
New KJ, I have some questions

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The Lone Ranger
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

wiseguy wrote:According to Nate Silver the polls have not yet fully reflected the backlash from the con man Don video. Even so, he now has Hillary's chance of winning at 86%. It's now clear that the con man is going to lose badly and it's time to focus on down ticket contests. This is shaping up to be a very good election year for Democrats. Thank you con man Don.

8) I don't think it really matters to Trump whether he wins or not. Even if he loses he can still go back to his limo, toys, and other goodies. The career of many of the professional hacks is over. That is what Trump really wants since he can't win he wants to take as many with him as he can. In this way he will be able to solidify his control of whatever is left of the Republican base. With this 38 to 40% of the Republican Party off the reservation, it will nearly be impossible for the broken pieces to ever win another Presidential election. This angry group of voters will not be happy with Trumps loss and it remains to be see whether the party can be put back together again. Especially since the two groups the elite internationalists and the populist isolationists have very little in common.

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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

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8) Here we are with less than 4 weeks left before election day, early voting has already started in several states and over 500,000 ballots have already been cast. Now women have come forward that say Trump did kiss and touch them just like he described on the recent video that was released last Friday. Trump says he has more women lined up to claim Bill Clinton did that and worse to them. Funny not one comment on any of the debates on Global Warming, or how to fix Social Security, and Medicare. Is this the type of election that most Americans want to see? No matter who wins hasn't the office of the Presidency been tarnished by all of this? Whoever wins will have a hard time governing with talks of stolen elections and possible revolution and insurrection being bantered around. These are very troubling times for our Republic and the foundations of our political system. It will survive but will it ever come back to where it was? One thing is for sure were are not in Kansas anymore Toto, but there are several people behind the curtain working the levers.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

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8) Trumps latest strategy is to run such a negative campaign the last few weeks as to demoralize the Democrats so they don't show up to vote, and at the same time whip of his base to such a frenzy that they turn out, and thus he wins the election. This is an all or nothing gamble the odds aren't with him, but like I have said before the worst that will happen to him is he will go back to his lavish lifestyle. Sometimes I wonder if there is any justice in the jungle.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

Hillary supporters are not holding her responsible for the actions of Bill so con man Don's tactic isn't going to work. The only thing his negative campaign is going to do is to energize voters to vote against him. It is impossible to debate the con man on issues like climate change, SS, etc., because he'll just change the subject and go off on some rant. Also, did you notice that the questions people asked at the town hall debate had nothing to do with the more serious issues? Yes, the office of the presidency has been tarnished and is 100% the fault of the GOP with their total disrespect for Obama and their obstruction with complete disregard for the good of the country. Their actions over the past 8 years have lured the deplorables out from under their rocks which has given rise to the abominable con man Don.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

wiseguy wrote:Hillary supporters are not holding her responsible for the actions of Bill so con man Don's tactic isn't going to work. The only thing his negative campaign is going to do is to energize voters to vote against him. It is impossible to debate the con man on issues like climate change, SS, etc., because he'll just change the subject and go off on some rant. Also, did you notice that the questions people asked at the town hall debate had nothing to do with the more serious issues? Yes, the office of the presidency has been tarnished and is 100% the fault of the GOP with their total disrespect for Obama and their obstruction with complete disregard for the good of the country. Their actions over the past 8 years have lured the deplorables out from under their rocks which has given rise to the abominable con man Don.

8) Even though the people there selected half of the questions, their half was monitored by the moderators and the the individuals they wanted called on were already determined. There could have been questions on other matters not all of the people got to ask their questions due to time constraints. I'm sure the called in questions to the moderators were determined by volume of interest in any given question. No questions were asked about job creation either. Let's face it this election has turned into a circus, and we have sunk to the lowest point we possibly can, of course every time I say that a new low is hit. Donald talks about hypocrites he brought up Bill's old past and now he says it's not fair for the other side to dig into his past. Which shows once again people who live in glass houses shouldn't be tossing around bombs.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

8) Here we are about 3 weeks out and it looks like better than an 80% chance that Hillary will prevail. There is still a 20% chance that Trump can turn things around, but in order to do so, would require him to run the table on the toss up states. This looks more unlikely every day. True it is close in Ohio with Trump now up by one, and he is competitive in both North Carolina and Florida. He is getting stomped in Pennsylvania and has pulled out of Virginia altogether. In both Nevada and New Hampshire he is down by 6 points. He is a very long shot, but Hillary has not put him away. Any other candidate would have been history by now but he keeps coming back like Mike Myers in the Halloween series. Even if Trump loses it is quite possible he could be on the political scene for years to come, and the people who support him.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

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Nate Silver has Hillary's chances closer to 86%. The con man is done. He will never recover with women voters and they alone can bury him. I'm also willing to bet that the biggest bomb has not been dropped on him yet. I'm looking for another audio/video to show up, probably about a week before the election, with him making some terribly racist remarks. I would say that it is very possible that con man Don will remain on the political scene. He could probably become Governor of one of the backward redneck states like mine.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

