions

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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

Bigdog wrote:My President settled the case because it would be a major distraction going into the presidency and it would have probably cost more to pay his lawyers to fight it.... He's no idiot. He wants to save every nickel he can. He said it before if you start to settle every lawsuit without a fight you'll become a bigger target for lawsuits.

The EC will pick MY President to run the country... The Republicans are all lining up under him now...many got reelected because of him... RYan can't stop smiling...he knows they have the commies on the ropes now. It's time to take back the country....

The national debt could very well go much higher because the commies didn't do anything to create jobs so people could pay income tax to reduce it..... Wow why didn't they think of that.... Because they didn't want to....They wanted to buy votes by giving away the farm to every undeserving leech in the country......the debt will go up to get all the infrastructure jobs under way that the commies refused to do.

Sure it will cost money to deport the 11 million illegals and to build a will be cheap in the long run to clean off the dead beats from the freebie rolls..that's your tax money going to waste....with no returns coming from much of the national debt is deadbeat waste...the debt will come down...if you build it ...they will go...

Looks like everyone that said they were leaving the country if MY President won...changed their minds...if they like commies so much why don't they try North Korea... I hear it's commie paradise..I'm sure MY President would buy them a one way ticket...

The commies are still in a state of shock and awe and denial... The NORMAL people felt the Same way when Obama got reelected and when he passed the Obama failure unaffordable care act.

We can take off our panties and wear big boy pants now as a nation. The world is taking notice of the new sherif in town and he don't take prisoners...

The Middle East is and has been nothing but trouble for 5000 years.. A giant kitty litter box ... It needs scooped out. Or nuked out... I'll push the button myself. That would pretty much stop all the terrorists activity...real fast.all that sand and heat fries brain cells.

People with money (industrialists) create jobs not people on welfare and food stamps.. I know democrats that seriously think Trump getting his ties made in India single handedly killed our economy for the last eight years that's why they voted for Hitlery. Not being informed enough to know Bill killed it when he signed NAFTA... NOrth American Failure Trade Act... I see a failure pattern here... He made millions on it from payoffs to the CLINTON Faildation... There is nobody dirtier than the Clintons.... Their hands are colored red from blood money..

She lost because NORMAL people have had enough stuck in us for way too long... She's a liar, cheater, traitor that should be doing time along side bill and if Obama pardons Her he should be right with them.

Things can't get any worse... We get over 40% of our oil From having a new pipeline to deliver it to us should make it cheaper for us...I'm sure the Indians can be bought off ...or the line rerouted a tiny bit... Pipe lines keep people employed ...oh wait who would they vote for if they have to work for a living... Now I get it... No employment means more commie freebies which equals more commie votes and you know why there are 49 million people on food stamps... They don't want to be $15 hour burger flippers... Oh wait that's why we have 11 million illegal Mexicans here because nobody wants to flip burgers for $15 an hour..have to raise it to $100 an hour.. Number 23 who ordered the $5000 cheeseburger with lettuce and pickles...

8) First of all you are right bigdog, he is your President and you can have him. He still has a few legal problems 69 of them to be exact. It is true he wants every nickel including yours and he is welcome to it, if you are dumb enough to give it to him. As far a panties go never used them myself then of course I'm a Veteran, are you? Actually the Middle East has been a problem off and on since the start of History it was the crossroads of the world where East meets West. If you did nuke it out clouds of radioactive fallout could travel clear around the world depending on shifting wind patterns. I don't think you would be able to confine it once it is released into the atmosphere. I would rather spend money feeding people than building more weapons of mass destruction, we already have enough to wipe out the world many times over. If we would get with it the 40% of oil we import form Canada could be replaced by renewable sources. Then we wouldn't need a pipeline, that could rupture like they have in Alaska destroying the environment. Hillary at least has not been brought to trial Trump has 69 more cases pending and counting. He says he never settles bigdog, you can see what his words are worth. They are as worthless as a degree from his defunct University which wasn't a real University in the first place. You still don't get it when everything is automated in the not so distant future, man will be freed from labor by robots. When that happens we are going to have large populations with nothing but time on their hands, what then? You are going to have a few people with all the power and goods concentrated v.s. the rest of us. How do you think that is going to play out? :angel: :angel: :angel:

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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

wiseguy wrote:Bigdog, I remember in 2012 when you were whining about Obama winning with only 3 million more votes than Romney. So what do you have to say about your guy winning with over a million less votes than Clinton? Trump was not elected by the people. He was elected by a broken system. Right now he is the "President-elect" which means virtually nothing legally. The EC electors will decide if he becomes the next president and they have good reasons to deny him, not the least being that the NSA has concluded that Russia was involved with helping him get elected and that the Russian government has admitted being in touch with the Trump campaign. Trump is committing treason before he is even in office.
8) The solution is simple wiseguy we just split the country in two have the republic of the flyover, and the republic of the two coasts. Simple then everyone lives in the country they feel comfortable with. Bigdog is always talking about commies, how about the ones like Putin who has unduly influenced our election process? At least our liberals are home grown, not imported from the home of Communism, good old Russia.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

