
New KJ, I have some questions

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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

The Lone Ranger wrote:very funny wiseguy.

By the way wiseguy do you think Bigdog is starting to feel the burn? Looks like it could be Sanders v.s. Trump, well at least this time voters could have a real choice, instead of the middle of the road baloney from both parties. Its Sunday everyone have a great day.
Bigdog feel the Bern... lol... I seriously doubt it. He thinks Obama is a socialist :lol:

I seriously doubt that Trump will get the nomination. He polls consistently at around 30% but will need 50% to win the nomination outright. This will almost certainly come down to the RNC selecting a candidate and they hate Trump. I don't know what you're talking about with this "middle of the road baloney from both parties" in the last election. I believe Obama to be one of our greatest presidents. Few could accomplish what he has despite such unprecedented obstruction from the opposite party.

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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

wiseguy wrote:
The Lone Ranger wrote:very funny wiseguy.

By the way wiseguy do you think Bigdog is starting to feel the burn? Looks like it could be Sanders v.s. Trump, well at least this time voters could have a real choice, instead of the middle of the road baloney from both parties. Its Sunday everyone have a great day.
Bigdog feel the Bern... lol... I seriously doubt it. He thinks Obama is a socialist :lol:

I seriously doubt that Trump will get the nomination. He polls consistently at around 30% but will need 50% to win the nomination outright. This will almost certainly come down to the RNC selecting a candidate and they hate Trump. I don't know what you're talking about with this "middle of the road baloney from both parties" in the last election. I believe Obama to be one of our greatest presidents. Few could accomplish what he has despite such unprecedented obstruction from the opposite party.
8) What I meant by feel the burn wiseguy was coming around to the idea that a socialist could be in play for the office of President. When polled it was found out that most voters are more comfortable with an Atheist than a Socialist nominee. Obama is a president that has accomplished much despite all the forces coming against him. He is, however, a middle of the road political figure. Even the establishment Republican wing of the party are center on the political spectrum. This seems to be the year of the fringe candidates with populism themes forcing the establishment elements of both parties to move farther to the right and the left. What I meant by the middle of the road baloney is the simple fact that the wealthy of this country give money to both sides, with the hope that middle of the road reps will be elected. This means things will change little in this country and the current policies will continue like they have. After all why would the rich want things to change most of the wealth is concentrated in the top 3%? The Republican party is coming to the conclusion that Trump could very well be the nominee, if you take his 30% and Ted Cruz drops out along with Ben Carson, Trump would be over 50%. Just like the establishment wing thins out the outsider wing will also thin out. Carly is already off the big stage.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

First off, Sanders is not a socialist. He's a "democratic socialist"... there's a difference... and Americans are beginning to learn this. It's why he has been surging in the polls and will probably end up being the democratic nominee. Polls also show that if there was a national election today Sanders would destroy Trump. Not so much with Clinton

A candidate would not only have to drop out but it would have to be likely that his supporters would jump over to Trump. The only three candidates whose supporters would be likely to shift to Trump are Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina, and Mike Huckabee. The latter two are so close to zero in the polls that there would be nothing for Trump to gain. It is extremely unlikely that Cruz will drop out.

I would love to see Trump get the nomination as much as the rebublican party would love to see him lose it.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

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What's all this got to do with karaoke ?
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger » wrote:What's all this got to do with karaoke ?
8) Your right not much, but since nobody seemed to be responding to the original post what the hell!
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

The Lone Ranger wrote:
wiseguy wrote:First off, Sanders is not a socialist. He's a "democratic socialist"... there's a difference... and Americans are beginning to learn this.
8) You have to admit wiseguy voters are not focusing on the democratic part only the socialist part. Just like in Germany there are Christian Socialists as well National Socialists,as well Christian Demos. What I find amusing if you ask a political person like Clinton or Haley Barber what a socialist is they don't really know.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

It's true... most Americans are sadly not well educated in this area. The word "socialist" might as well be "communist" for the reaction it invokes. But there is a reason why Sanders is doing so well and that reason is because he is getting through to the American voters. They are agreeing with him because of his common sense ideas whether or not they realize at the moment that they are democratic socialist ideas.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

