
New KJ, I have some questions

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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by Bigdog »

After 9/11 the borders should have been sealed and every person that came into the country back ten years should have been investigated.....and nobody new should have been allowed in until that was done and then everyone coming in after should have been investigated before they came in..that was a major Bush screw up...President Trump wants to correct that mistake...with a big wall and deportations of all the illegals that are here sucking up my hard earned tax dollars..

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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

Bigdog wrote:After 9/11 the borders should have been sealed and every person that came into the country back ten years should have been investigated.....and nobody new should have been allowed in until that was done and then everyone coming in after should have been investigated before they came in..that was a major Bush screw up...President Trump wants to correct that mistake...with a big wall and deportations of all the illegals that are here sucking up my hard earned tax dollars..
That's some of the most idiotic bullshit I've ever read. Not only stupid but impossible. You're talking like a scared little girl... but that's par for the course for a con man Donald supporter. Building that wall is also an impossibility. Congress would never allow the wall or the deportations. Con man Donald says something and millions of his half witted followers believe he can do it without question. And if after all this time you still believe undocumented aliens are a drain on our economy I have to conclude that you have some sort of learning disability. The FACT is that undocumented aliens are really good for our economy and add a significant amount of tax money at both federal and local levels. The FACT is that undocumented aliens pay $12 billion in state and local taxes each year while not even qualifying for the benefits they pay for. It's a FACT that undocumented aliens DO NOT QUALIFY TO RECEIVE ANY TYPE OF WELFARE OR MEDICAID.

FACTS Bigdog... they matter if you care about the truth. You fall for anything that feeds into what you WANT to believe. That's how con man Donald has conned you. We will do away with con man Donald soon, but the real problem is that people like you will remain to get in line behind the next con man that comes along.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

Bigdog wrote:After 9/11 the borders should have been sealed and every person that came into the country back ten years should have been investigated.....and nobody new should have been allowed in until that was done and then everyone coming in after should have been investigated before they came in..that was a major Bush screw up...President Trump wants to correct that mistake...with a big wall and deportations of all the illegals that are here sucking up my hard earned tax dollars..
8) On my father's side we were sent to the New World because we were rebels in Scotland, we were deported to the American colonies. We were supposed to be a barrier between the new colony of Georgia and the Cherokee Indians. We liked the Indians better than the British so we joined them. I wonder if they should have sealed the border to us? We weren't investigated since there were no data base like there is today. If a person really wants to get in no wall is going to stop them, the Mongols proved that to the Chinese.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

Why do conservatives REFUSE to accept facts. Why are they so easily duped and manipulated? Is it purely a lack of intelligence or is it something in their DNA? These con man Donald supporters are like teabaggers on steroids... stupid intensified. I've not seen anything like it. They follow a totally unqualified moron, who is a pathological liar, and believe every word that comes out of his mouth without question. He says things like "people are saying" and "I'm hearing" without EVER saying who the people are who said it, or where he heard what he heard, and his nitwit followers suck it all up like the it's some profound wisdom. Where did this number of stupid people come from?

Con man Donald (if he actually gets to run) is going to lose badly. That will be the end of him but we will be left with all these stupid people just waiting on the next con man to tell them what they want to hear. America would be much better off if we gave citizenship to all the undocumented aliens and deported all the con man Donald supporters.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

wiseguy wrote:Why do conservatives REFUSE to accept facts. Why are they so easily duped and manipulated? Is it purely a lack of intelligence or is it something in their DNA? These con man Donald supporters are like teabaggers on steroids... stupid intensified. I've not seen anything like it. They follow a totally unqualified moron, who is a pathological liar, and believe every word that comes out of his mouth without question. He says things like "people are saying" and "I'm hearing" without EVER saying who the people are who said it, or where he heard what he heard, and his nitwit followers suck it all up like the it's some profound wisdom. Where did this number of stupid people come from?