I think the solution, which is not so simple, is to give the power back to the voters. Eliminate the EC and gerrymandering, automatically register all voters, and make election day a holiday. Overturn Citizens United and move to public funded elections. If the system was fair Trump would have never won. If the system was fair voters would actually elect their state representatives.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

wiseguy wrote:I think the solution, which is not so simple, is to give the power back to the voters. Eliminate the EC and gerrymandering, automatically register all voters, and make election day a holiday. Overturn Citizens United and move to public funded elections. If the system was fair Trump would have never won. If the system was fair voters would actually elect their state representatives.
8) Tell me it ain't so wiseguy the system is really fixed, rigged? Seriously it has been since the founding of this country, little by little we have made it more fair, but now we have forces gathered together that want to halt progress and move it back to the 1950's. The trouble is the world has changed and about half the country doesn't want to accept that fact. Reality what a concept. I was just kidding about the splitting the country in two, but sometimes it seems that would be the best solution. Bigdog might really think Trump is the answer, more likely he will end up being the disease not the cure.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

This is an actual billboard in Russia. I checked it out and it is true. Tell me Bigdog... who is the real commie?

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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

8) Damn bigdog the commies are everywhere, better check under your bed. I just remembered before the Summer of 1941 the Nazis and the Communists had a non-aggression pact. I guess Trump the Nationalist could work with Putin the Ex-KGB chief, there is a history there.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by Bigdog »

Photoshop billboard... ... i-meltdown

Keep your heads in the sand as this gets bigger and bigger...killing the entire Pacific ocean food chain which includes killing the left coast of the United states . They still have tones of radioactive pollution going into the ocean as we speak...and expect it to take 40 more years.....California will be like Chernobyl ...goodbye lefties.. This is just a little hint...STOP eating the sea food from the left coast..and Alaska ....look at the ocean current maps.. King crabs are going to have 14 legs...

If Putin influenced the election by using true information on Hitlery I'm glad.... Because the commie controlled media wouldn't tell us

I guess the uninformed democrats that voted for her have no idea that the Clintons made millions of dollars by giving Putin control of 90% of the uranium why vote for that PROGRESSIVE SOCIALIST traitor.... One reason ...uninformed...head in the sand, freebie grubbing voters

Google ...Clinton Putin uranium... See what comes up and you won't see it watching the kardashions real life circus...
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by Bigdog »

And I guess the two most powerful leaders of the world should be bitter enemies with their fingers on the button 24/7
Anyone remember REAGAN and a certain German wall and the fall of communism in Russia... Or has that been scrubbed from the high school history books already... Dumbed down voters almost won this election...
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

Bigdog wrote:Photoshop billboard... ... i-meltdown

Keep your heads in the sand as this gets bigger and bigger...killing the entire Pacific ocean food chain which includes killing the left coast of the United states . They still have tones of radioactive pollution going into the ocean as we speak...and expect it to take 40 more years.....California will be like Chernobyl ...goodbye lefties.. This is just a little hint...STOP eating the sea food from the left coast..and Alaska ....look at the ocean current maps.. King crabs are going to have 14 legs...

If Putin influenced the election by using true information on Hitlery I'm glad.... Because the commie controlled media wouldn't tell us

I guess the uninformed democrats that voted for her have no idea that the Clintons made millions of dollars by giving Putin control of 90% of the uranium why vote for that PROGRESSIVE SOCIALIST traitor.... One reason ...uninformed...head in the sand, freebie grubbing voters

Google ...Clinton Putin uranium... See what comes up and you won't see it watching the kardashions real life circus...
It is NOT a photoshopped billboard. Unlike you I post only facts, not conspiracy theories and innuendo. ... and-putin/
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by Bigdog »

Yes it's a real photo shopped billboard that was put up in Montenegro which borders Bosnia ...I'm sure they took time out to have a photo shoot together... :lol: Who do you think paid to put it up Hitlery or Obama? I can do the exact same thing in about 15 minutes... Ever hear of cut and paste?

"Montenegro is a sovereign state in Southeastern Europe. It has a coast on the Adriatic Sea to the south-west and is bordered by Croatia to the west, Bosnia and Herzegovina to the northwest, Serbia"
I'm sure nobody in those countries has anything against Putin....or the US...

It's not in America or Russia....real info ..right

You are correct the elections are rigged whenever the governor of Virginia pardons 60,000 felons so they can vote for Hitlery. Or the existing president ignores the open borders so the country can be flooded by illegal voters

From what I see every democrat currently in office has commie leanings which they want to label "progressives" it's a code word to confuse the uneducated democratic followers.. Just like they don't know the definition of socialist... Which is a commie in training...

If you progressives/socialists/commies want to share all your income and property with illegals and no working lazy people go ahead....don't include me. I work too hard for my meager living. I like my freedoms and don't want to live in a country that acts like North Korea... Kim Jung Obama is not my president....
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

Bigdog wrote:
If you progressives/socialists/commies want to share all your income and property with illegals and no working lazy people go ahead....don't include me. I work too hard for my meager living. I like my freedoms and don't want to live in a country that acts like North Korea... Kim Jung Obama is not my president....

