wiseguy wrote:Simple minded people look for simple solutions to complex problems. In reality the bulk of con man Donald's supporters are just not that bright. Have you ever tried to have a rational conversation with them? It's virtually impossible. They are devoid of the facts surrounding the issues they care about. What's worse is that they don't care about the facts. They are clueless to how the government operates and what powers the president has. They are totally ignorant of the Constitution even though they keep bringing it up. If an average IQ was required to vote most of these people could stay home on election day.
This all started with Rush Limbaugh he told his audience that he would tell them what to think. All people have to think for themselves, if they don't then things like Nazi Germany happen. The German people were well educated informed and still they were fooled. The upper class thought Hitler was a manic and they were right. They made the mistake of thinking they could control him, just like Republican upper crust thought they could control Trump. I don't think it's so much ignorance, it's more a feeling that they could control the monster. Then the monster threw the Doctor aka GOP from the windmill, sound familiar?
Anyone who would listen to Limbaugh is seriously lacking intelligence. These people are thinking for themselves but they don't have much to think with and that is the problem. The German people were educated but not informed. They didn't have access to the vast amount of information like Americans have today. If they did then things would have probably turned out much differently. I will stay with my opinion of con man Donald supporters. I have debated with way to many of them to believe they are simply intelligent people who have been fooled.
wiseguy wrote:Anyone who would listen to Limbaugh is seriously lacking intelligence. These people are thinking for themselves but they don't have much to think with and that is the problem. The German people were educated but not informed. They didn't have access to the vast amount of information like Americans have today. If they did then things would have probably turned out much differently. I will stay with my opinion of con man Donald supporters. I have debated with way to many of them to believe they are simply intelligent people who have been fooled.
Just like the GOP in the early going the German people didn't take Hitler seriously, the GOP found out that by not taking Trump seriously he was in control of their party. Just like Hitler got control of Germany and it's Government. It is also important with intelligence and education to be wary and watchful. To not only listen to what a person says but also pay attention to what they are doing. Hitler put forth his plan in the book he wrote in prison. The book itself is really just his ramblings mixed with his political philosophy, much like Trump's ramblings. The point is there is nothing secret about either of these individuals, what you see is what you get. Just like Hitler came to power during the Great Depression, and bad economic times, so Trump is trying to get elected by the down and out workers left behind in the last global reorganization.
The message of Trump is very similar to the message of Hitler. Both promised to make their respective nation "Great Again". It is a similar concept of getting back something that has been lost. One lesson of life is that to move forward you have to let go of somethings, just like we let go of slavery, property owners only being allowed to vote, and allowing women the right to vote. It is not all bad and sometimes it would seem there is always someone who wants to go back to a simpler time, life today is complex and will continue to get more complex the more educated and and international we all become.
The Lone Ranger wrote: The message of Trump is very similar to the message of Hitler. Both promised to make their respective nation "Great Again". It is a similar concept of getting back something that has been lost. One lesson of life is that to move forward you have to let go of somethings, just like we let go of slavery, property owners only being allowed to vote, and allowing women the right to vote. It is not all bad and sometimes it would seem there is always someone who wants to go back to a simpler time, life today is complex and will continue to get more complex the more educated and and international we all become.
I think you just hit the nail on the head. Life today is complex and some people just don't have the mental capacity or ambition to handle it. These are the con man Donald supporters. I liken it to religious fundamentalists who would rather just live by a dictated set of beliefs rather than having to employ critical thinking. These people who are so nostalgic for "the way things were" are actually missing the white privilege and Christian privilege they enjoyed for so long. There are actually few thing that were better in the "good old days". The U.S. is finally on a steady progressive path and we are not going to let the GOP, and especially the fool con man Donald, drag us backward.
Just like I posted the polls are getting tighter even though Trump keeps stepping in it, Hillary can't shake her unfavorable ratings. It is going to come down to the 7 to 10% undecided to decide this election. Trump didn't help himself with the Hispanic vote, he has waffled more than the International House Of Pancakes.
The polls are going to fluctuate but Clinton is going to remain in the lead. Yes, she has unfavorable ratings but con man Donald's ratings are worse. Then we have the debates coming up where he will be exposed for the know-nothing that he is. He hasn't helped himself with the Hispanic vote or the African American vote or the women's vote. Those three demographics are going to assure he can't win.