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8) I agree that it would take an act of God for Trump to win, but then that is what his supporters are banking on. Ann Coulter was on Bill M's HBO show last night and she was saying he has a 60% chance of winning, yeah maybe in an alternate universe. Here in the real world the smart money says he is so done. I hate to write any one off though until the results are in. "It ain't over till it's over", one thing for sure Trump is going down fighting, and taking everyone along for the ride. I would like this last debate to be about the issues, but I guess that is too much to ask for.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

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Ann Coulter is the female version of con man Don. I detest that white supremacist bitch. She has never been right about any election. The next debate cannot be about issues unless the moderators force it to be. The con man knows he is no match for Hillary when it comes to policy. It will be the same old tired lies and personal attacks. I would love to see a debate where the microphone is live only when it's your turn to speak putting an end to the interruptions.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

wiseguy wrote:Ann Coulter is the female version of con man Don. I detest that white supremacist bitch. She has never been right about any election. The next debate cannot be about issues unless the moderators force it to be. The con man knows he is no match for Hillary when it comes to policy. It will be the same old tired lies and personal attacks. I would love to see a debate where the microphone is live only when it's your turn to speak putting an end to the interruptions.

8) Anne was a lawyer before she found out she could make more money writing books and whipping up the far right. Like con man Don she is reaping the benefits of playing to the darker side of human nature. The Donald is saying Hillary should be drug tested before the next debate, will he be? She has already released her tax returns something he is never going to do. Trump knows no shame, there is no depth he will not sink to, it must be a real shock to hardened political hacks to find someone that is even lower than they are, when it comes to integrity. Some GOP candidates have flip flopped so many times in their Trump support, that it is quite plain they have no morale compass, what so ever. That they will say or do anything just to maintain their power and position.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

We realized that the GOP had no moral compass when they pledged to obstruct Obama from accomplishing anything regardless of how it affected the country and its people and then did everything they could to fulfill that pledge. The Republican party is now falling apart and I'm enjoying every minute of it.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

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8) 22 days and counting until this election is over. That is still a life time away politically speaking. Trump is in full attack mode and has pushed the red button for all out nuclear politics. A scorched earth policy that is burning down the old GOP and have a new one in it's place. Time will only tell if the party can be fused back together. There is a real split as far as the elite internationalist wing and the grass roots populist isolationist side of the party. A similar divide exists between the elite internationalist and democratic socialist side of the Democrat party. If these two groups ever united it would be the end of the two old parties, and old boy politics. That is why it is so important for the rulers to keep the ruled divided. It is the only thing that is keeping everything from devolving into anarchy. Pence said that him and Donald would respect the will of the people, let's keep our fingers crossed. Even if Trump and Pence support the new President do they speak for their followers?
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

Con man Don's full attack mode is only digging his grave deeper. This morning his chances to win were at 13% and this evening they have fallen to 11%. I haven't located any statistics on this but I would think that this is unprecedented.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

wiseguy wrote:Con man Don's full attack mode is only digging his grave deeper. This morning his chances to win were at 13% and this evening they have fallen to 11%. I haven't located any statistics on this but I would think that this is unprecedented.

8) Trump is digging his grave deeper it is true, but the sad thing is every thing is going down with him. As institutions both the Democrat and Republican parties are going with him. It used to be the political game was played in the middle of the field between the Left and the Right. Now the politics are all over the field because of the deep divisions on both sides between the elite haves and the rest of the country. This Republic evolved over years to help all of the citizens, now it only really works for a small percentage of the population. This elite doesn't have the sense of morale responsibility that people at the top used to have. All of the programs that lift average persons out of poverty have been cut, as we wage wars not paid for, while letting our country literally fall apart. The only goal of the elites is to maintain it's wealth and power and this goes for the elites of both parties. This is a very dangerous game to play since the actions of these elites over the last 30 plus years have been to destroy the only bulwark they have between them and the mob, the middle class. This election if nothing else demonstrates the need for reform of our political system before it totally rots and implodes in upon itself.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

8) 20 days out and the third debate tonight. The latest polls are showing again double digit leads for Hillary in some states, and others becoming toss ups like Arizona, Indiana, Utah and even Texas. If Trump ever needed to pull a rabbit out of his hat it is now. If he goes down the path of the last debate, he will probably solidify his hard core supporters, but not expand the vote large enough for him to win. There is much talk of his new T.V. site that will be subscribed for $9.00 a month times 40 million of his faithful. If this is true then financially he will walk away from all of this a winner, at least in his mind, and that is all that matters to him. The destruction he will have done to the political process in this country will be long lasting, and especially harmful to the GOP. All Hillary has to do is box him in the debate and keep from making a major mistake and then she is home free. I know it isn't over till the fat lady sings, but she is tuning up right now. No offense to anyone.
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