
New KJ, I have some questions

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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

Bigdog wrote:I can't for the life of me figure out why West Virginia elected another democrat governor after they killed the coal industry which is a big part of their economy...guess they like being unemployed...
Hillary ran out of people to blame for losing....she started digging up dead people...I guess if they can vote for her they can get the blame too.... :D

The governor of Virginia that pardoned 60,000 felons so they could vote needs to be tarred and feathered and run out of town. If I voted for him I'd be all those yayhoos are going to need to rob people to survive....

8) What killed the coal industry is technology bigdog. Something you can't do anything about, even if Trump manages to bring back coal, the industry would be automated to the max and few jobs would come back. There is a fundamental problem that we have large populations of workers and less work to do, at least in the physical sense. Robots are taking over in manufacturing, transportation, and the service industries at an alarming rate. You do not have to pay robots, no health care, they don't need vacations, or days off, nor do they have family issues that need their attention. There is also the question environmental impact that coal has, adding to global warming. Places like Germany now have almost 50% of the energy needs being met by renewable energy sources. Once again we lag behind other countries that are solving their energy needs without killing the planet we all live on. Of course none of this is going to matter if Trump decides to push the red button, then all of our collective problems will be over. If that happens then 60,000 felons will be the least of your problems. Doesn't look like Trump is going after Hillary, but he is due in court himself over Trump University. He will be the first President elect to have to appear in court before he starts office unless he can delay the proceedings. If he is found guilty of fraud, will that be an impeachable offense, since it would be a felony also?

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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

8) The election this year has revealed a conflict, one that is playing out all over the world. It started with Brexit, it continued with our last election, and will play out further with the French and German elections. It is a battle royal between the Nationalists of various stripes and Globalists of various stripes as well. This make "Make America Great Again" is the same slogan used by the Nazi's "Make Germany Great Again". They are similar themes playing again. Germany during the aftermath of the Great Depression was lying flat on it's back. Hitler came along and put people to work with massive infrastructure spending and rearming Germany. Trump wants to to the same with infrastructure and says we need to build up our hollowed out military. We spend more on defensive than the next 10 nations combined, and we are hollowed out? We are like the gun guy who has a 100 guns or more, one would do it. We have enough fire power to blowup the world several times over, once would do it.

In contrast to the Nationalists Globalists want to tear down the barriers between people borders, trade, cultural ties. A Philosophy that is in direct conflict with Nationalism. What is bringing this all to a head is the rapid technological advancements that are tearing apart the very fabric of most Western Industrial Nations. Globalization has been a blessing to many backward poor countries, and a curse to more developed ones, since it has a tendency to level the playing field. It is a lot easier to sell to people improvement in their status, most of us don't want to lower our standard of living however. America for so long has been the richest country on Earth, for us to be less, is unthinkable. If we want to stay on top we need to change and many of us especially the Nationalists don't want to change they want to go back to the 50's like Trump has pushed. I'm a child of the 50's as well, but there is one lesson I have learned in life, you can never go back, you have to keep moving forward.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by Bigdog »

First of all Germany is as big as Pennsylvania....hardly a big country so powering it with sun or wind is not a big deal....EPA emissions laws killed coal....we have a coal fired electric generating plant that switched over to natural gas. Coal fired has to have 500-750 foot or more smoke stacks to make the emissions disperse. Pollution laws. Obama wasted millions on green energy failures..most the companies he gave money to went bankrupt...

Trump isn't going to nuke anyone unless they deserve far as I'm concerned he could nuke the entire Middle East and fix all the worlds problems. And they wouldn't be missed...

As far as the unemployed, the students, the lazy people collecting freebies and the illegal aliens protesting trumps hate messages with their we hate trump signs.....that works ...if they had jobs they couldn't afford to miss that much work... I couldn't..and nobody is getting free college educations..deport the protestors...

Obamas legacy is going to be one of total failure...anything else will be a giant fabrication. Obamacare is turning into a giant failure as each day goes companies are bailing out of it daily, the ones still in it are raping everyone with the premium payments and deductibles...what good is insurance that you can't afford to use? ...

So what else did he do besides triple the national debt to 19 trillion...I hope his kids get good jobs and can pay lots of income tax... Eight years of failure....
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

Bigdog wrote:First of all Germany is as big as Pennsylvania....hardly a big country so powering it with sun or wind is not a big deal....EPA emissions laws killed coal....we have a coal fired electric generating plant that switched over to natural gas. Coal fired has to have 500-750 foot or more smoke stacks to make the emissions disperse. Pollution laws. Obama wasted millions on green energy failures..most the companies he gave money to went bankrupt...

