
New KJ, I have some questions

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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

8) It has been very troubling to me that the President of the United States is not elected by the direct vote of the people. Rather we have this system of electoral votes which makes it possible for a minority vote candidate to be President. This problem goes all the way back to the first Andrew Jackson v.s. John Quincy Adams election back in the early 1800's. More recently we had the Bush II v.s. Gore election where Al Gore received more than 2 million votes but lost in the electoral college. With all the amendments we have had to the Constitution it would seem like after over 200 plus years, the people should finally determine who the President of the United States is. After all we are a Democratic Republic right?

Which brings me to the way the primaries are structured in determining who the party standard bearer should be. It would seem every state determines how the process for selecting delegates who in turn vote for candidates is carried out. This confusing mess of rules accomplishes one goal, that the real choice is not made by the primary voters, but rather by party insiders. This cries out for some kind of Federal reform of the whole process. I realize the the parties are independent organizations and can make up any rules they choose to, but really why cloak the primary process in the guise of true Democracy when it is anything but? Why create an illusion that the voters have some input when a person could emerge as the party leader and not even have run in the primary process? I think both parties should simplify the process and do away with this miss mash of conflicting rules. There should only be primaries conducted where the voters directly vote for their candidate, and either it is winner take all or delegates are divided based on percentage of the vote obtained. No more of this you elect Joe Smith, and he votes for someone else, then that person goes to the state convention and elects the real delegate.

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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

8) after reading my last post I can see where the readers might be confused. I meant to say Al Gore won the popular vote total by over 2 million votes and still lost in the electoral college delegate vote total. I hope that clears things up some.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by Bigdog »

Obama refused to stop the open border between us and Mexico. That's a FACT...ok give it the old democratic denial....Any attacks here can be directly blamed on him. Just another failure for his administration. Trump wants to fix it to keep America safe.
No infrastructure upgrades...another failure..

Republicans trying to keep the democrats from bankrupting the country with all the FREE vote buying stuff...sure blame the Detroit water problem on the republicans... Who pays for all the free stuff after everyone is broke.. I'm not ok with my tax money funding people that are perfectly able to work but refuse to.. I'm not ok with my tax money funding illegal aliens stay here..
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

Bigdog wrote:Obama refused to stop the open border between us and Mexico. That's a FACT...ok give it the old democratic denial....Any attacks here can be directly blamed on him. Just another failure for his administration. Trump wants to fix it to keep America safe.
No infrastructure upgrades...another failure..

Republicans trying to keep the democrats from bankrupting the country with all the FREE vote buying stuff...sure blame the Detroit water problem on the republicans... Who pays for all the free stuff after everyone is broke.. I'm not ok with my tax money funding people that are perfectly able to work but refuse to.. I'm not ok with my tax money funding illegal aliens stay here..
You wouldn't know a fact if it bit you in the ass. More mexican immigrants have left the country than have entered the country since Obama took office... that is a fact. Illegal border crossings are at lowest levels in 40 years... that is a fact. You also need to stop showing your ignorance of the way our government operates. The president does not have the power to order infrastructure upgrades. That takes allocations by Congress who refuse to let anything good happen while Obama is president... that is a fact. You have a problem with needy people receiving public assistance (welfare fraud is very low whether or not you choose to believe it) but you don't seem to care about the real welfare queens which are big oil and other corporations who receive billions in subsidies. This a direct result of loopholes put in place and allowed to remain by the Republicans.
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The Lone Ranger
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

Bigdog wrote:Obama refused to stop the open border between us and Mexico. That's a FACT...ok give it the old democratic denial....Any attacks here can be directly blamed on him. Just another failure for his administration. Trump wants to fix it to keep America safe.
No infrastructure upgrades...another failure..

Republicans trying to keep the democrats from bankrupting the country with all the FREE vote buying stuff...sure blame the Detroit water problem on the republicans... Who pays for all the free stuff after everyone is broke.. I'm not ok with my tax money funding people that are perfectly able to work but refuse to.. I'm not ok with my tax money funding illegal aliens stay here..