Con man Donald (if he actually gets to run) is going to lose badly. That will be the end of him but we will be left with all these stupid people just waiting on the next con man to tell them what they want to hear. America would be much better off if we gave citizenship to all the undocumented aliens and deported all the con man Donald supporters.
8) This manipulation of the masses has been going on as long as there have been strong leaders. The whole business of being a leader requires getting people to do what you want them to, even if it is against their own self interests. If the leader is working for the overall good of the many it is tolerated. What the masses have been finding out lately is that yes the system is rigged, and it favors the rich and powerful. Nothing new there, what has become more clear is that a few super rich have corrupted our government, this means both parties, that is why the universal disgust of the voters in general. This move to the extremes of the political spectrum in both parties. There is no room in the middle for compromise, and working for the good of all. That is all dying with the last of the WWII generation, since Vietnam we have been a divided country, and we a drifting farther apart all the time.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by Bigdog »

Republicans think the democrats are the manipulated brainwashed masses... :wink:

99% of the gangbangers are democratic voters...they don't hesitate to kill each other over turf.. Totally normal right?

I could go on and on but you get the picture.. Nothing good has come from the far left yet... Unless you count the dismantling of the constitution good.. There is a very good reason the dems lost control of the House.. People are sick of their crap...and that was long before President Trump even decided to run..... So you can't blame his supporters...we're just doing the constitutional wave to save America and make it great again..
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

Bigdog wrote:Republicans think the democrats are the manipulated brainwashed masses... :wink:

99% of the gangbangers are democratic voters...they don't hesitate to kill each other over turf.. Totally normal right?

I could go on and on but you get the picture.. Nothing good has come from the far left yet... Unless you count the dismantling of the constitution good.. There is a very good reason the dems lost control of the House.. People are sick of their crap...and that was long before President Trump even decided to run..... So you can't blame his supporters...we're just doing the constitutional wave to save America and make it great again..
You can't just pull a number out of your ass like "99% of the gangbangers are democratic voters". Where's your evidence that this is a fact? Hell, just prove that 99% of gangbangers vote. This is what I'm talking about when I say conservatives have no use for facts. They just make shit up and expect others to believe it. That approach might work on other conservatives but liberals are too smart for that.

You can't mention con man Donald and adhering to the constitution in the same sentence... they are mutually exclusive. Like you, he knows nothing about our constitution. Half of the things he says he'll do are in direct violation of our constitution.

If you knew anything about the history of midterm elections you would know that they always have poor voter turnout. When voter turnout is low Democrats don't do well. But just watch what happens this November. Not only will Democrats win the presidency, we will also very like win the House and the Senate. I must give due credit to con man Donald for this. He has made the Republican party a laughing stock.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by Bigdog »

Ok, it could be 98%.....they are still democrats whether they vote or not

Tell me one good reason to vote for Crooked, dirty, lying Hilary. Besides being against President Trump.

Benghazi when she couldn't answer the phone at 3 AM?

Maybe because of her illegal email server sending out classified info?

Because she wants to keep the borders open so more democrats can illegally come in...

Her ties to wall street ....after all it always comes down to money..

How about illegally selling Putin the uranium mine? Netting her a cool $145 million..

Or any number of other illegal activities.....what's the undying loyalty to her that would make anyone with two connected brain cells vote for her unless you were brainwashed and brain dead. She will be defeated and disgraced if not arrested first. The FBI and whomever else is investigating her shananigans isn't doing it for no reason...there has to be plenty of reasons and evidence to even start an something very serious is up...why is everyone on the radical left ignoring the very fact that there are high level investigations of the democratic nominee ....she makes President Trump look more saintly.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

Bigdog wrote:Ok, it could be 98%.....they are still democrats whether they vote or not
Still pulling numbers out of your ass. WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE THAT ALL GANGBANGERS ARE DEMOCRATS??? I'm not a conservative. I don't believe it's true just because you say it is.
Bigdog wrote: Tell me one good reason to vote for Crooked, dirty, lying Hilary. Besides being against President Trump.
The best reason is because she is qualified for the job of president. She was a practicing lawyer and law professor, a First Lady, a two term state Senator, and Secretary of State of the United States. Now let's hear con man Donald's qualifications.
Bigdog wrote:Benghazi when she couldn't answer the phone at 3 AM?.
That's a right wing lie. She was absolved of any wrongdoing by 7 different Republic led investigations. Damn you so f#cking misinformed.
Bigdog wrote:Maybe because of her illegal email server sending out classified info?.
Personal server... not illegal server. And in case you haven't noticed, she HAS NOT been indicted.
Bigdog wrote:Because she wants to keep the borders open so more democrats can illegally come in..
She will work on the immigration problems while not closing the borders like the scared whiny little bitch con man Donald.
Bigdog wrote:Her ties to wall street ....after all it always comes down to money
Con man Donald's entire existence has ALWAYS been nothing but wall street and money. Every single thing he does is solely for his own benefit.