Hilary's skeletons keep coming out of the ground... Zombie apocalypse ...the zombies will starve because her followers don't have any brains to eat....her hole keeps getting deeper....she's dirty....and it doesn't wash off....deleted classified emails, federal investigations, crooked foundation, illegal favors for money, Benghazi, it's just goes on and on...dirty dirty dirty and her followers are blind and don't care.. WHY? She's taking her sheep happily to the slaughter... Sounds just like Hitler to me..she wants the guns...next it will be your gold fillings...then the gas chamber... The end of America is coming as the democommies take more control....wake up sheeple
Bigdog wrote:Hilary's skeletons keep coming out of the ground... Zombie apocalypse ...the zombies will starve because her followers don't have any brains to eat....her hole keeps getting deeper....she's dirty....and it doesn't wash off....deleted classified emails, federal investigations, crooked foundation, illegal favors for money, Benghazi, it's just goes on and on...dirty dirty dirty and her followers are blind and don't care.. WHY? She's taking her sheep happily to the slaughter... Sounds just like Hitler to me..she wants the guns...next it will be your gold fillings...then the gas chamber... The end of America is coming as the democommies take more control....wake up sheeple
Wow!... she must be absolutely brilliant to be able to do all these things without a single conviction. Unlike con man Donald who keeps losing law suits and paying settlements and fines. That is when he's not getting his ass handed to him by the Mexican president or getting caught in one blatant lie after another.
wiseguy wrote:
Wow!... she must be absolutely brilliant to be able to do all these things without a single conviction. Unlike con man Donald who keeps losing law suits and paying settlements and fines. That is when he's not getting his ass handed to him by the Mexican president or getting caught in one blatant lie after another.
Oh be fair to poor Donald, in order to lie one must know what the truth is. With him there is no truth because that would mean you would have to have a position and maintain it. With no core convictions and no sense of right or wrong how can he be expected to even know what the truth is? That is why he is flip flopping like a fish on the deck of a tuna boat.
So here we are about 66 days before the election with most polls showing Hillary ahead by about 4 to 5 points in the national polls. This is in the margin of error. One thing we have to remember is the President is not elected by the popular vote, something that I have always had a problem with. In most democracies it is by the majority of the popular vote. That is not the system we have, it is the electoral votes that determine who the next President will be. If you look at the map from that view, Hillary has a commanding lead. She only needs to win Pennsylvania, which by the way she is way ahead in, and the so called Blue Wall brings her home to the White House. Trump on the other hand has to win all of the battleground states in order to even have a tie, yes it is possible to tie. If a tie occurs then the House determines by vote who the next President will be. This is where it goes bad for Hillary since there is currently a Republican majority in the House. A tie has only occurred once back in the 1800's and yes the Republican candidate won the majority vote of the House. Another positive for Hillary is that most Presidential candidates carry their home state. Al Gore lost the election basically because he did not carry his home state of Tennessee, there is no way Trump is going to carry New York, his home state. That speaks volumes when the people who know you best won't vote for you.
61 days and counting until the Presidential election, and still no clear plan from Trump as to how he would defeat Isis. He doesn't have a plan, other than it is a secret. It is probably a secret to himself as well. He also has thrown the ball to the generals by stating he will request a plan from them in 30 days of taking office. Then he will magically decide whether to use his plan or their plan or a combination of the two. This is around about way of saying he doesn't have a clue. At least he does know what Aleppo is, that is more than you can say for the Libertarian candidate that didn't even know what Aleppo is. Gary Johnson said on morning Joe who is that? This man is polling at 12% with the voters nationally, really? The gross ignorance of the people at the top, is just mind boggling. These are the best we could come up with give me a break. Hillary is the best choice, I just wish we had other choices.
Con man Donald is a functional idiot. Yes he knows how to work the media and con people out of money but beyond that he's a total moron. He has no plans for anything... just preposterous ideas. Gary Johnson is a joke with his positions on eliminating the national minimum wage, raising the retirement age to at least 70, and privatizing Social Security. Our best choice would have been Sanders... our only choice is Clinton.
wiseguy wrote:Con man Donald is a functional idiot. Yes he knows how to work the media and con people out of money but beyond that he's a total moron. He has no plans for anything... just preposterous ideas. Gary Johnson is a joke with his positions on eliminating the national minimum wage, raising the retirement age to at least 70, and privatizing Social Security. Our best choice would have been Sanders... our only choice is Clinton.
Again this whole political scenario reminds me of the movie "Double Indemnity" where the couple are compared to a trolley car ride that ends up at one point the graveyard. It doesn't seem like either Hillary or Trump will be getting off until the end of the line. I just wonder where that leaves the country?
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