8) No wall is going to keep migrants out, the Mexican Drug Cartels have proved this, they still move large amounts of drugs into this country through tunnels beneath the barriers. If there is a reason mostly financial someone will figure out a way to get around any type of defensive system, remember the Maginot Line in WWII. A little discussed fact that most Latinos know is that the current administration has deported over 2 million undocumented migrant workers in the two terms of Obama. There is no way physically you can seal off the border short of deploying the military along it, something we haven't done since the Mexican Revolution of the early 1900's. Both parties are guilty of not settling the problem for a long time now. There was a chance for comprehensive legislation pushed ironically in the Senate by Little Marco Rubio. Recently he has back tracked on this position, and even wants to end the free Federal benefits given to his fellow Cuban exiles. The simple and most direct way to control the border is to enforce the laws we have on the books holding employers responsible for hiring undocumented workers. If we were to do this however I doubt there would be enough people to fill many jobs; especially in the harvesting of crops. Not too many citizens want to work in the fields for low wages, doing stoop labor, anymore.

The President did want to have a comprehensive jobs bill passed by the Congress, that would have included money for infrastructure improvements. He sets the goals, but he does not control the power of the purse, that is under the control of the Congress. The Republicans already had egg on their faces because of the big government bailout of banks started by Bush II. Despite their opposition the unemployment numbers have been going down steadily under Obama. Most of these jobs are low paying service related, Republicans did not want him to get credit for the high paying construction jobs that would have made the economy look even better. They have been working too hard to make him a one term failure. They are the one's that have dragged their collective heels, and have really hurt all of us, in the process.

What is bankrupting this country bigdog is not the free stuff given to ordinary citizens, but rather the corporate welfare given to big business, and also the massive amount of money that goes into defense, oh and fighting wars and not raising taxes to pay for them, just adding them to the National Debt. We spend more than our nearest 10 rivals put together on defense. We maintain troops in 120 countries, and bases all around the world. We contract out to private industry even the feeding of our troops, when I was in the military we had our own cooks and bakers. Kinda smart since these contractors hire local people that could slip anything into the troops chow today. I would think that with all of the aircraft carriers, jets, tanks and other expensive weapons systems we buy and maintain, we should also be able to insure that drinking water is safe for children. My father only had a 4th grade education to begin with and had to teach himself how to read and write, and eventually math all from books. Back in Oklahoma where he came from if you were too poor to buy your textbooks, you couldn't go to school. People call them the good old days really? He once told me that children had to be well fed in order to develop properly and learn. This was before any school lunch programs, or food stamps, he knew this in his gut before any medical study was ever made. The reason the Republicans are blamed for the water situation is because they took over the city administration from the mayors in Flint and Detroit and imposed city managers that could override the duly elected officials. They set themselves up as overlords with absolute power, when they make choices about policy who else is there to blame, please tell me?
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

8) Well New York is over and it looks like the front runners are still out front. Despite the fact that both Hillary and The Donald have the lowest approval ratings of any two front runners ever. This is clearly going to be an election where the voter will be asked to hold their collective noses and vote for the lesser of two evils. Depending of course upon your individual definition of what evil is. It would seem that it is impossible today with our mass media abilities to have candidates that are like Caesar's wife above reproach. Of course that was back in the day were the guy could have all kinds of character flaws, but the wife had to be pure. That says something about our political process, where anyone who wants to run for office has to run the media obstacle course to get elected. No wonder many qualified people just say no way.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

8) It looks like Trump will sweep all five primary contests tomorrow. This has forced Cruz and Kasich to form an unholy alliance in order to stop Trump. Until recently lying Ted thought he could still win on his own. This last act shows how desperate these two candidates are and to what lengths they will go to in order to extend the process to the convention itself. Both are hoping that they will emerge as the winner if they can stop Trump on the first ballot. I feel since Trump is projected ahead in Indiana, the race could be decided by that primary, if Trump wins he will be unstoppable. The Republicans will have to accept the Donald as their standard bearer. Something they have been promoting unknown even to themselves all these years. The party elites thought they could control the base, and now the monster is released and they have to deal with the destruction they have created.

