
New KJ, I have some questions

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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

There's nothing that the con man can do at the debate tonight that will have him gain any voters that could help him. It will be the same bunch of lies and baseless accusations that his die hard supporters expect. I'm staying with my original prediction that the con man will lose this election and lose big. Yes, he has undoubtedly did irreparable damage to the GOP, and even worse, he has brought the worst of America front and center. He has gone a long way to making bigotry and racism once again acceptable. Hate is a word that I use very infrequently, but I hate the con man Donald Trump for what he has done to our country.

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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

8) Once again Hillary turned in a adequate debate performance and boxed her opponent winning on points. The polls revel that she out scored him roughly 2 to 1. The knockout blow was provided by Trump to himself, when he would not state that he would except the results of the election, thereby throwing the whole electoral process into disrepute. This has been roundly denounced by both left and right sides of the political spectrum. It is especially serious when you consider all of the still close down ballot races. If the integrity of the democratic process is called into question at the top of the ticket, the even closer down ballot contests could be questioned as well. This is why his own party is once again trying to distance themselves from his ill advised remarks.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

8) 18 days out and the debates have been graded, no surprise Hillary has turned in the most lopsided point total, with the experts giving here all three debates, and a + 71 the all time high for any series of Presidential debates. With The Donald's poor performance at the Al Smith dinner last night his goose is just about cooked. He has been told by the GOP to go to the close Senator races with the exception of New Hampshire and Florida and to have his rally's in his supporter strongholds. They all know the party is over and they are trying to save as many down ballot House and Senate members as they can, to act as a check to Hillary. Even if she wins it is going to be Obama II as far as getting anything done.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

8) 17 days and counting, it would seem things are going from bad to worse for The Donald. When states like Arizona, Georgia, and even Texas become competitive then you have real problems with the electoral map. Instead of depressing the Democrat turn out it would seem that strategy has boomeranged and Trumps rigged comments will depress his own supporter turn out. He has done everything you can possibly do to lose and yet he keeps saying victory is within reach? I'm starting to believe the story that he is really a Democratic mole planted to bring down the Republican party and insure Hillary's election. After all the only candidate that could of run against her that was more disliked was Donald. :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

The Lone Ranger wrote:8) 17 days and counting, it would seem things are going from bad to worse for The Donald. When states like Arizona, Georgia, and even Texas become competitive then you have real problems with the electoral map. Instead of depressing the Democrat turn out it would seem that strategy has boomeranged and Trumps rigged comments will depress his own supporter turn out. He has done everything you can possibly do to lose and yet he keeps saying victory is within reach? I'm starting to believe the story that he is really a Democratic mole planted to bring down the Republican party and insure Hillary's election. After all the only candidate that could of run against her that was more disliked was Donald. :roll: :roll: :roll:
Con man Don is a true narcissist... not just an egomaniac. His mind will not let him see that he is losing. After all, how could the greatest human being to ever live lose an election... unless of course it was rigged. I'm a long way from believing he's a Democratic mole. He's just an idiot who thought he could bully his way to the presidency.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

wiseguy wrote: Con man Don is a true narcissist... not just an egomaniac. His mind will not let him see that he is losing. After all, how could the greatest human being to ever live lose an election... unless of course it was rigged. I'm a long way from believing he's a Democratic mole. He's just an idiot who thought he could bully his way to the presidency.

8) You have to admit the mole bit is a good story line, and a movie could be made about it, maybe a comedy, even though there is little funny about Trump and his supporters. I don't think they are all deplorable but they are people who feel the system is no longer working for them. That the new international world that has been thrust on them is overwhelming them, and leaving them in the wind twisting. One thing to think about if a new candidate the next time around grabs on to Trump's basic message and sticks to the issues, while not making enemies of everyone, he or she just might win. I don't think this is likely, however, because the Republican Party will be so splintered that they will become a regional party and no longer in the running for national office. We will see if the Democrats can win back the Senate, the House is a very long shot, but still possible. It all depends on who shows up at the ballot boxes in force.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

I have to consider con man Don supporters either deplorable or incredibly oblivious. If they would vote for him to be our president knowing how bigoted, racist, and misogynistic he is... after witnessing him make fun of a handicapped person... and after hearing the way he talked about molesting women... deplorable is a fair description as far as I'm concerned. Feeling the system is no longer working for them is no damn excuse.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

wiseguy wrote: Feeling the system is no longer working for them is no damn excuse.