Trump isn't going to nuke anyone unless they deserve far as I'm concerned he could nuke the entire Middle East and fix all the worlds problems. And they wouldn't be missed...

As far as the unemployed, the students, the lazy people collecting freebies and the illegal aliens protesting trumps hate messages with their we hate trump signs.....that works ...if they had jobs they couldn't afford to miss that much work... I couldn't..and nobody is getting free college educations..deport the protestors...

Obamas legacy is going to be one of total failure...anything else will be a giant fabrication. Obamacare is turning into a giant failure as each day goes companies are bailing out of it daily, the ones still in it are raping everyone with the premium payments and deductibles...what good is insurance that you can't afford to use? ...

So what else did he do besides triple the national debt to 19 trillion...I hope his kids get good jobs and can pay lots of income tax... Eight years of failure....

8) Trump is not going to reduce the national debt one penny bigdog. By the time he and Ryan give tax cuts to the richest in this country, and he starts on an infrastructure program, beef up our hollowed out military,and have it all charged to the national credit card 19 trillion is going to inflate to 30 trillion or more. Once you start nuking you can't just confine it to the Middle East, it is going to go world wide. It is not the people you are blaming that need jobs it is the poor working class people from the Rust Belt that want to work. The trouble is Trump is selling them a bill of goods those jobs aren't coming back. His anti free trade stance is going to cost what ever jobs are left. Germany also has large industry and has power needs it is not a farming country, they have energy needs just like we do, and a population of around 100 million abut a third of ours. Also if you are planning on getting Medicare you can forget it, Ryan and Trump are going to privatize it and give you a voucher to buy your medical insurance. The trouble is this voucher won't keep up with the medical inflation and you will have to pay more and more, out of your own pocket. Of course you could always take a trip to Holland and get your soylent green injection if things get too bad, at least you would get a trip out out of it. Which brings us up to The Donald, he wants the judge in San Diego to push his trial back till after the swearing in. Knowing full well a sitting President has never been taken to court hoping the defendants suing him would be denied their day in court. Thus avoiding a conviction for felony fraud in a Federal Court. He is supposed to appear in court on November 28th and the trial could be wrapped up by December the 16th. Long before his swearing in, or the vote of the electors on December 19th. I still don't know if a convicted felon can be sworn in, can they? I know they can't vote. The judge is not inclined to give him any extra time since he is the judge Donald insulted during the campaign, lock him up, lock him up?
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

8) Just in New York Trumps home state is looking into filing charges under R.I.C.O, for the mishandling of the Trump Foundation. Holy corrupt illegal business practices Batman. It is interesting that the professor that said Trump would win the election, now believes that he could be the first President actually impeached. Unless he pulls a Tricky Dick and has Pence pardon him, then the VP becomes President like Gerald Ford did?
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

The prediction is that after all the votes are counted it will show that Hilary received more than 2 million more votes than Trump. The EC needs to do the right thing and elect the person who actually won and then the EC needs to be eliminated to prevent this from happening again. I'll be surprised if Trump makes it through his first year before quitting or getting impeached.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

8) Makes you wonder wiseguy if all our politicians belong in jail, whose left to mind the store?
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

8) Today is the day the judge who was insulted by Trump about his Mexican heritage, will hear arguments that the case of Trump U defrauding former students should be delayed until after the inauguration ceremony. The only problem is once you are a sitting President you can't be sued, at least it has never happened before? Maybe Trump is so full of firsts that it could happen? The trial is set to begin November 28th and is supposed to be over by December 16th. I can see why Trump would want the delay, if he loses and is convicted in Federal Court of felony fraud, what would the electors do on December 19th? They couldn't very well vote for a convicted felon could they? Not to mention the plaintiffs in this case have already be waiting a long time for redress of their collective complaints about Trumps University. Justice delayed is justice denied. Could it be that we would have the first convicted criminal President in U.S. history? :usa: :usa: :usa:

P.S. It has come to my attention since over 70 lawsuits have been filed against Trump it might be possible to proceed with most of them since they were started before his run for President. His being President will not stop them, only the ones filed after he threw his hat in the ring. What also is not clear is if a President can pardon himself? Some say that Clinton could have pardoned himself for the Monica Lewinsky affair but chose not to. What a country the perpetrator can pardon himself, only in America. :cigar: :cigar: :cigar:

