Singer History...
Right now I'm saving singers song slips....people do like it when I hand them their old slips...but It's becoming a pain for me because I have the slips for about 800 different singers in the last 5 years...carrying them around and storing them is a pain..
So having an onboard history would be nice...however....then everyone has to come to me and ask me to pull up their history so they can make a song decision...Which interfers with me running my show and attending to the mixer...I want a history on the computer but I like the song slip thing too because...I use their song slips to keep my rotation in order....with just a computer history...I still have to make a slip with their name on it to maintain my rotation..
This will also keep the traffic down around my table....If someone has a question I can answer it pretty fast...if I have 25 singers in a line waiting to see their history....I need a traffic cop...
So I'm torn over the whole issue of paper or green..(on the computer)
Who's up next.....I will not run that across my screen for several reasons....I inject new singers into the rotation as they come in...So if the screen says Bob's Next and I get 10 new singers just walking in...Bob might not be next and now I have a problem...
I'll never do the who's next screen trailer...
I personally walk up to each singer that is next and hand them the microphone before they sing. This does several things...I get an eyeball and personal contact on the next singer to make sure they are ready and not unavailable...Which happens very often. So Since I know who the singer is after them...I can make an instant correction and Skip Bob...for one song, go to the next singer and then catch Bob on the next song. My show never stops....I'm not yelling for BOB over the some idiot can yell BOB'S POOPING...
Everyone knows who to get the microphone from or who to hand it to when they are done.... Slam bam dead air....
It also puts me into the crowd every few minutes....making me appear to be very interactive...and I can hear the sound system and make any ajustments from being in front of the speakers hearing exactly what the crowd hears......I set up behind the speakers to protect what's left of my hearing..
All of these things make me look more professional than everyone...IMO