Clinton will win the election easily. Do you think all the highest ranking Democrats, including the president, would support her if they thought she would be indicted? If the FBI had a solid case they would have made their move by now. There must have been "reasons and evidence" to start the Benghazi investigation and look where that went.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

8) Gang bangers are Democrats really, I thought they were more like Anarchists since they thrive on a break down of any law and order? All of these stories about Hillary are just that stories. After all these years if any of this were true wouldn't she have been arrested and sent to jail like the Republican governor of Virginia was? At least she has not been sued in civil court in a class action, like Trump is over his bogus university. Trump ripped off hard working middle class people, the very people he wants to save. That is a funny way to save someone, taking the last few dollars they have. If he were elected President I just wonder how he would help the rest of us? That kind of help I can do without.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

8) The Republicans must really be spinning now, after seeing the latest poll that shows Trump's negatives have now topped 71%. Compared with Hillary's negative number at 55%. Just weeks before the convention and none of the wealthy fat cats want to pony up the billion dollars for his campaign. One fellow billionaire said Trump only has around 170 million dollars that is liquid and can be used for his run for President. So he can't really fund his own self like he boasted so many times. With the danger of losing the down ticket as well the pressure is really on the party to Dump Trump at the convention. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

Con man Donald can add the gay community to the list of groups he's alienated. He has narrowed his potential voters to uneducated white men. I'm really hoping they don't take the nomination away from him. I want to watch him lose terribly and not give morons the chance to say he would have won.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

wiseguy wrote:Con man Donald can add the gay community to the list of groups he's alienated. He has narrowed his potential voters to uneducated white men. I'm really hoping they don't take the nomination away from him. I want to watch him lose terribly and not give morons the chance to say he would have won.

8) I would say right now it is an even money bet as to whether The Donald will be done out of the nomination. The two leading Republicans Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell want to keep their jobs as leaders of both houses. The more it becomes apparent that Trump will cause them to loose their powerful positions, the more likely it becomes that they will try to Dump Trump at the convention. After all Trump is just an amateur compared to these veterans, and they know how to rig the system. If they do him out of the nomination don't plan on him going without a fuss and many of his supporters will leave with him. Either way the GOP is looking at a no win situation.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

The Lone Ranger wrote:

8) I would say right now it is an even money bet as to whether The Donald will be done out of the nomination. The two leading Republicans Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell want to keep their jobs as leaders of both houses. The more it becomes apparent that Trump will cause them to loose their powerful positions, the more likely it becomes that they will try to Dump Trump at the convention. After all Trump is just an amateur compared to these veterans, and they know how to rig the system. If they do him out of the nomination don't plan on him going without a fuss and many of his supporters will leave with him. Either way the GOP is looking at a no win situation.
A no win situation is exactly what they face. Every day more prominent Republicans are distancing themselves from con man Donald with some leaving the party and/or vowing to vote for Hillary. I have to admit that I'm enjoying the GOP implosion being caused by the monster they created. There has been a lot of talk lately about the RNC's option to change the rules at will. Of course if they do dump Trump he will certainly throw a hissy fit and run anyway just to punish them. If that would happen there would really be no point in having the presidential general election lol.

I just cannot believe how much stupid shit con man Donald says EVERY SINGLE DAY. How very stupid must his supporters be to keep following this absolute moron? I could walk into any bar on a Saturday night and pick ten people who are better qualified to be president.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

8) One thing is for sure this recent shooting in Florida was thought to play into Trump's hands, and all it has done is renew the call for gun control. Even Mitch McConnell wants to do something to keep guns out of the hands of terrorists, with the Democrats acting up in the Senate a bill might pass. The trouble is it would never get out of committee in the House. If the Republicans want to save this election cycle they need to do something about gun control and immigration reform. If they don't, then they will be seen for the do nothing bigots, who are in the the pocket of gun lobby, they really are.
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