Hold it hot off the presses Trump is trying to settle out of court the class action lawsuit against Trump University. Knowing full well the judge was not going to give him extra time. Also it would have been impossible for him to continue as President if he had this hanging over his head. I thought he never settled, well I guess never say never. One down and only 69 to go the trouble is some of those cases involve Federal Tax Laws and R.I.C.O violations, they can't be settled out of court. :redface: :redface: :redface:
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

It would seem that the plaintiffs in the Trump U case would have him under their thumb. Knowing what he has riding on the settlement they could pretty much name their price. The question will be how much Trump is willing to lose.

There are many people in the know who are saying that the EC electors have a constitutional duty to deny Trump the presidency. Their resons include concerns over the significant indications of a sociopathic personality disorder, the fact that he lost the popular vote by what at this time is 1,200,000 votes, and most importanly that the NSA has confirmed that Russia was involved with the election and that Russia has admitted that they were in touch with the Trump campaign.

Donald Trump is as dirty as they get and was not elected fairly nor by the majority of the voters.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

wiseguy wrote:It would seem that the plaintiffs in the Trump U case would have him under their thumb. Knowing what he has riding on the settlement they could pretty much name their price. The question will be how much Trump is willing to lose.

8) There are over 5,000 former students of good old Trump U in New York state alone. Altogether it is estimated that over 40 million dollars was ripped off from all of the plaintiffs, just a drop in the bucket for somebody who has 10 billion dollars, right? Oh that is on paper most of it is leveraged to the hilt, land rich and cash poor. It is not just a question of money it puts him under a cloud, since most rational people would not want to put a convicted criminal in the White House. Bigdog threw a fit about felons being released, could Trump run his Presidency from a cell? Everyone was upset about crooked Hillary, and she was never indicted in over 30 years. Trump has actually been indicted and brought to court, sort of a double standard isn't it? Now that it's Trumps turn in the barrel I mean the oval office, we will see if he holds up as good as Obama did? :usa: :usa: :usa:
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

I don't want him to get the chance to see if he can hold up like Obama. The term “President-elect.” is actually legally meaningless. I want to see the electors do what the EC was primarily designed to do and protect us from a demagogue. Trump has already surrounded himself with white nationalists and supremacists. He must be stopped.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

wiseguy wrote:I don't want him to get the chance to see if he can hold up like Obama. The term “President-elect.” is actually legally meaningless. I want to see the electors do what the EC was primarily designed to do and protect us from a demagogue. Trump has already surrounded himself with white nationalists and supremacists. He must be stopped.

8) Well Trump blinked and he coughed up 25 million dollars to settle the Trump U case. I guess he couldn't take the heat, the judge had recommended that both sides settle out of court. He finally had to take the advice in order to move ahead with his transition process. While he didn't admit any wrong doing, his settling says other wise, he can't lay this off on others since he owned 92% of the enterprise. The trouble is that is not the end of his legal problems he still has 69 other suits pending most of which were started before his Presidential run and continue while he is in office. What happened to his boast that he never settled a lawsuit? I guess the stakes were so high he couldn't afford not to pay back some of the money he stole from the hard working people he is supposed to love so much? This is our future leader of the free world, a cheat, a fraud, a conman. Funny how so many of the political hacks that have described him as such, have lined up to lick his boots. I guess some people have no pride, only ambition. :yesnod: :yesnod: :yesnod:
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

