
New KJ, I have some questions

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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

wiseguy wrote:The race tightening at this stage is very typical. Many national polls had Obama and Romney virtually tied at this point in 2012. It will be interesting to see what develops over the weekend.

8) Well no big bombshell on Friday at least, but you did see that Christie's aides were found guilty on all counts as far as bridge gate was concerned. Chris was supposed make last minute appearance for Trump in New Hampshire today but he cancelled at the last minute, I guess it wouldn't look good since he might get indicted himself. I wonder if anyone is going to chant lock him up? I guess Democrats have better things to do like go vote, I hope. It looks like Florida might be in the bag for Clinton if that happens it is all over but the crying for Trump. I can't believe that Georgia is a tossup it will be interesting to see if it goes Democrat? Once again the points on the polls are clicking up for Clinton, since this whole matter of Comey letter seems to be already baked into the Hillary cake. There seems to be a bit of a civil war going on over at the FBI. Bill Mahar on his show last night said more than once this is all part of a right wing coup, helped by the Russians, let's hope this isn't so. Still I want to see how much voter suppression is going on in states controlled by Republican Legislatures. I also hope the minorities will let their voice be heard in this election. There is still the unknown effect the Latino vote will play in key states, maybe Trump's harsh words about this group will come back to haunt him?

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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

I just read a report that Latinos are breaking records in early voting. Latino early voting is up 100% in Florida compared to this point in 2012. They appear to be energized into voting against Trump.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

Today many top news agencies are reporting that Latino early voting is breaking records in Florida, Georgia, Nevada, and North Carolina.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

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8) If you look at the autopsy the Republican Party did after 2012, they themselves realized they had to outreach to the Latino community, or risk losing this segment of the electorate for generations. Then what do they do? They nominate Trump, they really screwed the pooch on that one. The scary thing is if Trump would have shown the same discipline during the campaign that he has shown in the last 10 he would have been ahead. He had the right message as far as trade, foreign war entanglements, America first, he was the outsider running against the Washington elite. However his lack of staying on message and his thin skin proved to be his undoing. Not to mention the scandals revealed which made him unacceptable to white educated women, and even some men. If down the road another candidate can tap into the same discontent and is more disciplined it could prove to be a winning combination. He will lose by how much remains to be seen. My opinion of course.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

We can now put Nevada in the blue column. Early voting is strongly indicating that Florida will be next. Of course when we win Florida the race is over.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

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8) One day left and Trump is racing around the country trying to flip a blue state, now that he has lost Nevada. The problem is Hillary's stubborn 3 to 4 point lead in the polls nationally. Comey's release of the last letter, is too little too late, and the damage in the early vote has already been done, despite that distraction it doesn't seem to have effected the race that much. At least on the Presidential level, it can have a big effect on the down ballot races. Trump is still hoping that his lead in white male non-college educated voters will be enough to put him over the top. He has to run the table on the toss up states and then flip some blue states, it is just too much of a long shot. Still his chances to win are one 33% to 20% depending on which poll you see. It can either be close or a Hillary blowout it all hinges on voter turn out tomorrow, and if the black voters give her their support?
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

He sure picked the wrong person to run around with if he wants to flip a blue state. Ted Nugent is just as hated as he is. Early voting has had a better turnout from Democrats than in 2012. Latinos turned Nevada blue and are about to do the same in Florida. Ohio isn't completely out of reach either. If black voters come out like Latino voters this will be a blowout.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

8) Trump is up against it for sure he has to run the table on the toss up states, and one is already off the table Nevada. That means he has to not lose Arizona which is still undecided and take Ohio, Florida Iowa, North Carolina, and New Hampshire. Still he won't be at 270 and he will have to flip a big blue state maybe two. What gets me is that Kellyanne Conway is still saying they have six different paths to 270, personally I don't see it. One thing for sure if she was with Custer she would say there are secret troops just out of sight waiting to hit the Native Americans in the rear. She would tell the soldiers to keep fighting, no matter what the current situation looks like. I guess " it is only real courage when you don't have a chance", at least that's what they used to tell me in the service.

P.S. so much for Ann Coulter's prediction that Trump would win, and had a 60% chance of doing so. In all fairness she will probably follow the lead of The Donald and say the election was stolen by the Democrats. I'm just waiting to see if Trump will be a good loser, or encourage his followers to some form of insurrection?
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

Right now his path to victory is virtually nonexistent. Latest polls are showing that Florida and North Carolina have just turned blue. If the black voter turnout is good Ohio may also turn blue. It looks like we may get the big blowout win after all.

Ann Coulter has never predicted anything correctly. She's just another conservative who makes up whatever she wants people to hear. The con man a good loser? Not bloody likely. He will cry rigged for as long as anyone will listen to him. I just hope he isn't stupid enough to refuse to concede.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

8) Election day is here and as far as whether it is an early night or a late one will depend on the early East Coast voting results. If Hillary carries New Hampshire, North Carolina and Florida it is all over. Early voting in Florida indicates that Clinton is ahead. If Trump manages to win Florida and North Carolina then it is going to be a longer evening. I'm still confident that she will prevail, it seems the Second Comey letter is having the desired results. :wink: :wink: :wink:
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

8) I see that Donald's side is already playing the sore loser card. His lawyers have already filed a lawsuit to look into the late poll voting of people, that were already in line in Nevada. Custom has always been if you are in line past the polling hours that you would still be allowed to vote. Now Trump's legal team is trying to challenge this. They say the voting place was kept open and more late voters were bused in, which of course is not borne out by the facts, and the local investigation into this matter. This is going to be a very long night and into the next few days if the babies on the Right decide they don't like the outcome of the vote. Like The Donald said the only outcome he will except is if he wins. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

When he loses he will give new meaning to the idiom "it's all over but the crying". He will be the ultimate whiny little bitch. It's actually a law in most states that the polls are to stay open until everyone who is in line at closing time is allowed to vote. Only a republican would bitch about too many people getting a chance to vote.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by Bigdog »

Hilary's concession speech will be made from a private jet over international waters heading for destinations unknown to escape jail time as the Clinton foundation money's are funneled off shore as we speak... Hail president trump :D
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by Bigdog »

I'm shocked, all the dopers voted for Hillary..California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada all the illegals ..that's the way this country is going right down the drain .....brain dead dopers and illegals are the future of our country...and everybody thinks this is ok...
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by Bigdog »

Ladies and gentlemen I give you PRESIDENT TRUMP.....
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