Bernie is almost done also, the only thing that he can hope for is to influence the platform at the party convention. The only way he will emerge as the standard bearer for the party, would be if Hillary's e-mail problems force her out of the race. At this point it would seem that the President has indicated there is not enough there to pursue the matter. It's up to the F.B.I. to sign off though and they haven't at this point indicated they are done with the matter.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

8) Lying Ted has turned into desperate Ted, his last move declaring his running mate has taken the final arrow out of his quiver and shot it. He really has nothing left between now and Indiana he can throw into the pot, he is all in. That being said Trump is according to the latest poll 6 points ahead in Indiana. It appears that more Republican leaders are accepting the fact that Trump will be the party standard bearer. It remains to be seen if Trump can beat Hillary in the Fall. If you were to look at his negatives you would say no, but if a day is a lifetime in politics then there is still time to try and win over voters. This country is so polarized that only about 5% of the independent swing voters decide these elections, this narrow margin decides elections usually, unless Hillary can achieve a blowout, it could still be a close race.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

8) Desperate Ted is now "Lucifer In The Flesh"? I thought Lucifer was supposed to be charming, before his fall he was the most perfect of the angels in heaven, too perfect since he felt he could challenge God himself. I don't doubt that Ted made former speaker of the House John B's job a living hell, but to compare him to Satan just might be a little over the top. On the other hand there are some Republicans that feel that maybe John might me doing a disservice to the Prince Of Darkness. One thing for sure it is really hard to like a candidate that is so reviled by his own party.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by Paradigm Karaoke »

wiseguy wrote: More mexican immigrants have left the country than have entered the country since Obama took office... that is a fact. Illegal border crossings are at lowest levels in 40 years... that is a fact.
hard for me to agree....i live in AZ and it is getting worse all the time, not better. the fact is that police can not do anything about it. there is a dumb ass law in AZ that passed a few years back that made it so a cop CAN NOT ask for the immegration status of a hispanic individual during a traffic stop. it is considered profiling and there have already been suits against the sherrifs office and the city by illegal immegrants (yeah, they can sue us) for asking to see his proof of eligibility to be in the U.S. (when they only have a mexico drivers license or none at all) and it was considered profiling (even though he was here illegally and admitted sneaking across the border). this is the crap we have going on right now.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

Paradigm Karaoke wrote:
wiseguy wrote: More mexican immigrants have left the country than have entered the country since Obama took office... that is a fact. Illegal border crossings are at lowest levels in 40 years... that is a fact.
hard for me to agree....i live in AZ and it is getting worse all the time, not better. the fact is that police can not do anything about it. there is a dumb ass law in AZ that passed a few years back that made it so a cop CAN NOT ask for the immegration status of a hispanic individual during a traffic stop. it is considered profiling and there have already been suits against the sherrifs office and the city by illegal immegrants (yeah, they can sue us) for asking to see his proof of eligibility to be in the U.S. (when they only have a mexico drivers license or none at all) and it was considered profiling (even though he was here illegally and admitted sneaking across the border). this is the crap we have going on right now.

8) Why do the migrants come here? The answer is jobs, since our economy hit the skids with the Wall Street meltdown many have gone back home, there has been at least 1 million workers that have returned to Mexico. When comprehensive immigration reform failed in the House, even though it passed in the Senate, the problem was kicked down the road, just like all the other problems facing this country. Neither party wants to change the status quo. The Republican businessmen love the cheap labor, since it blunts the power of unions. The Democrats see these potential new citizens as future voters, there is no incentive to change the current situation. Until both parties come together to solve this problem we will continue to have problems with our porus borders, this is also a security problem. A country that doesn't enforce it's border protection is really not a country.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