The Lone Ranger wrote: wrote:What's all this got to do with karaoke ?
8) Your right not much, but since nobody seemed to be responding to the original post what the hell!
Also, the OP has not returned to post in this thread since he started it.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by Bigdog »

The commies have done an excellent job brainwashing everyone under 40 over the years...they make it look like a socialists (which are actually commies in disguise) are a good thing.... It has everything to do with karaoke because the crappy economy since the " BIG O" took office is killing the bar business the retail business the export business manufacturing business and the middle class. Once the baby boomers are all dead this country will be as commie as Cuba or Russia. The baby boomers are all that stand between a democracy and communism. The young people are totally falling for their plan hook line and sinker..
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

Nobody is better at proving my point than Bigdog. :) I stated a few posts back... "It's true... most Americans are sadly not well educated in this area. The word "socialist" might as well be "communist" for the reaction it invokes."
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

Bigdog wrote:The commies have done an excellent job brainwashing everyone under 40 over the years...they make it look like a socialists (which are actually commies in disguise) are a good thing.... It has everything to do with karaoke because the crappy economy since the " BIG O" took office is killing the bar business the retail business the export business manufacturing business and the middle class. Once the baby boomers are all dead this country will be as commie as Cuba or Russia. The baby boomers are all that stand between a democracy and communism. The young people are totally falling for their plan hook line and sinker..
8) First the commies would have to find a brain to wash. I'm a baby boomer, I just happen to think for myself, it also happens to be an advantage that my major in college was History. A subject in this country that is derided, but is important if you are going to have some since of where we have been and where we are going. Socialists and Communists hate each other and historically in countries where both exist, they try to get rid of each other. There are many forms of Socialism, some mellow others more radical.

Did you know that the German Nazis were National Socialists? Hitler did not take power in a coup, but was freely elected by the German voters. Of course you remember Bigdog WWII, oh that was my father and mother's generation, maybe not. Anyway Hitler always thought that the major threat to Western Civilization was the Communists. That is why he invaded Russia and killed more Communists than the true Western Democracies ever thought of. Hitler actually wanted to make a deal with Churchill and have the West get rid of Russia altogether, of course Churchill did not take him up on his proposal and continued to fight Germany.

I think what confuses people about the term Socialist is there are so many forms of Socialism. Basically Socialism involves in varying degrees the government ownership of some key industries or services, allowing in various degrees private ownership of other industries or services.
We have had a form of this type of shared ownership in this country for the longest time, it is called the "Mixed Economy". There are some things the government does that private industry is not allowed to do. Print money, provide security for the nation, this one is a big industry since it employees millions of people and consumes a large chunk of the budget, administer the various government programs, although privatization is the battle cry of the far right.

The reason why a government safety net is important, is to prevent large segments of our population to live in poverty and creating a force that will lead eventually to a violent revolution in this country where everyone has the right to bear arms. When you think of the fact that 50% of the population of this country after working their whole lives have less than $1,000.00 in savings, it makes sense for the rich to pay more since they have so much to lose.

As far as the big O being responsible for the bad economy, I think once again you forget the history of the last 7 plus years. When the big O took office the economy was already in the toilet. He was asked to clean out the bowl and get the backed up sewage moving again. It was on Bush II's watch that 9/11 happened, Katrina, and the Economic Meltdown. After that anything would be better. Going back even farther during Clinton's Presidency we had a booming economy and we were set to pay off the National Debt by 2010 with our tax surpluses. Then Bush II came in cut taxes, and preceded to fight two wars without raising the taxes to fight them, he put everything on the government credit card, this is a Conservative, really? Net result an 18 trillion dollar National Debt and counting.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

wiseguy wrote:It's true... most Americans are sadly not well educated in this area. The word "socialist" might as well be "communist" for the reaction it invokes. But there is a reason why Sanders is doing so well and that reason is because he is getting through to the American voters. They are agreeing with him because of his common sense ideas whether or not they realize at the moment that they are democratic socialist ideas.