8) Actually feeling that the system was no longer working for us is what caused us to break away from the control of England. When you have enough people believing that you have a Civil War like we had. That is why when you are faced with problems in a Democracy you hope that ballots not bullets prevail. That is why we try and address problems in a Democracy before they get out of hand. Anything that destabilizes our Republic like the non peaceful transfer of power suggested by The Donald, is very dangerous for all of us.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

I think you know that when I said "Feeling the system is no longer working for them is no damn excuse" I wasn't saying it was no excuse for "anything". It is no excuse for voting for someone like con man Don. One of my sisters is voting for the con man and I have all but disowned her.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

wiseguy wrote:I think you know that when I said "Feeling the system is no longer working for them is no damn excuse" I wasn't saying it was no excuse for "anything". It is no excuse for voting for someone like con man Don. One of my sisters is voting for the con man and I have all but disowned her.

8) What I meant was as long as we are voting about these issues that divide us we will continue to be a nation. Maybe a polarized nation but still a nation. I really don't see why we should be so polarized, true there are many extreme groups that want to break away from central authority and go their own way, but they are on the fringes. Most of us I believe want government to work for them, the trouble is it is now working mostly for the rich elite and not for the people. Most voters feel their voices are not being heard and Trump keeps drumming into their heads the elections are rigged and the voting process is ripe with fraud, which is simply not true. What has happened while we have put term limits in some cases on elected officials, we have done nothing to get the lobbyists out politics. Until we can get the money out of the political process, and reduce the influence thereby of the lobbyists," government for the people by the people" is just a slogan. One thing is for sure there are some issues that are supported by the majority of the people on both the left and the right. Keeping a base of support open to our allies without being The Policeman Of The World. Repairing our crumbling highways and byways, this alone would provide work to all who wish to work.
Making sure that all have medical care, food and shelter in this country. Shoring up our Social Safety Net, Social Security and Medicare making them solvent for future generations. Getting everyone that beneifits from the system to pay their fair share in taxes, unlike Mr. Trump and GE. I feel that the majority of voters who want these programs are the ones who supported both Trump and Sanders, and that these supporters really want government to work again, and not have the gridelock that is now Washington to continue. Don't be too angry with your sister wiseguy after all when this elction is over and Trump loses, she will still be family.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

8) 15 days before the 8th of November and things are looking rather bleak for The Donald. Hillary leads him by 12 points in the latest poll although his spokes holes say he can still win. He is now given a 95% chance of losing to Hillary and it would take an act of God for him to hold on to anything but the deep red states. Even Texas is within the margin of error. Ohio is a dead heat, while Pennsylvania is gone even though Trump did make his version of the Gettysburg speech there this weekend. The big question is not if he loses but how big the Hillary victory is going to be? Hopefully she gets enough votes to secure the Senate and House so that some real progress can be made, and end the gridlock that has taken hold of Washington for the last several years. Finally something will get done for the people, the elites need to throw the masses a few bones before we really have chaos in this Republic of ours.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

It's true, Hillary has already won the election. She has 272 electoral votes in the bank. The fun part is going to be watching just how badly she defeats the con man. Will it be by a large margin or will it be a landslide. It has the potential to be an unprecedented defeat. We need to win this really big to show the deplorables that the majority of the country will not tolerate their backward thinking. We have a very good chance of taking back the Senate and a realistic chance of taking back the House.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

8) 14 days out and once again the polls have tightened up to a 5% margin. 5% doesn't sound like much but that is still a landslide for Hillary in this polarized nation of ours. Trump is still hoping for a Bradley effect and that he still might squeak in a victory. The odds are long for Trump and it all depends on who shows up to vote. The ground game advantage goes to the Democrats, and early voting seems to be going their way as well. Two weeks can be a lifetime in politics but the smart money still says Hillary has a 95% chance of winning.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

FiveThirtyEight has Hillary's chances of winning the electoral vote at 85%. They have the Democrats chances at winning the Senate at 74%. Early voting is showing that more Democrats are voting early in this election than in the last one. I'm still waiting for the next big bomb to drop on the con man. I have a feeling they're waiting until about a week before the election.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

8) I'm wondering if another big bomb on Trump will make a difference? Seems that no matter what comes out his supporters forgive and forget about any of his transgressions. Makes you wonder if people have a soft spot for bad boys, or what? In the National poll Hillary is still up by 9 points on average. I saw that Mitch McConnell has poured another 25 million into the toss up Senate races in a bid to keep his Majority Leader position in the upper chamber. It might be too little too late, since Republicans seem to get punished if they don't disavow Trump, and equally they get smacked if they do support him. They are caught in a political vice and the base is cranking the handle. Trump is again up two points in Florida and one point in Arizona. The early vote is still running for the Democrats, with 13 days left to go.
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