Paradigm Karaoke wrote:
wiseguy wrote: More mexican immigrants have left the country than have entered the country since Obama took office... that is a fact. Illegal border crossings are at lowest levels in 40 years... that is a fact.
hard for me to agree....i live in AZ and it is getting worse all the time, not better. the fact is that police can not do anything about it. there is a dumb ass law in AZ that passed a few years back that made it so a cop CAN NOT ask for the immegration status of a hispanic individual during a traffic stop. it is considered profiling and there have already been suits against the sherrifs office and the city by illegal immegrants (yeah, they can sue us) for asking to see his proof of eligibility to be in the U.S. (when they only have a mexico drivers license or none at all) and it was considered profiling (even though he was here illegally and admitted sneaking across the border). this is the crap we have going on right now.
When it's a fact you have no choice but to agree. Unless you can provide evidence that it is not a fact. Passing that anti-discrimination law was the right thing to do. Before that the police could pull someone over and make them prove they are allowed to be in the country just because of how they look. That IS profiling and should be outlawed in every instance.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

wiseguy wrote: When it's a fact you have no choice but to agree. Unless you can provide evidence that it is not a fact. Passing that anti-discrimination law was the right thing to do. Before that the police could pull someone over and make them prove they are allowed to be in the country just because of how they look. That IS profiling and should be outlawed in every instance.

8) Really the passing of new laws is not the answer. The answer lies in enforcing the laws we have on the books that are ignored by the persons who knowingly hire undocumented workers. If the Federal laws were strictly enforced then there would be no problem, since the reason for the migration is employment. The problem would be that for many types of jobs there would be no one to do the work. Many jobs taken by undocumented workers are ones that most American citizens wouldn't do in the first place. Such as working in the harvesting of the very food we all eat. Enforcing the laws we have with the emphasis on holding the employers responsible is the first step in securing our borders. The next step would be very hard a comprehensive immigration and some type of foreign worker identification system. This protects us and those who come here seeking employment, it would bring them out of the shadows. These workers are exploited and getting every one on the same page and accountable, would benefit all.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

t b
The Lone Ranger wrote:
wiseguy wrote: When it's a fact you have no choice but to agree. Unless you can provide evidence that it is not a fact. Passing that anti-discrimination law was the right thing to do. Before that the police could pull someone over and make them prove they are allowed to be in the country just because of how they look. That IS profiling and should be outlawed in every instance.

8) Really the passing of new laws is not the answer. The answer lies in enforcing the laws we have on the books that are ignored by the persons who knowingly hire undocumented workers. If the Federal laws were strictly enforced then there would be no problem, since the reason for the migration is employment. The problem would be that for many types of jobs there would be no one to do the work. Many jobs taken by undocumented workers are ones that most American citizens wouldn't do in the first place. Such as working in the harvesting of the very food we all eat. Enforcing the laws we have with the emphasis on holding the employers responsible is the first step in securing our borders. The next step would be very hard a comprehensive immigration and some type of foreign worker identification system. This protects us and those who come here seeking employment, it would bring them out of the shadows. These workers are exploited and getting every one on the same page and accountable, would benefit all.
That law was not about protecting illegal immigrants. It was about protecting the right of American citizens to not be harrassed just because of their nationality.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

wiseguy wrote:
That law was not about protecting illegal immigrants. It was about protecting the right of American citizens to not be harrassed just because of their nationality.

8) I agree with you wiseguy the prior law put the burden in the wrong place by racially profiling a group of individuals of which some are American citizens. All I'm saying is we are going about this problem in the wrong way. We should place the burden on the business individuals which I'm sure are American citizens also. The reason for the migration is jobs, and if we make sure that the laws concerning hiring documented workers is enforced and that would solve a big part of the problem. We need to get a handle on how many undocumented people are here, and we need to make sure that the criminal and radical elements are kept out.

Not controlling our borders will lead to the current confusion that exists today. We need to upgrade our guest worker program so that farmers and others that need seasonal workers can obtain the help they need. By making sure that all foreign nationals have a proper means of identification we enforce the rule of law. I don't think it is unreasonable to have to show documentation to obtain employment, even citizens have to show their Social Security card. That way we can make sure that everyone is paying into the system, and that workers that are currently paying on false cards can draw their benefits.
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