8) I'm sorry to hear your income is so meager bigdog, I'm sure the current billionaire President elect can feel your pain. What happened didn't those years of Regan & Bush trickle down you enough wealth to put you up where the rest of the elites are? Why aren't you more successful is it because you are lazy? Yes the system is rigged so what are you going to do about it? Vote for someone who is even more out of touch with your problems and how they affect you day to day? Did you see what Mitch McConnell said when asked about bringing back coal jobs? He said that all of that would be determined by market forces. This is code talk for we have so much cheap natural gas that coal mining is no longer cost effective in the parts of the industry where it can't be mined by machines, forget about it being dug out of the ground, that's old hat. All of the coal miners who thought their jobs were coming back have been duped.

Unlike you bigdog I have a comfortable retirement income, in California one of the highest taxed states in the nation. I don't mind paying taxes because I believe you have to pay your fair share. That is why I did my time in the military, because freedom isn't free. When I think of the sacrifices made by the WWII generation, and see what baby's have sprung up since, it makes me ill. The idea that you make contracts with the people and then decide to go back on them is disgusting, it is in business, or the social contract made between the rulers and the ruled. The very principles that have made our country great have handed us a system, played by the elites on both sides. The losers are the regular people who have made this country great, that have been betrayed by their leaders. Leaders who have become selfish, greedy, and uncaring of the plight of the masses. If Trump fails then what? Will the people rise up and drain the swamp for real? Don't expect the people Donald is putting on his team to do the job, they are part of the problem. Just like he boasts he knows all the tricks, he was the master of them for decades.

They say people get the type of government they deserve, it's hard to believe that this country deserves Donald, but then again maybe they do?

:usa: :usa: :usa:
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

Some of the people deserve Trump but those are the people who are clueless about what our country was created for. They knew they were voting for a white nationalist and are now defending the openly racist people he is surrounding himself with.

There are several petitions going around that are obtaining millions of signatures. These petitions are asking the electors to do the right thing and deny Trump the presidency. This is actually a pretty impressive movement. There are some electors claiming that they are being flooded with phone calls and emails. There are a few electors who have openly asked other electors to consider changing their vote from Trump to any other Republican.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

wiseguy wrote:Some of the people deserve Trump but those are the people who are clueless about what our country was created for. They knew they were voting for a white nationalist and are now defending the openly racist people he is surrounding himself with.

There are several petitions going around that are obtaining millions of signatures. These petitions are asking the electors to do the right thing and deny Trump the presidency. This is actually a pretty impressive movement. There are some electors claiming that they are being flooded with phone calls and emails. There are a few electors who have openly asked other electors to consider changing their vote from Trump to any other Republican.

8) The trouble with the electors naming any other Republican is one they have not been voted on at all. Another problem with that is if no one gets enough votes the 270 needed, then the selection is thrown to the House. With Ryan and the Republicans in charge over there who do you think they are gong to vote for? They want control of all of the levers of government and to be able to pack the Supreme Court as well. If the electors go for Trump the only thing the Democrats can hope for is the right over plays their hand and get thrown out the next election cycle. Steve Bannon Trump's chief advisor believes it's jobs jobs jobs. If Trump can deliver on that promise then everything else will matter little. One trillion dollars, however, is just a drop in the bucket it is going to take 3 Trillion dollars or more to fix the crumbling infrastructure. Since the right is going to cut taxes the only thing left to do is put it on the national credit card. Hello Greece. Once they bankrupt this country then the real fun begins,cutting all government programs, including Social Security and Medicare. Of course by that time everything will have imploded to the point that there will be riots just like they had in Greece. Let's hope that the electors at least 38 of them see reason, but I'm not holding my breath on that one. :dead: :dead: :dead:
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by Bigdog »

My meager income is the result of Obamas failed economic policies .and lack of job creation except for part time workers that don't qualify for retirement or hospitalization....
I have watched the karaoke/bar crowds getting smaller since 2008. That hasn't changed they are still dropping. The national debt tripled under Obama and the amount of people getting food stamps is also up. Don't tell me about the Phoney unemployment numbers....the real number is around 25%. There are no high paying blue collar jobs except the $15 an hour burger flippers.... They still don't have benefits...
If the democrats would have won how do you think it would get better when nothing did in the last eight years....hitlerys plan was more of the failed Obama policies..which is ...keep letting illegals enter and give everyone freebies and Free college and keep the money printing presses running 24/7 and grow the national trillions more.. How does that make for a strong healthy economy and country?

With no high paying jobs who pays for all the freebies....ohhh I know rich liberals...they want to step up and support all the the burger flippers a much needed tax break so they only have to work twenty years past their death...
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by Bigdog »

Talking about the music awards.....boy was that a democrats promotion made me sick...the amount of blatant sex was incredible... Yeah let your kids watch that will rot your brain so you can grow up to be a democrat
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