a few things are not being completely understood...
first the law, sb1070 is not to stop cops from pulling over hispanics.
i am required by federal law to have id proving who i am and my eligibility to be here (read your SS card or drivers license, both say that it must be presented upon demand). if i get pulled over for speeding and do not have a DL to show them, they can ask for other ID, and if i can not provide that, they CAN detain me until my identity id determined. SB1070 states that they can NOT do that to anyone of any hispanic origin. If someone hispanic gets pulled over, for speeding and can not provide a license, the officer can not investigate further and ask for other documentation showing identity or eligibility to be here. they must under the law say "thank you" and send them on their way.
second, according to border patrol,
OCT 1 - NOV 30, 2014---- 4,577 families crossed the southwestern border illegally
OCT 1 - NOV 30, 2015----12,505 families crossed the southwestern border illegally
an increase of 173%
why is this happening? here is a picture of the actual U.S. Mexico border in AZ.
yup....that's it.
and to make it worse....
illegal immigrants crossed the border and snuck in crossing the desert and died. the families of those immigrants (illegal immigrants...therefore by definition criminals who died during the commission of a crime) sued the state of Arizona and won so we are now legally required to keep these type of water stations out to make it safer for others to break the law.