8) During the Russian Revolution the Socialists split between the Minsheviks aka the other Socialists, and the Bolsheviks aka the Communists. The former wanted a Democratic transition to political power, and the Communists wanted radical change, without the trappings of a elected transition. Where real Socialists prefer a balancing act between Government and Private ownership of property. Communists want all aspects of the economy controlled by the government. Because the moderates wanted Russia to continue to fight in WWI, they eventually lost power to the Communists who signed a treaty and withdrew from the war. The United States has always had what is called a "Mixed Economy, a balance between Government and Private business. So in a way the basis for Socialism has always been here we just didn't call it Socialism. Both of the two most popular programs offered by the Government Social Security and Medicare are Socialist programs. Social Security was introduced in Germany by Chancellor Bismark hardly a Communist more of a Monarchist. Medicare is a single payer health plan for the elderly, and we are just coming around to the idea all citizens should have the same benefit, and not have to wait until you are nearly dead to get it.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by Bigdog »

The commies already control the government ....pretending to be socialists. Too many freebies are being given out to too many lazy unwilling to work people that think the government owes them free stuff just because....the other reason is the economy is in the toilet...with nothing and no way to recover..the 17 trillion dollars in debt will never be repaid unless they impose 95% tax rate on every living person.. Over the age of newborn. We owe China way too much money without any sign Of repayment... If you were China and I just keep telling you the check is in the mail.... How long will it be until you come to break my legs? China is way over due to take some kind of drastic action to recover their money.
If you think the economy is doing well they did a successful job in your brainwashing....and it didn't take much scrubbing..
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by Bigdog »

As for the 3 packs of second hand smoke...lets do some simple math.. Since the smoking law was changed in PA the smoking bars became filled with nothing but smokers... Chain smokers at that...99% of the people in the smoking bars smoke....that's the only reason they are there.... 50 smokers in the bar...each smokes one cigarette every half hour...most smoke every 15-20 minutes but I'll be conservative for the math... 50 cigarettes every half hour...I'm in the bar for 6 hours...working 4 and 2 hours to setup and tear down..100 cigarettes evey hour Times 6 hours equals... 600 cigarettes or 3 entire cartons.... So how much second hand smoke would that equal.... And now there is cancer danger from third hand smoke which is from the smoke residue laying on everything in the bar from your equipment to the song books & food you ordered...
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

Bigdog wrote:The commies already control the government ....pretending to be socialists. Too many freebies are being given out to too many lazy unwilling to work people that think the government owes them free stuff just because....the other reason is the economy is in the toilet...with nothing and no way to recover..the 17 trillion dollars in debt will never be repaid unless they impose 95% tax rate on every living person.. Over the age of newborn. We owe China way too much money without any sign Of repayment... If you were China and I just keep telling you the check is in the mail.... How long will it be until you come to break my legs? China is way over due to take some kind of drastic action to recover their money.
If you think the economy is doing well they did a successful job in your brainwashing....and it didn't take much scrubbing..

8) If the commies really control the government why do we dislike Putin so much? Not to mention the majority party currently is the Republican Party now they are commies as well? The lion's share of the freebies given out in this country go to corporations, "Corporate Welfare". We pay so much for defense that we are letting our rail systems, roads, bridges, airports, dams, ports, and schools crumble away.
The reason we are 18 trillion dollars in debt is because we decided to give tax cuts to everyone, and chose to fight wars for the first time in history without raising the taxes to pay for them.

If you listen to that wide eyed communist the Republican Gov. of Ohio John Kasich all we have to do is return to the compromise hammered out during the Clinton Presidency; by the then taking to each other Demos and Republicans. We would once again have a growing economy and pay off the money we owe. Although thanks to that Conservative Bush II, it will take much longer to accomplish. Many American Corporations are heavily invested in China, if we do anything to upset the apple cart, we will only be hurting ourselves. Since today all of the world economies are so intertwined that if one suffers we all feel the pain.
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