8) In just one month from today the electors are going to meet at their state capitols and vote for the next President of the United States of America. This is an grave responsibility made more serious by the outcome of the 2016 election. 38 electors have a chance to make history, and to show that our founding fathers did foresee the possibility of a Donald Trump managing to fool enough people to win the White House. If they fail in this vote, then the whole country is in for one hell of a sleigh ride after Christmas. The main reason Trump coughed up the 25 million dollars to settle the Trump U case was it is good business. The amount of money he stands to make off of being President will make 25 million look like chicken feed. His kids will run his business's and be given access to top secret information giving them an unfair advantage over competitors. As President he will have the power to push through the pipeline over Indian land, oh and by the way he is a major investor in that pipeline. He will gut the EPA and we will go back to dirty air and poisoned water so his cronies will be able to cut corners, after all we are going to get rid of the RED TAPE, that stuff the protects us and the environment. With the help of Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell Medicare will become a voucher system, and Social Security will be turned into a 401 K. These changes will make sure that Health Insurers and Wall Street will clean up, leaving retirees holding the bag and having to pay more out of their meager fixed incomes. Once again having to choose between their prescriptions and food. The workers who lost their jobs will not be getting them back, and the few jobs that remain once they are automated will be gone. The new jobs that will be created by infrastructure spending will not be paid for by raising taxes, since they will be cut, but rather by putting it on the public debt, along with increased defense spending. These programs will help Industrialists and Wall Street and make this country into Greece. When that happens like Greece we will have to cut our standard of living to the bone. Then you will hear all of the Trump supporters say how could I have been so foolish? Then it will be too late and if the Democrats win down the road it will be another massive cleanup job, like in 2009. So lets hope the electors on December 19th make the right choice and 38 of them become faithless, so faith can be kept with the people. If not then the revolution is the last option, since the contract between the rulers and the ruled will be shattered. :usa: :usa: :usa:
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by Bigdog »

My President settled the case because it would be a major distraction going into the presidency and it would have probably cost more to pay his lawyers to fight it.... He's no idiot. He wants to save every nickel he can. He said it before if you start to settle every lawsuit without a fight you'll become a bigger target for lawsuits.

The EC will pick MY President to run the country... The Republicans are all lining up under him now...many got reelected because of him... RYan can't stop smiling...he knows they have the commies on the ropes now. It's time to take back the country....

The national debt could very well go much higher because the commies didn't do anything to create jobs so people could pay income tax to reduce it..... Wow why didn't they think of that.... Because they didn't want to....They wanted to buy votes by giving away the farm to every undeserving leech in the country......the debt will go up to get all the infrastructure jobs under way that the commies refused to do.

Sure it will cost money to deport the 11 million illegals and to build a will be cheap in the long run to clean off the dead beats from the freebie rolls..that's your tax money going to waste....with no returns coming from much of the national debt is deadbeat waste...the debt will come down...if you build it ...they will go...

Looks like everyone that said they were leaving the country if MY President won...changed their minds...if they like commies so much why don't they try North Korea... I hear it's commie paradise..I'm sure MY President would buy them a one way ticket...

The commies are still in a state of shock and awe and denial... The NORMAL people felt the Same way when Obama got reelected and when he passed the Obama failure unaffordable care act.

We can take off our panties and wear big boy pants now as a nation. The world is taking notice of the new sherif in town and he don't take prisoners...

The Middle East is and has been nothing but trouble for 5000 years.. A giant kitty litter box ... It needs scooped out. Or nuked out... I'll push the button myself. That would pretty much stop all the terrorists activity...real fast.all that sand and heat fries brain cells.

People with money (industrialists) create jobs not people on welfare and food stamps.. I know democrats that seriously think Trump getting his ties made in India single handedly killed our economy for the last eight years that's why they voted for Hitlery. Not being informed enough to know Bill killed it when he signed NAFTA... NOrth American Failure Trade Act... I see a failure pattern here... He made millions on it from payoffs to the CLINTON Faildation... There is nobody dirtier than the Clintons.... Their hands are colored red from blood money..

She lost because NORMAL people have had enough stuck in us for way too long... She's a liar, cheater, traitor that should be doing time along side bill and if Obama pardons Her he should be right with them.

Things can't get any worse... We get over 40% of our oil From having a new pipeline to deliver it to us should make it cheaper for us...I'm sure the Indians can be bought off ...or the line rerouted a tiny bit... Pipe lines keep people employed ...oh wait who would they vote for if they have to work for a living... Now I get it... No employment means more commie freebies which equals more commie votes and you know why there are 49 million people on food stamps... They don't want to be $15 hour burger flippers... Oh wait that's why we have 11 million illegal Mexicans here because nobody wants to flip burgers for $15 an hour..have to raise it to $100 an hour.. Number 23 who ordered the $5000 cheeseburger with lettuce and pickles...
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

Bigdog, I remember in 2012 when you were whining about Obama winning with only 3 million more votes than Romney. So what do you have to say about your guy winning with over a million less votes than Clinton? Trump was not elected by the people. He was elected by a broken system. Right now he is the "President-elect" which means virtually nothing legally. The EC electors will decide if he becomes the next president and they have good reasons to deny him, not the least being that the NSA has concluded that Russia was involved with helping him get elected and that the Russian government has admitted being in touch with the Trump campaign. Trump is committing treason before he is even in office.
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